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My favourite job

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English subject, School 11 Kattakurgan town Samarkand region

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«My favourite job»

Grade: 11  My dream job

Grade: 11 My dream job

As a child, each of us wants to become a cosmonaut, an ice-cream seller, an animal trainer or a chauffeur. Whenever we visit the zoo, we want to become zookeepers or vets.

As a child, each of us wants to become a cosmonaut, an ice-cream seller, an animal trainer or a chauffeur. Whenever we visit the zoo, we want to become zookeepers or vets.

When we go to the circus, we imagine ourselves being animal trainers or acrobats. When we visit the amusement park, we want to become balloon sellers. However, when we grow up, our plans rapidly change.
  • When we go to the circus, we imagine ourselves being animal trainers or acrobats. When we visit the amusement park, we want to become balloon sellers. However, when we grow up, our plans rapidly change.
There are a lot of different professions in this world. Some of them is more suitable for men, some of them is suitable for women but today due to gender equality they are no longer so divided. However, certain professions remain suitable mostly for men since they are considered physically hard, harmful or even dangerous.
  • There are a lot of different professions in this world. Some of them is more suitable for men, some of them is suitable for women but today due to gender equality they are no longer so divided. However, certain professions remain suitable mostly for men since they are considered physically hard, harmful or even dangerous.
Somebody wants to become a doctor. After finishing school they are going to enter medical institute. It seems to them that it’s their vocation. They like to help people.
  • Somebody wants to become a doctor. After finishing school they are going to enter medical institute. It seems to them that it’s their vocation. They like to help people.
It goes without saying that all pupils should choose their future professions before leaving school and it is very important to them to do it in the proper way. But for it you wouldn’t enjoy your life in future.
  • It goes without saying that all pupils should choose their future professions before leaving school and it is very important to them to do it in the proper way. But for it you wouldn’t enjoy your life in future.
They must work hard at their subjects, to read a lot, and to understand that its very important for their future life.

They must work hard at their subjects, to read a lot, and to understand that its very important for their future life.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

My favourite job

Автор: Azzamkulova Nodira Axmat qizi

Дата: 11.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 546142

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