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Наши любимые питомцы

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«Наши любимые питомцы»

Let’s remember the English sounds and words.

Let’s remember the English sounds and words.

  • [s]: hamster, pets, takes, most
  • [z]: is, isn’t, names, brothers, visit
  • [d]: didn’t, don’t, doesn’t, cleaned, feed
  • [t]: watched, washed, helped, not
  • [n]: dinner, phone, granny, name, Sunday
  • [p]: picture, played, piano, parrot, park
[k] Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, Can you catch that bad fat rat? If you catch that bat fat rat You’ll have some milk for  that.


Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,

Can you catch that bad fat rat?

If you catch that bat fat rat

You’ll have some milk for that.

  • Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, Can you catch that bad fat rat? If you catch that bat fat rat You’ll have some milk for that.
  • Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, Can you catch that bad fat rat? If you catch that bat fat rat You’ll have some milk for that.
  • Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, Can you catch that bad fat rat? If you catch that bat fat rat You’ll have some milk for that.
  • Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, Can you catch that bad fat rat? If you catch that bat fat rat You’ll have some milk for that.
The cat.

The cat.

The cat sat  on a mat.

The cat sat on a mat.

The fat rat.

The fat rat.

The fat rat  sat  on a mat.

The fat rat sat on a mat.

The fat bat.

The fat bat.

The bat and the rat  sat on a mat.

The bat and the rat sat on a mat.

The bat and the fat  rat  sat on the cat.

The bat and the fat rat sat on the cat.

The fat cat sat  on a mat.

The fat cat sat on a mat.

The cat sat  on a mat.  Which animal sat on the mat first?

The cat sat on a mat.

Which animal sat on the mat first?

The bat and the rat  sat on a mat. Who sat on the mat next to the fat rat?

The bat and the rat sat on a mat.

Who sat on the mat next to the fat rat?

The bat and the fat  rat  sat on the cat. Who sat on the cat?

The bat and the fat rat sat on the cat.

Who sat on the cat?

What happened to the rat and the bat?

What happened to the rat and the bat?

Let’s brush up your vocabulary  an insect

Let’s brush up your vocabulary

an insect

to save

to save









to fight

to fight

to join

to join

What’s the English for…

What’s the English for…

  • природный,
  • ловить,
  • хомяк,
  • клетка,
  • мир,
  • дикий,
  • спасать вымирающих животных ;
  • бороться с акулой,
  • бороться за,
  • вступить в общество,
  • по всему свету,
  • вид,
  • наблюдать,
  • бороться против жестокости по отношению к животным ;
“ Jumbled Words ”

“ Jumbled Words ”

  • lozoocalgi
  • roaund
  • tyesoci
  • pheleant
  • nimaal
  • Gfith
  • cwhat
  • rdaengeden
” What is missing ?”

” What is missing ?”

” What is missing ?”

” What is missing ?”

” What is missing ?”

” What is missing ?”

Let’s have a rest

Let’s have a rest

Do you remember the plan?

Do you remember the plan?

  • Have you got a pet?
  • What pet have you got?
  • What is his name?
  • How old is your pet?
  • What do you teach your pet to do?
  • What can your pet do?
  • What does your pet like to eat and to drink?
  • Do you play with your pet?
  • Your pet is clever and nice, isn’t it?
Put the words in the right order.

Put the words in the right order.

  • 1. Trafalgar, I, never, to, been, Square, have.
  • 2. Letter, has, Mike, already, that, read.
  • 3. Has, he, not, aunt, visited, his.
  • 4. Invited, we, just, have, friends, our.
  • 5. Have, work, finished, children, already, their.
Raise your head!  Jump up high!  Wave your hand!  And say *good-bye*.

Raise your head! Jump up high! Wave your hand! And say *good-bye*.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Наши любимые питомцы

Автор: Федулкина Анастасия Геннадьевна

Дата: 21.09.2020

Номер свидетельства: 558093

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    ["category_seo"] => string(10) "vneurochka"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(11) "presentacii"
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