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Class: 9. The theme of the lesson: Job interview.

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The theme of the lesson: Job interview.

The aims of the lesson: pupils review previous material ‘’work’’,discuss and interview each other; to teach the 9th formers to choose their favourite jobs, to make conclusion about crucial ages; to develop pupils speaking activities about jobs.

Type : a revision lesson.

Form : a lesson- interview.

Teaching activities: a guessing game, brainstorming riddles, mini test, pair work.

Procedure of the lesson

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«Class: 9. The theme of the lesson: Job interview.»

Class: 9.

The theme of the lesson: Job interview.

The aims of the lesson: pupils review previous material ‘’work’’ ,discuss and interview each other; to teach the 9th formers to choose their favourite jobs, to make conclusion about crucial ages; to develop pupils speaking activities about jobs.

Type : a revision lesson.

Form : a lesson- interview.

Teaching activities: a guessing game, brainstorming riddles, mini test, pair work.

Procedure of the lesson

I.Org. moment.

II. Warm –up : a guessing game ’’what job is it?’’

Pupils are divided into three groups. Each group explains and describes the most important things in ajob. The rest of the pupils should guess what job it is.

Group 1. ;You look after people in hospital. You sometimes work day and sometimes night. What jobs is it?

P1.: a doctor.

Group 2: You don’t walk. You don’t talk to the people in your cabin .You are in the air. What job is it?

P2: a pilot.

Group 3: You build houses, buildings. What job is it?

P 3: a builder.


1.Job description.

T: Here is a job description. Read and talk to each other. Which jobs do you like most? Why? Each of you will draw such a chart and fill it in(How much do you earn? Do you enjoy your work?How many days vacation do you have? Have you had any training?Are you good at it? What do you think of the responsibility of your job?)

Job description







2.Match words in A with those in B.



a.An architect

b.A geologist

c.A model



Wears and shows new fashions

Designs and draw plans for new buildings

Studies rocks, soils, mountains


Faxes, letters

  1. Make words:

  2. Civilservanteacherealtorunnertaxidriver.


5.T: Why are 16,17 and 18 considered to be crucial ages?(pupils should give their reasons and explain)

IV. Listen to the interview.(263-264).

A journalist interviews Jimmy:

  • How long have you been living on the stree?

  • For a year.

  • Why did you come to London?

  • Of course for a job.

  • What people can’t you stand?

  • I can’t stand people who drink or take drugs.

  • How many copies do you sell a day?

  • I usually sell 50 copies.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

T: Choose the right answer(5 questions and mini-test):

  1. He has been living on the street.

  1. For a month

  2. For a year

  3. For two years

2.Why did he come to London?

a)to look there

b) to look for a job

c) to study at the London university

3.What magazines has he been selling for?

a) the Times

b) the Big Issue

c) the Passion

4.What people can’t he stand? He can’t stand people

a)who talk a lot

b) who sleep a lot

c)who drink or take drugs

5.How many copies does he sell a day?

a) usually about 10

b) usually about 50

c) usually about 100

V. Interview about jobs.

Students play the role of a journalist and role of a doctor, a nurse…

VI.Home task.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Class: 9. The theme of the lesson: Job interview.

Автор: Садирова Арайлым Каниевна

Дата: 11.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 291915

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