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"Life in the tropical forest"

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«"Life in the tropical forest" »

Дата: Октябрь,15 Урок № 13 Класс: 7

Информационная карта урока

Тема урока: Life in the tropical forest

Цели урока:

  1. Make up characteristics of animals, discuss the life in the tropical forest and desert. Introduction new words.

  2. Develop skills of speaking, lexical, grammatical and logical thinking.

  3. Form a wish to care about animals.

Тип урока: combined lesson

Форма обучения: individual, collective, in groups

Средства обучения: the book, the pictures

Технологическая карта урока

  1. Org. moment

Pupils speak each other : I wish you ...

  • good mark at this lesson 3 min

  • many good friends

  • love

  • health

  • interest days in your life

  1. Checking the homework

Check the pictures and information about the forest and desert 4 min in Kazakhstan.

  1. Revision. Checking the knowledge, skills of pupils.

Let's speak about the animals: a wolf, a rabbit, a fox, a squirrel. Find different information and same one, then complete Venn's diagram. 7-9 min Repeat the active words and make up the sentences using them.

Let's have "A brainstorming":

  • Do you like animals?

  • What animals have you got at your house?

  • When do we plant trees or flowers?

  • Do your classmates protect our nature?

  • Is a fox wild animal?

  • Where can we see wild animals?

  1. Formulation the aims

Pupils look at slides and tell about theme . Today we’ll make up characteristics of animals, discuss the life in the 2 min tropical forest and desert. Also we'll develop skills of speaking, lexical, grammatical and logical thinking; and form a wish to care about animals.

  1. Studying new theme

Study new words: hide, sand, lifeless, desert, hot, during the day, cool, 6 min look for, seed, hunt, wither, die, most, frog, insect. Repeat the words some times.

Page 44, exer.13-read and understand the texts. (Each group read own text)

  1. Checking the understanding

(Work in groups) after reading the texts pupils give a paper and draw 10-13min pictures about information from the texts. Then each group show their posters and explain their information to other group.

And now check how pupils understand the information: ( one pupil from each group goes to the board and answer the questions)

  • Monkeys live in the desert.

  • There in not sand in the tropical forest.

  • What is the weather in the desert?

  • The flowers and the trees quickly die in the tropical forest.

  • Are there any monkeys in our village?

  • In the desert most of the animals hunt during the day.

  • Is the weather hot in the tropical forest?

  • Do rats hunt snakes?

  • What colour is the desert?

  • The tropical forest is always green.

Reflex: on the stickers pupils write their opinion about lesson and glue 2 min on their pictures.

  1. Homework

Make a report about desert and tropical forest in the world. 3 min

The conclusion and the result of the lesson 2 min

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"Life in the tropical forest"

Автор: Попова Светлана Геннадьевна

Дата: 30.10.2014

Номер свидетельства: 124378

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