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"Как прекрасен этот мир (Проект "Индия)"

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«"Как прекрасен этот мир (Проект "Индия)"»

Koverninian Secondary School №2 Projects « How Wonderful the World Is! »

Koverninian Secondary School №2


« How Wonderful the World Is! »

Municipal Budget Educational Institution  « Koverninian Secondary School №2»  Presentation This mysterious country India…    Student : Nechaeva Mary Teacher : J. V. Pomerantseva Form : 10

Municipal Budget Educational Institution « Koverninian Secondary School №2»


This mysterious country India…

Student : Nechaeva Mary

Teacher : J. V. Pomerantseva

Form : 10

I N D I A The work purpose : to receive new knowledge of India and to share it with friends.


The work purpose : to receive new knowledge of India and to share it with friends.

Flag of India consists of three horizontal stripes: the top -
  • Flag of India consists of three horizontal stripes: the top - "deep saffron", medium - white, lower - the green.
  • In the center the wheel with 24 spokes, dark blue.
The National animal (Bengal tiger) The National Bird ( peacock ) The national flower (Lotus)

The National animal

(Bengal tiger)

The National Bird

( peacock )

The national flower


Geographical Position

Geographical Position

  • India is the state in Southern Asia
  • India is located to the north from equator
  • India was a colony of British Empire. Has received independence in 1947.
It is washed by the bay of Bengal in the east and the Arabian sea in the west.
  • It is washed by the bay of Bengal in the east and the Arabian sea in the west.
P opulation

P opulation

  • It takes the second place on population (1 192 910 000). In the country there are more men, than women.
  • The Hindi, the most widespread language in India, is an official language of the government of India.


  • The Himalayas and Thar desert make on a climate of India strong impact, causing monsoons. The Himalayas serve as a barrier to cold winds, therefore a climate of India is the warm. The Thar desert involves damp winds of a summer monsoon which provide India with rain.
The river Ganges is the most deepest and the longest river in South Asia.
  • The river Ganges is the most deepest and the longest river in South Asia.
The Taj Mahal is the most beautiful creation of India .

The Taj Mahal is the most beautiful creation of India .

Sari is another hallmark of India. In India, the sari is not just a form of clothing, it is a tradition.
  • Sari is another hallmark of India.
  • In India, the sari is not just a form of clothing, it is a tradition.
Wedding in India

Wedding in India

  • Wedding rites of India differ a clear tradition - this means that they have remained almost the same as thousands of years ago.
  • The groom's parents looking for a bride and agree with her parents about the wedding.
  • An indian marriage is called "the marriage of a preliminary agreement".
Cooking in India

Cooking in India

  • Cooking in India is very interesting, but almost all sure that the food there is unsuitable for use by the europeans because of the ubiquitous pepper.
  • In India will be "almost no peppered", in Russia called "in the dish drop box".


  • I consider that India is the most remarkable country!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"Как прекрасен этот мир (Проект "Индия)"

Автор: Померанцева Юлия Викторовна

Дата: 04.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 324168

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