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Merry Christmas

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Презентация называется Merry Christmas. что означает Новый год. Там много викторин. И всё выполнено на английском языке. 

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«Merry Christmas»

MERRY  CHRISTMAS Мелиева Татьяна Сергеевна, учитель английского языка МКОУ сош № 11, г. Сатка


Мелиева Татьяна Сергеевна,

учитель английского языка

МКОУ сош № 11, г. Сатка

On_The_Way_Home. This is the day when many people are traveling home to be with their families on Christmas Day , the 25-th of December . For most British families this is the most important day of the year.


This is the day when many people are traveling home to be with their families

on Christmas Day , the 25-th of December . For most British families this is the most important day of the year.

Symbols of Christmas  Father Christmas  Christmas tree  Candles  Jingle bells  Gifts  Wreath  Greetings  Party

Symbols of Christmas

  • Father Christmas

  • Christmas tree

  • Candles

  • Jingle bells

  • Gifts

  • Wreath

  • Greetings

  • Party

  • Stockings
Christmas decorations People decorate their houses with garlands, brightly-colored paper and holly. They usually have a Christmas tree in the corner of the front room decorated with ornaments and lights. Holly

Christmas decorations

People decorate their houses with garlands, brightly-colored paper and holly. They usually have a Christmas tree in the corner of the front room decorated with ornaments and lights.


Christmas miracles and presents People put their gifts under the Christmas tree to be found on Christmas morning. Children believe that Father Christmas climbs down the chimney and leaves the presents under the Christmas tree.

Christmas miracles and presents

People put their gifts under the Christmas tree to be found on Christmas morning. Children believe that Father Christmas climbs down the chimney and leaves the presents under the Christmas tree.

Who is Father Christmas?

Who is Father Christmas?

  • Father Christmas is a version of Santa Claus. He is an old man with white hair, a beard and a moustache. He is dressed in a red suit . Father Christmas make s all the toys for Christmas in his home in the North Pole.
  • The red coat is 'new'. In 1880 most pictures showed him with a green coat. The red became the most popular colour after the US introduction by Coca Cola during the 1930s.
What happens on Christmas Eve?  On Christmas eve Father Christmas piles all of the toys onto his sleigh and rides across the sky with his reindeers. The most famous one is Rudolf, the reindeer who leads the way with his red nose. Rudolf

What happens on Christmas Eve?

  • On Christmas eve Father Christmas piles all of the toys onto his sleigh and rides across the sky with his reindeers. The most famous one is Rudolf, the reindeer who leads the way with his red nose.


Christmas dinner  On Christmas Day the family have a big turkey dinner and Christmas pudding. Later in the afternoon they may watch the Queen on TV with her traditional Christmas message.

Christmas dinner

On Christmas Day the family have a big turkey dinner and Christmas pudding.

Later in the afternoon they may watch the Queen on TV with her traditional Christmas message.

What are the different names of Father Christmas?  The most popular name now-a-days is Santa Claus.

What are the different names of Father Christmas?

The most popular name now-a-days is Santa Claus.

  • Austria: Christkind ("Christ child")
  • Belgium: Sinterklaas
  • Canada: Santa Claus; Père Noël ("Father Christmas")
  • Denmark: Julemanden
  • Finland: Joulupukki
  • France: Père Noël ("Father Christmas");
  • Germany: Weihnachtsmann ("Christmas Man"); Christkind in southern Germany
  • Hungary: Mikulás ("Nicholas"); Jézuska or Kis Jézus ("child Jesus")
  • Italy: Babbo Natale ("Father Christmas"); La Befana
  • Netherlands & Flanders: Sinterklaas
  • Norway: Julenissen
  • Poland: Swiety Mikolaj
  • Portugal: Pai Natal ("Father Christmas")
  • Russia: Ded Moroz, "Grandfather Frost
  • Spain: Papa Noel
  • Sweden: Jultomten
  • Switzerland: Christkind
  • United Kingdom: Father Christmas; Santa Claus
  • United States: Santa Claus
Let’s sing this song:  We wish you a merry Christmas  We wish you a merry Christmas  We wish you a merry Christmas  We wish you a merry Christmas  And a happy New Year.  Glad tidings we bring  To you and your kin;  Glad tidings for Christmas  And a happy New Year!   We want some lucky cookies  We want some lucky cookies  We want some lucky cookies  Please bring it right here!  Glad tidings we bring  To you and your kin;  Glad tidings for Christmas  And a happy New Year!

Let’s sing this song:

We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas We wish you a merry Christmas We wish you a merry Christmas And a happy New Year. Glad tidings we bring To you and your kin; Glad tidings for Christmas And a happy New Year! We want some lucky cookies We want some lucky cookies We want some lucky cookies Please bring it right here! Glad tidings we bring To you and your kin; Glad tidings for Christmas And a happy New Year!



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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Merry Christmas

Автор: Гусейнова Сеидханым Миргашимовна

Дата: 14.01.2021

Номер свидетельства: 570069

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