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Modern technologies

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«Modern technologies»

The implementation of 5G will take a big chunk of our attention in 2021. With eight countries already testing it, it is certain that we are going to see more countries and cities get 5G connection. As a result, the industry will boom because of the extensive need for hardware that can work with this type of connection, from routers to new smartphones. 5G is set to become the next big thing in 2021.

The implementation of 5G will take a big chunk of our attention in 2021. With eight countries already testing it, it is certain that we are going to see more countries and cities get 5G connection. As a result, the industry will boom because of the extensive need for hardware that can work with this type of connection, from routers to new smartphones. 5G is set to become the next big thing in 2021.

At the moment, there are four generations of mobile communications in the world. It is believed that the fifth generation of mobile communications appeared in 2020. Each new generation of mobile communications appeared about 10 years after the previous one appeared. In the future, many more devices will be connected to the network, most of which will work on the principle of «always online». At the same time, low power consumption will be a very important parameter.

At the moment, there are four generations of mobile communications in the world. It is believed that the fifth generation of mobile communications appeared in 2020. Each new generation of mobile communications appeared about 10 years after the previous one appeared.

In the future, many more devices will be connected to the network, most of which will work on the principle of «always online». At the same time, low power consumption will be a very important parameter.

The first generation – in the early 80s, The second – in the early 90s, The third – in the early 00s, The fourth – in 2009, The first 5G networks – around 2020.

The first generation – in the early 80s,

The second – in the early 90s,

The third – in the early 00s,

The fourth – in 2009,

The first 5G networks – around 2020.

Virtualized 5G architecture Mobile communication networks are networks of operators that provide voice communication and Internet access on the one hand, and on the other hand, a diverse range of gadgets, sensors and smart devices: from smart trackers in the present to smart coffee makers, cars and entire cities in the near future. According to the 10-year rule, every decade a generation of mobile communications is replaced. For example, the fourth generation is classified into LTE, LTE-A; WiMAX; 4G, 5G and others technologies.

Virtualized 5G architecture

Mobile communication networks are networks of operators that provide voice communication and Internet access on the one hand, and on the other hand, a diverse range of gadgets, sensors and smart devices: from smart trackers in the present to smart coffee makers, cars and entire cities in the near future. According to the 10-year rule, every decade a generation of mobile communications is replaced. For example, the fourth generation is classified into LTE, LTE-A; WiMAX; 4G, 5G and others technologies.

The fourth generation:

The fourth generation:

  • LTE,
  • LTE-A;
  • WiMAX;
  • 4G;
  • 5G.
Taking into account the development of the Internet of Things and, as a result, an increase in the number of connected devices, as well as with the ever-increasing volume of traffic consumed.  The following requirements for the fifth generation:

Taking into account the development of the Internet of Things and, as a result, an increase in the number of connected devices, as well as with the ever-increasing volume of traffic consumed.

The following requirements for the fifth generation:

  • Network bandwidth over 10 Gbit/sec.
  • Supports simultaneous connection of up to 100 million devices.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Modern technologies

Автор: Семенова Наталья Владимировна

Дата: 11.01.2023

Номер свидетельства: 622809

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