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Introduction to America

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Данная презентация для учащихся 9-11 классов, которую можно использовать на уроках английского языка.

Основные факты Америки в презентации, помогут учителям углубить и расширить знания учащихся о стране.

Содежание: президенты, символы, история, большие города, известные американцы,

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«Introduction to America »

America Introduction to America and American Culture


Introduction to America and American Culture

Basic Facts

Basic Facts

Presidents Current President: Barack Hussein Obama First President: George Washington Total Number of Presidents: 44


Current President: Barack Hussein Obama

First President: George Washington

Total Number of Presidents: 44

Symbols Flag: It has thirteen red and white stripes representing the 13 original English colonies that founded the USA. And it has 50 white stars representing the 50 American states. Motto: E pluribus unum (Out of many, one) Bird: Bald Eagle Anthem: Star Spangled Banner


Flag: It has thirteen red and white stripes representing the 13 original English colonies that founded the USA. And it has 50 white stars representing the 50 American states.

Motto: E pluribus unum (Out of many, one)

Bird: Bald Eagle

Anthem: Star Spangled Banner

A Brief History of America

A Brief History of America

First Americans Before Europeans came to America, Native Americans lived there. There were many different nations of Native Americans, each with their own culture. Some examples are the Lakota who lived in tepees on the grasslands of America, the Pueblo who lived in mountains in the desert, and the Apache, who were known for being fierce warriors.

First Americans

Before Europeans came to America, Native Americans lived there. There were many different nations of Native Americans, each with their own culture. Some examples are the Lakota who lived in tepees on the grasslands of America, the Pueblo who lived in mountains in the desert, and the Apache, who were known for being fierce warriors.

Europeans People from Europe first came to America to live in the 16 th century. These people came from many places in Europe, such as the Netherlands, France, Spain, and England.


People from Europe first came to America to live in the 16 th century. These people came from many places in Europe, such as the Netherlands, France, Spain, and England.

Colonies People from England came and lived on the East coast of America. This area had 13 colonies that were ruled by England.


People from England came and lived on the East coast of America. This area had 13 colonies that were ruled by England.

Independence In 1776, these 13 colonies declared its independence from England with the signing of the Declaration of Independence. In 1783, America won their revolution and were free from England.


In 1776, these 13 colonies declared its independence from England with the signing of the Declaration of Independence. In 1783, America won their revolution and were free from England.

Constitution In 1787, the new United States of America wrote its constitution which is the same constitution America has today. The constitution famously begins with the words “We the people . . . “


In 1787, the new United States of America wrote its constitution which is the same constitution America has today. The constitution famously begins with the words “We the people . . . “



It’s BIG World’s third largest country by size (Russia and China are bigger) World’s third largest country by population (India and China have more people)

It’s BIG

World’s third largest country by size (Russia and China are bigger)

World’s third largest country by population (India and China have more people)

Basic Features Canada is to the North and Mexico is to the South. Bordered by two oceans, the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Two major mountain chains, the Rocky Mountains (in the West) and the Smoky Mountains (in the East). Largest river is the Mississippi River which runs through the middle of the country.

Basic Features

Canada is to the North and Mexico is to the South.

Bordered by two oceans, the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

Two major mountain chains, the Rocky Mountains (in the West) and the Smoky Mountains (in the East).

Largest river is the Mississippi River which runs through the middle of the country.

Noncontiguous States Alaska – Bought buy America from Russia in 1867. Became a state in 1959. Hawaii – Added to the USA in 1898. Became a state in 1959.

Noncontiguous States

Alaska – Bought buy America from Russia in 1867. Became a state in 1959.

Hawaii – Added to the USA in 1898. Became a state in 1959.



Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty

  • She has greeted many immigrants as they have come to America through New York City.
  • She was given to America by France in 1886.
  • She is made of copper, but she is green now because of oxidization.
The Liberty Bell

The Liberty Bell

  • In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • A symbol of liberty and independence in America. Known for its distinctive crack.
  • On it is written “Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.”
The Washington Monument

The Washington Monument

  • In Washington, D.C., the nation’s capital
  • A memorial to the first president of the United States, George Washington
  • Built in 1884.
Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon

  • In Arizona. The Colorado River runs through it.
  • It is 446 km long, 29 km wide, and 1,800 meters deep.
  • The Pueblo Indians considered the canyon a holy place.


New York City

New York City

  • Largest city in America with .8.3 million people.
  • Divided into 5 boroughs or parts: Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island
  • Many famous places such as the Empire State Building, Broadway, and Times Square
Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C.

  • Capital of the United States of America
  • It is between the states of Virginia and Maryland (it is NOT in a state itself)
  • D.C. stands for the District of Columbia, the space between Virginia and Maryland


  • In Illinois, in the middle of the country
  • Often called the “Windy City”
  • It is known for gangsters and jazz music
New Orleans

New Orleans

  • In Louisiana, in the Southern part of the United States
  • Has been influenced by the culture of the French and the Spanish.
  • Known for it’s Mardi Gras celebration every year
Los Angeles

Los Angeles

  • In California, in the Western part of the United States. It is next to the Pacific Ocean.
  • Hollywood and Beverly Hills are neighborhoods of Los Angeles
  • Known for movie stars
Famous Americans

Famous Americans

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin

  • A “founding father”
  • Only non-president on US money (he is on the 100 dollar bill)
  • Invented the bifocals and the lightning rod
Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln

  • President of the United States from 1861 to 1865
  • President of the United States during the United States Civil War
  • Signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed all the slaves in America
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • Preacher and civil rights leader
  • Lead the Montgomery Bus Boycotts and the March on Washington in 1963 that helped end segregation in the United States and give civil rights to all Americans regardless of their race.
  • His “I have a dream” speech is very famous
Neil Armstrong

Neil Armstrong

  • Astronaut
  • First man to walk on the moon in 1969
Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs

  • Businessman
  • The founder of Apple computers
Any Questions?

Any Questions?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Introduction to America

Автор: Четвернина Любовь Николаевна

Дата: 03.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 196739

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