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Мероприятие "Merry Christmas"

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Ход мероприятия

T. teacher: Good afternoon! We are glad to see you at our New Year’s Party. Oh, look around! It is snowing everywhere. The ground is covered with snow, the rivers and the lakes are covered with snow too.

L.teacher: Fantastic! Completely white! Oh, what a lovely world! Let’s call our winter months and they will tell us about this wonderful season-winter.
All children: December, January and February, come here!

We are winter

It is cold 

The ground is covered with snow 

There is ice on the river 

When I come, all rivers and lakes are frozen 

The sun rises later and sets earlier than summer 
We are December:
This is the season 
When children ski, 
And old Father Frost 
Brings a New Year tree. 
We are January:
This is the season 
When children skate, 
Windows are white 
And snowflakes fall. 
 We are February:
In winter time we go 

Walking in the fields of snow 

Where there is no grass at all 

Where the top of every wall 

Every fence and every tree 

Is as white as white can be 

A teacher: We are merry and gay today. Let’s sing.

6. Jingle Jingle Little Bell


Jingle, jingle, little bell.
I can ring my little bell.
Ring it fast.
Ring it slow. 
Ring it high.
Ring it low.
Jingle, jingle, little bell. 
I can ring my little bell.

Ring it.fast! 
Ring it.slow. 
Ring it.high! 
Ring it.low.

Jingle, jingle, little bell. 
I can ring my little bell. 
Ring it over here. 
Ring it over there. 
Ring it, ring it, everywhere. 
Jingle, jingle, little bell. 
I can ring my little bell.

Ring it over here. 
Ring it over there. 
Ring it, ring it, everywhere.

Jingle, jingle, little bell. 
I can ring my little bell.

December: The snow is falling, the north wind is blowing.
January: The ground is white all day and all nights.
February: Little snowflakes, come and play.
Winter Months: We have nothing to do today.

11. Little Snowflake


Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake. 
Little snowflake falling from the sky. 
Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake. 
Falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, 
falling, falling, falling, falling.falling on my head.

Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake. 
Little snowflake falling from the sky. 
Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake. 
Falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, 
falling, falling, falling, falling.falling on my nose.

Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake. 
Little snowflake falling from the sky. 
Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake. 
Falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, 
falling, falling, falling, falling.falling in my hand.

Falling on my head. 
Falling on my nose. 
Falling in my hand.

Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake.

A teacher: How pretty the snowflakes are!

The snow is falling 

The wind is blowing 

The ground is white 

All day and all night 

Father Frost: 
Ho-ho-ho! Good afternoon, children. I have got a riddle for you. Listen and guess!
“She is very young and pretty,
Likes the snow, snowstorms, 
Winter is her house!
(Угадывают: Snowmaiden.)
Let’s call her.
Children: Snow Maiden! (Выходит Снегурочка)
Father Frost: You are welcome!
Snow Maiden:
Happy New Year, dear children!
Happy New Year, dear guests!
How beautiful is here!
Your fir-tree! Your room!
Do you like to play?
Children: Yes, we do.
Snow Maiden:
Let’s play! Do you know the game “And me”? Say together loudly “And me”! (Дети хором несколько раз повторяют “And me”, а затем “Not me”). Be attentive!
(Дети хором говорят “And me” или “Not me).
I like to eat sweets.
Children: And me.
Snow Maiden:
I like to eat frogs
Children: Not me.
Snow Maiden:
I like to eat cakes.
I like to eat apples.
I like to eat sweets.
I like to eat books.
I like to eat spiders.
Father Frost: Oh! The evil wizard has stolen presents and I can’t give them to children. What shall I do?
The evil wizard: Ha-ha-ha. I have taken your presents! If you do some tasks I will give your presents back.
Father Frost: If we do some tasks, the evil wizard will give our presents back. Will you help me, children?
Children: Yes, we will.
Выходит ребёнок и проводит игру «Действия». Ребёнок называет глаголы, дети выполняют действия.
Pupil 1: Run (jump, swim, fly, dance, sing).
Pupil 2: Let’s sing together!
(Может быть использована любая песня)

7. We Wish You a Merry Christmas


We wish you a Merry Christmas. 
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
And a Happy New Year.

