Сабақтың тақырыбы: LEARNING LANGUAGE
Сабақтың мақсаты: Language learning тақырыбы бойынша сөйлеуге үйрету.
Білімге қызығушылығын арттыру.
Таным қабілетін дамыту.
Сабақ әдісі: Сұрақ-жауап
Сабақ типі: Аралас
Көрнекілігі: карточка
Пән аралық байланыс: Қазақ тілі
Сабақ барысы:
А) амандасу
Б) жоқтарды белгілеу
II. Үй жұмысын тексеру
Exercise 13
III. Оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру
“School in USA.”, “Schools in Kazakhstan.” жайлы оқушылар пікірін тыңдау.
IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.
Our theme in our lesson is “ Learning language”.
V.Жаңа сабақ
1. Мәтін тыңдау Why you Should Learn a New Language?
Learning a new language might not be all that easy, but there are many benefits indeed. Many people learn languages for many different reasons, but here I will cover 5 fundamental reasons why you should open those books and get learning on a new language.
The first reason is because you'll have a lot more culture. People who have culture are people who are knowledgeable and who know their way around life.
The second is because people will like you. People like people with knowledge, whom they can learn from, as long as you're not a show-off.
The third is because you'll discover so much. Not only will you be more open to a whole new culture, you'll be able to meet thousands of other people thanks to your extra language.
The fourth is because you'll develop your mind. By learning you're exercising your brain, and so you should be faster at memorizing and doing simple mental exercises.
The fifth reason why you should learn another language is because it's fun. However, you need to make it fun. Learning a language isn't easy, but by enjoying the experience and turning it into an interactive game you can truly have a lot of fun.
Мәтіндегі таныс емес сөздерді тақтаға жазу.
3. Listen to the text again. Draw a table of this kind in your notebook and complete it.
Exercise 5 Talk to your partner
Exercise 6 Make a list of thing which are different from your school and compare your sentences with partners
They have a long break for lunch.
VIII Үйге тапсырма Exercise8