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Данная работа посвещена Оксфорду -О?ксфорд (англ. Oxford — «воловий брод», «бычий брод», произносится [??ksf?rd]) — город в Великобритании, столица графства Оксфордшир. Известен благодаря старейшему в англоязычных странах и одному из старейших в Европе высших учебных заведений — Оксфордскому университету. Все ведущие рейтинги учебных заведений Великобритании называют этот университет лучшим в стране; кроме того, он дал миру около 50 Нобелевских лауреатов.

На уроке Английского языка можно кратко на основании данной презентации познакомиться с данным учебным заведением.

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Before the 12-th century there were no Universities in England. Oxford was the first.

Before the 12-th century there were no Universities in England. Oxford was the first.

The University buildings are a big attraction.

The University buildings are a big attraction.

Visit the Ashmolean Museum and discover ancient Chinese, Greek and Egyptian objects. Some are 5000 years old.

Visit the Ashmolean Museum and discover ancient Chinese, Greek and Egyptian objects. Some are 5000 years old.

There are famous painting by Botticelli, Rembrandt and Manet in this lovely old building.

There are famous painting by Botticelli, Rembrandt and Manet in this lovely old building.

Hire boats on the river.

Hire boats on the river.

There are two rivers, the river Cherwell and the river Thames. Be careful on the river Thames as it can be very busy with boats.

There are two rivers, the river Cherwell and the river Thames. Be careful on the river Thames as it can be very busy with boats.

Hire a bike and visit some of the more unusual sights, like the model of a shark diving into the roof of a house.

Hire a bike and visit some of the more unusual sights, like the model of a shark diving into the roof of a house.

Picnic in Christchurch Meadow. This is the centre of the city but you can imagine you are in the countryside. There are even cows here.

Picnic in Christchurch Meadow. This is the centre of the city but you can imagine you are in the countryside. There are even cows here.

Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс


Автор: Антон Валеев

Дата: 24.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 134816

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