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Power Point Presentation "Jobs"

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В данной презентации содержатся ссылки на познавательные видео и фото материалы. Также, имеются несколько ссылок на онлайн-сервисы для закрепления темы!

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«Power Point Presentation "Jobs"»

Date: The 25 th of November Theme: JOBs

Date: The 25 th of November

Theme: JOBs

The song “People of the world” So, let’s start our lesson. First of all, children, look at the active board, I want to show you a video https ://youtu.be/1j2svB9cbTI

The song “People of the world”

So, let’s start our lesson. First of all, children, look at the active board, I want to show you a video https ://youtu.be/1j2svB9cbTI

The song “People of the world”  Let’s sing this song together!

The song “People of the world” Let’s sing this song together!

Today we will know more about Jobs! So, children, there are different colour hair, different eyes, different skin, different faces, and different people who have different jobs! Now, we will watch the video about types of jobs https://youtu.be/ORGLQudvMWE

Today we will know more about Jobs!

  • So, children, there are different colour hair, different eyes, different skin, different faces, and different people who have different jobs!

Now, we will watch the video about types of jobs https://youtu.be/ORGLQudvMWE

Task 1 – knowledge Match the names with their pictures on the Active Board https:// learningapps.org/watch?v=p0ubd6v0321

Task 1 – knowledge

  • Match the names with their pictures on the Active Board https:// learningapps.org/watch?v=p0ubd6v0321

Task 2 – comprehension

Task 2 – comprehension

  • You need to repeat the jobs shown in the Student’s Book on page 45 then translate them into Kazakh and Russian languages https://prezi.com/view/31Hcie3TpZm8xZAK7UUZ /
Task 3 – application

Task 3 – application

  • SB Ex. 1 b p. 45
  • Match the sentences with their pictures https:// wordwall.net/ru/resource/12570666 /
Task 4 – analysis Write about a dream job. For example: When I grow up, I will be a police officer. I will protect people.

Task 4 – analysis

  • Write about a dream job.

For example:

When I grow up, I will be a police officer. I will protect people.

Task 5 - synthesis Make a mind map about the work of a teacher using key words: funny-serious, quiet-noisy, clever-silly, polite-rude, lazy-hardworking https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOfjpxy4=/? invite_link_id=831927373798

Task 5 - synthesis

  • Make a mind map about the work of a teacher using key words:

funny-serious, quiet-noisy, clever-silly, polite-rude, lazy-hardworking

https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOfjpxy4=/? invite_link_id=831927373798

Self-assessment   How I worked today …


How I worked today …

  • 10 - I am active and I liked the lesson
  • 7 - I understand all, but I need practice
  • 5 - I don’t understand

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Power Point Presentation "Jobs"

Автор: Хасенова Айгерим Ермековна

Дата: 06.02.2022

Номер свидетельства: 599638

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