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Интересные факты об Индии

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Country named "India" comes from the name of the Indus River, as the valley, located in it, became home to the first settlers

India is the birthplace of chess. Once they were called "Chaturanga", which means in Sanskrit "four kinds of forces" that were once the elephants, cavalry, horses, chariots and foot soldiers.

In India, 150,000 post offices, which makes the network for the delivery of postal items of the biggest in the world. At the same time there are cases when the letter is required two weeks, which would cover a distance of 50 kilometers

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«Интересные факты об Индии »

Interesting facts about India

Interesting facts about India

  • Country named "India" comes from the name of the Indus River, as the valley, located in it, became home to the first settlers.
India is the birthplace of chess. Once they were called

India is the birthplace of chess. Once they were called "Chaturanga", which means in Sanskrit "four kinds of forces" that were once the elephants, cavalry, horses, chariots and foot soldiers.

In India, 150,000 post offices, which makes the network for the delivery of postal items of the biggest in the world. At the same time there are cases when the letter is required two weeks, which would cover a distance of 50 kilometers

In India, 150,000 post offices, which makes the network for the delivery of postal items of the biggest in the world. At the same time there are cases when the letter is required two weeks, which would cover a distance of 50 kilometers

Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) was one of the first influential people who developed India's relations with the Western world. After his death, these connections were revived only after one of the harbors of Calcutta anchored east famous Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama (1460-1524). In India 2000 years ago crystalline sugar was prepared from cane. When Alexander the Great reached the Indian territory, he was surprised by the process of obtaining the honey without bees (ie, artificial honey sugar)

Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) was one of the first influential people who developed India's relations with the Western world. After his death, these connections were revived only after one of the harbors of Calcutta anchored east famous Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama (1460-1524). In India 2000 years ago crystalline sugar was prepared from cane. When Alexander the Great reached the Indian territory, he was surprised by the process of obtaining the honey without bees (ie, artificial honey sugar)

Bengal tiger has always been the national symbol of India, and once he met almost the entire country. Today in the wild the jungles of India is no more than 4 thousand species of animal.

Bengal tiger has always been the national symbol of India, and once he met almost the entire country. Today in the wild the jungles of India is no more than 4 thousand species of animal.

Cows free to walk around the streets of Indian cities. They are considered sacred and are often

Cows free to walk around the streets of Indian cities. They are considered sacred and are often "tilak", a symbol of good luck Hindus. Cows are considered as one of seven human progenitors, that both of them can be prepared milk, as well as from his mother.

The law prohibits the export or import to the Indian currency (rupee). India is a leader in the number of murders per year. On average, in recent years in India killed 32,719 people. Bol is one million Indians dollar millionaires, while the majority of Indians live on less than two dollars a day. Approximately 35% of Indians live below the poverty line.
  • The law prohibits the export or import to the Indian currency (rupee).
  • India is a leader in the number of murders per year. On average, in recent years in India killed 32,719 people.
  • Bol is one million Indians dollar millionaires, while the majority of Indians live on less than two dollars a day. Approximately 35% of Indians live below the poverty line.


Shestov Maksim 8 A

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Интересные факты об Индии

Автор: Шестов Максим Владимирович Руководитель: Гарифулова Гельфидя Мансуровна

Дата: 27.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 244325

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