Happy holidays to you, your family, your friends.
Happy holidays. Merry Christmas.
And a Happy New Year.

(Let's clap!)

We all do a little clapping.
We all do a little clapping.
We all do a little clapping.
Christmas is here.

(Let's jump!)

We all do a little jumping.
We all do a little jumping.
We all do a little jumping.
Christmas is here.

(Let's stomp!)

We all do a little stomping.
We all do a little stomping.
We all do a little stomping.
Christmas is here.

(Shhh.let's whisper.)

We all do a little whispering.
We all do a little whispering.
We all do a little whispering.
Christmas is here.

(Big voices!)

We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
And a Happy New Year.

Pupil 3: And now we shall play the game “Our body” (ребёнок называет на английском часть тела, а остальные показывают). A head, a nose, an eye, a mouth, lips, a neck, a hand, a knee, a body. 
The evil wizard: Well done. Here are your presents. You can take them.
All children: Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
Father Frost: Thank you, Children!Happy New Year! Happy Holidays!
Snow Maiden: Happy New Year! Happy Holidays!

New year day, happy day 

We are glad and very gay 

We all dance and sing and say 

Welcome! Welcome! New Year Day! 

12. Goodbye, Snowman


Goodbye, snowman.
Goodbye, reindeer.
Goodbye, Santa.
Happy Holidays.

We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
Let's sing it again.

Goodbye, snowman.
Goodbye, reindeer.
Goodbye, Santa.
Happy Holidays. Happy Holidays!

Father Frost: 
Happy New Year for me,
Happy New Year for you,
Happy New Year for everyone.
That’s what I wish – I do!
Good bye, dear children!

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«Мероприятие "Merry Christmas"»

Ход мероприятия

T. teacher: Good afternoon! We are glad to see you at our New Year’s Party. Oh, look around! It is snowing everywhere. The ground is covered with snow, the rivers and the lakes are covered with snow too.

L.teacher: Fantastic! Completely white! Oh, what a lovely world! Let’s call our winter months and they will tell us about this wonderful season-winter.
All children: December, January and February, come here!

We are winter

It is cold (Валерия)

The ground is covered with snow (Еркежан)

There is ice on the river (Алия)А

When I come, all rivers and lakes are frozen (Батырхан)

The sun rises later and sets earlier than summer (Карина Тен)
We are December:
This is the season (Полина М)
When children ski, (Раушан)
And old Father Frost (Дильназ У.)
Brings a New Year tree. (Согдиана)
We are January:
This is the season (Полина Г.)
When children skate, (Наташа В)
Windows are white (Жаназар)
And snowflakes fall. (Никита Д)
We are February:
In winter time we go (Дима)

Walking in the fields of snow (Дарья К.)

Where there is no grass at all (Валера)

Where the top of every wall (Алия Жарл.)

Every fence and every tree (Данил)

Is as white as white can be (Ашим)

A teacher: We are merry and gay today. Let’s sing.

6. Jingle Jingle Little Bell


Jingle, jingle, little bell.
I can ring my little bell.
Ring it fast.
Ring it slow.
Ring it high.
Ring it low.
Jingle, jingle, little bell.
I can ring my little bell.

Ring it...fast! 
Ring it...slow.
Ring it...high!
Ring it...low.

Jingle, jingle, little bell. 
I can ring my little bell.
Ring it over here.
Ring it over there.
Ring it, ring it, everywhere.
Jingle, jingle, little bell.
I can ring my little bell.

Ring it over here. 
Ring it over there.
Ring it, ring it, everywhere.

Jingle, jingle, little bell. 
I can ring my little bell.

December: The snow is falling, the north wind is blowing.
January: The ground is white all day and all nights.
February: Little snowflakes, come and play.
Winter Months: We have nothing to do today.

11. Little Snowflake


Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake. 
Little snowflake falling from the sky.
Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake.
Falling, falling, falling, falling, falling,
falling, falling, falling, falling...falling on my head.

Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake. 
Little snowflake falling from the sky.
Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake.
Falling, falling, falling, falling, falling,
falling, falling, falling, falling...falling on my nose.

Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake. 
Little snowflake falling from the sky.
Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake.
Falling, falling, falling, falling, falling,
falling, falling, falling, falling...falling in my hand.

Falling on my head. 
Falling on my nose.
Falling in my hand.

Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake.

A teacher: How pretty the snowflakes are!

The snow is falling (Аделина)

The wind is blowing (Арсен)

The ground is white (Регина)

All day and all night (Дильназ)

Father Frost: 
Ho-ho-ho! Good afternoon, children. I have got a riddle for you. Listen and guess!
“She is very young and pretty,
Likes the snow, snowstorms, 
Winter is her house!
(Угадывают: Snowmaiden.)
Let’s call her.
Children: Snow Maiden! (Выходит Снегурочка)
Father Frost: You are welcome!
Snow Maiden:
Happy New Year, dear children!
Happy New Year, dear guests!
How beautiful is here!
Your fir-tree! Your room!
Do you like to play?
Children: Yes, we do.
Snow Maiden:
Let’s play! Do you know the game “And me”? Say together loudly “And me”! (Дети хором несколько раз повторяют “And me”, а затем “Not me”). Be attentive!
(Дети хором говорят “And me” или “Not me).
I like to eat sweets.
Children: And me.
Snow Maiden:
I like to eat frogs
Children: Not me.
Snow Maiden:
I like to eat cakes.
I like to eat apples.
I like to eat sweets.
I like to eat books.
I like to eat spiders.
Father Frost: Oh! The evil wizard has stolen presents and I can’t give them to children. What shall I do?
The evil wizard: Ha-ha-ha. I have taken your presents! If you do some tasks I will give your presents back.
Father Frost: If we do some tasks, the evil wizard will give our presents back. Will you help me, children?
Children: Yes, we will.
Выходит ребёнок и проводит игру «Действия». Ребёнок называет глаголы, дети выполняют действия.
Pupil 1: Run (jump, swim, fly, dance, sing).
Pupil 2: Let’s sing together!
(Может быть использована любая песня)

7. We Wish You a Merry Christmas


We wish you a Merry Christmas. 
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
And a Happy New Year.

Happy holidays to you, your family, your friends.
Happy holidays. Merry Christmas.
And a Happy New Year.

(Let's clap!)

We all do a little clapping.
We all do a little clapping.
We all do a little clapping.
Christmas is here.

(Let's jump!)

We all do a little jumping.
We all do a little jumping.
We all do a little jumping.
Christmas is here.

(Let's stomp!)

We all do a little stomping.
We all do a little stomping.
We all do a little stomping.
Christmas is here.

(Shhh...let's whisper.)

We all do a little whispering.
We all do a little whispering.
We all do a little whispering.
Christmas is here.

(Big voices!)

We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
And a Happy New Year.

Pupil 3: And now we shall play the game “Our body” (ребёнок называет на английском часть тела, а остальные показывают). A head, a nose, an eye, a mouth, lips, a neck, a hand, a knee, a body. 
The evil wizard: Well done. Here are your presents. You can take them.
All children: Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
Father Frost: Thank you, Children!Happy New Year! Happy Holidays!
Snow Maiden: Happy New Year! Happy Holidays!

New year day, happy day (Алия Ж)

We are glad and very gay (Нурдаулет)

We all dance and sing and say (Жанель)

Welcome! Welcome! New Year Day! (Аружан)

12. Goodbye, Snowman


Goodbye, snowman.
Goodbye, reindeer.
Goodbye, Santa.
Happy Holidays.

We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
Let's sing it again.

Goodbye, snowman.
Goodbye, reindeer.
Goodbye, Santa.
Happy Holidays. Happy Holidays!

Father Frost: 
Happy New Year for me,
Happy New Year for you,
Happy New Year for everyone.
That’s what I wish – I do!
Good bye, dear children!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

Мероприятие "Merry Christmas"

Автор: Тартанова Людмила Витальевна

Дата: 20.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 296256

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