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Изучить идиома на английском языке

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«Изучить идиома на английском языке»

Shakespeare’s idioms Idioms used or invented by Shakespeare

Shakespeare’s idioms

Idioms used or invented by Shakespeare

Warmer – What is an idiom? Meet Franz. Your teacher will tell you about him. Which phrase do you think could describe Franz?  a dark horse  a night owl  a cash cow ✓

Warmer – What is an idiom?

Meet Franz.

Your teacher will tell you about him.

Which phrase do you think could describe Franz?

  • a dark horse
  • a night owl
  • a cash cow

Warmer – What is an idiom? A ‘night owl’ is an idiom. If we say that Franz is a ‘night owl’, we don’t mean that he actually is an owl! night owl the words in the idiom the meaning of the idiom An idiom is a group of words that have a special meaning when used together. The meaning of the idiom is different from the meaning of the individual words. Shakespeare used and invented lots of idioms.

Warmer – What is an idiom?

A ‘night owl’ is an idiom.

If we say that Franz is a ‘night owl’, we don’t mean that he actually is an owl!



the words in the idiom

the meaning of the idiom

An idiom is a group of words that have a special meaning when used together. The meaning of the idiom is different from the meaning of the individual words.

Shakespeare used and invented lots of idioms.

Task 1 – the words in the idioms Match the idioms with the pictures. at a snail’s pace send someone packing a night owl break the ice lie low

Task 1 – the words in the idioms

Match the idioms with the pictures.

  • at a snail’s pace
  • send someone packing
  • a night owl
  • break the ice
  • lie low

Task 2 – the meanings of the idioms Match the pictures showing the words in the idiom (left) with the ones showing the meanings (right).

Task 2 – the meanings of the idioms

Match the pictures showing the words in the idiom (left) with the ones showing the meanings (right).

Task 2 – the meanings of the idioms Match the pictures showing the words in the idiom (left) with the ones showing the meanings (right).

Task 2 – the meanings of the idioms

Match the pictures showing the words in the idiom (left) with the ones showing the meanings (right).

Spare slides The following slides (8–17) are included for the teacher’s optional use, either projected or printed. Slides 8–12 (left) show the wording of the idioms. Slides 13–17 (right) demonstrate the meaning.

Spare slides

  • The following slides (8–17) are included for the teacher’s optional use, either projected or printed.
  • Slides 8–12 (left) show the wording of the idioms.
  • Slides 13–17 (right) demonstrate the meaning.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Изучить идиома на английском языке

Автор: Гусайынов Сойундик

Дата: 24.09.2019

Номер свидетельства: 520756

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