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Писатели Британии

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«Писатели Британии»

Famous  British writers  done by Kisseleva A.A.  school № 60

Famous British writers

done by Kisseleva A.A.

school № 60

Charlotte Bronte the dates of the life: 1816 – 1855

Charlotte Bronte

  • the dates of the life: 1816 – 1855

  • a famous English writer
  • one of the four daughters of a clergyman ( священник)
  • one of six children in the family
  • had to spend her childhood at a charity-school with three of her sisters after their mother’s death
  • suffered from hunger and neglected colds
  • two of her sisters fell ill with tuberculosis and died
  • Charlotte became a teacher and a writer
  • she is remembered as the author of “Jane Eyre” which was published in 1847
Robert Burns - the dates of the life:1759-1796 - a famous Scottish poet

Robert Burns

- the dates of the life:1759-1796

- a famous Scottish poet

  • was born in the family of a farmer
  • began writing poems at the age of 15
  • admired country life, love and national pride and pictures all this in hundreds of his songs and poems
  • was closely connected with the national poetic and musical folklore
  • was the author of the song “Auld Lang Syne” ( «Доброе старое время»)
Charles Dickens -the dates of the life:1812-1870

Charles Dickens

-the dates of the life:1812-1870

  • one of the well-known English writers
  • was born in the family of a poor clerk (eight children)
  • was good at foreign languages and literature
  • at 15 he worked at a lawyer’s office and later became a writer
  • narrated the life of poor people and orphans at the time of Queen Victoria’s reign
  • the most famous works: “The Adventures of Oliver Twist” (1838), “The Pickwick Papers” (1837), “David Copperfield” (1850)
the dates of the life:  1890-1976 a well-known English writer of the 20 th century the most famous characters of her books were detectives many of her books were made into films and became very popular with a lot of people the best novels : “Murder on the Orient Express”  ( «Убийство в восточном экспрессе», 1934) ,  “Death on the Nile” («Смерть на Ниле», 1937)  Agatha Christie

the dates of the life: 1890-1976

  • a well-known English writer of the 20 th century
  • the most famous characters of her books were detectives
  • many of her books were made into films and became very popular with a lot of people
  • the best novels : “Murder on the Orient Express” ( «Убийство в восточном экспрессе», 1934) , “Death on the Nile” («Смерть на Ниле», 1937)

Agatha Christie

Robert Louis Stevenson  - the dates of the life:1850-1894

Robert Louis Stevenson

- the dates of the life:1850-1894

  • a well-known Scottish writer
  • adventure novels master
  • the best-known adventure novels in English
  • the famous works: “Treasure Island” ( «Остров сокровищ» , 1883 ) , “Kidnapped” ( «Похищенный», 1886)
Beatrix Potter the dates of the life:1866-1943

Beatrix Potter

  • the dates of the life:1866-1943

  • a famous English writer and illustrator
  • wrote animal stories for young children and drew pictures for her books
  • her books “The tale of Peter Rabbit”, “The Tailor of Gloucester” are very popular with British children and their parents
Walter Scott - the dates of the life:1771-1832

Walter Scott

- the dates of the life:1771-1832

  • a famous Scottish writer and poet
  • was born in the family of a barrister
  • entered into the spirit of the Scottish history, the verse of the folk ballads and legends
  • was famous for stories of Scottish life
  • was the founder of the historical novel in English literature
  • created 26 novels
  • one of the most famous novels is “Ivanhoe” ( «Айвенго»)
Graham Greene the dates of the life: 1904-1991

Graham Greene

the dates of the life: 1904-1991

  • a famous English writer
  • was born in Switzerland
  • was the son of a teacher
  • graduated from the Oxford University
  • worked for the journal “Spectator”
  • travelled to Africa and Mexico much
  • collected a lot of material for literary work
  • wrote novels and plays
  • “ Brighton Rock” is one of the most famous novels
  • wrote the story for the film “The Third Man”
William Shakespeare  the dates of the life: 1564-1616

William Shakespeare

the dates of the life: 1564-1616

  • a famous English writer, poet, playwright, actor
  • wrote comedies, tragedies and other plays
  • Shakespeare’s plays contain a lot of good morals and ethical lessons, help the reader to be better, wiser, happier
  • the most famous works: “Romeo and Juliet” (1595), “Hamlet” (1601), “Othello” (1604), “King Lear” (1605), “The Winter’s tale” and others
The winter’s tale Paulina Leontes Camillo Hermione

The winter’s tale





Literature - Электронное издание «Библиотека наглядных электронных пособий. Английский язык» - Верисокин Ю.И. Английский язык.8-11 классы. Развитие коммуникативных компетенций. Использование речевых опор.- Волгоград: Учитель, 2009.


- Электронное издание «Библиотека наглядных электронных пособий. Английский язык»

- Верисокин Ю.И. Английский язык.8-11 классы. Развитие коммуникативных компетенций. Использование речевых опор.- Волгоград: Учитель, 2009.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Писатели Британии

Автор: Киселева Анастасия Александровна

Дата: 16.11.2020

Номер свидетельства: 563524

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