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Изобретение телефона

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Краткое описание истории изобретения телефона.

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«Изобретение телефона»



Phone device is to send and receive audio at a distance. Modern phones transmit by means of electrical signals. Overall, the phone is a device that can send a sound to great distances.

Phone device is to send and receive audio at a distance. Modern phones transmit by means of electrical signals. Overall, the phone is a device that can send a sound to great distances.

The first telephones were mechanical devices with direct acoustic channel, i.e. the principle of their action is based on the propagation of sound waves in continuous media, unlike modern electrical devices using electromagnetic signals.

The first telephones were mechanical devices with direct acoustic channel, i.e. the principle of their action is based on the propagation of sound waves in continuous media, unlike modern electrical devices using electromagnetic signals.

General imperfection of the acoustic phones that through a relatively small distance the sound vibrations is strongly damped, resulting in signal transmission, not electrically by the large distances without intermediate stations is impossible. Moreover, even in the case when the signals arrive at the destination, they flew through considerable time.

General imperfection of the acoustic phones that through a relatively small distance the sound vibrations is strongly damped, resulting in signal transmission, not electrically by the large distances without intermediate stations is impossible. Moreover, even in the case when the signals arrive at the destination, they flew through considerable time.

Sychkova Tanya 10 K Teacher: Krupina O.N.

Sychkova Tanya 10 K

Teacher: Krupina O.N.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Изобретение телефона

Автор: Крупина Оксана Николаевна

Дата: 13.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 546514

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