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Язык тела. Жесты

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Работа выполнена для ознакомления с различными жестами. Иногда жесты в разных культурах отличаются друг от друга и могут иметь другой смысл. Люди используют жесты во время путешествий за границу, не имея достаточного словарного запаса, и тогда они пытаются объясниться с помощью жестов. Поэтому на дополнительных занятиях и на уроках я знакомлю учащихся с данным материалом. Считаю его полезным, т. к. два года назад на ЕГЭ была предложена тема для написания эссе по теме "Как вы общаетесь с собакой с помощью жестов". Согласитесь, трудно написать эссе на 200 - 250 слов на такую тему, и я была рада, что в какой-то степени помогла учащимся, показав однажды эту презентацию. 

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«Язык тела. Жесты »

Body Language Teacher Valentine Ganzikova School No.5 Pyatigorsk, 2012

Body Language

Teacher Valentine Ganzikova School No.5

Pyatigorsk, 2012

What is a gesture?  A gesture is a form of non-verbal communication in which visible bodily actions communicate particular messages, either in place of speech or together and in parallel with spoken words. Gestures include movement of the hands , face , or other parts of the body .

What is a gesture?

A gesture is a form of non-verbal communication in which visible bodily actions communicate particular messages, either in place of speech or together and in parallel with spoken words. Gestures include movement of the hands , face , or other parts of the body .

What for are gestures? body language words

What for are gestures?

body language words

Types of gestures Single hand gestures Different gestures Two-hands  of gestures Other parts body’s  gestures

Types of gestures

Single hand





of gestures

Other parts



OK sign

OK sign

Clenched human fist Clenched fist is used as a gesture of defiance or solidarity. Facing the signer, it threatens physical violence (i.e.,

Clenched human fist

Clenched fist is used as a gesture of defiance or solidarity. Facing the signer, it threatens physical violence (i.e., "a thumping").

Clinton Thumb

Clinton Thumb

  • The gesture dubbed the "Clinton thumb" after one of its most famous users, Bill Clinton , is used by politicians to provide emphasis in speeches.
Crossed Fingers & Cuckoo sign

Crossed Fingers & Cuckoo sign

  • Crossed fingers are used to superstitiously wish for good luck or to nullify a promise.
  • Cuckoo sign, touched or screw loose. In North America, making a circling motion of the index finger at the ear or side of the head signifies that the person "has a screw loose," i.e. is speaking nonsense or is crazy
ILY sign

ILY sign

  • combines the letters 'I', 'L', and 'Y' from American Sign Language by extending the thumb, index finger, and little finger while the middle and ring finger touch the palm. It is an informal expression of love.
Thumbs Up or    Thumbs Down   Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down are common gestures of approval or disapproval made by extending the thumb upward or downward.

Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down

Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down are common gestures of approval or disapproval made by extending the thumb upward or downward.



  • Wave is a gesture in which the hand is raised and moved back and forth, as a greeting or sign of departure. The gesture can be used to attract attention at a distance. Most commonly, though, the gesture means quite simply "hello" or "goodbye".
Two-hand gestures The Awkward turtle is a two handed gesture used to mark a moment as awkward. One hand is placed flat a  top the other with both palms facing down, fingers extended outward from the hand and thumbs stuck out to the sides. The thumbs are rotated to symbolize flippers.

Two-hand gestures

The Awkward turtle is a two handed gesture used to mark a moment as awkward. One hand is placed flat a top the other with both palms facing down, fingers extended outward from the hand and thumbs stuck out to the sides. The thumbs are rotated to symbolize flippers.

“ T”

“ T”

  • Time-out — a "T" formed with the hands, with one hand with flat palm placed perpendicular to the other hand with flat palm, roughly in the center — originates in American sports. It is used by players to signal for a time out , or brief pause in play. In basketball , the gesture is additionally used by referees to indicate that a player or coach is guity of a technical foul .


  • Applause (Latin applaudere, to strike upon, clap) is primarily the expression of approval by the act of clapping, or striking the palms of the hands together, in order to create noise.
Gestures made with other body parts Air kiss kissing

Gestures made with other body parts

Air kiss kissing

Cheek Kissing

Cheek Kissing

  • Cheek kissing
Eskimo kissing Inuit

Eskimo kissing


List of sites

List of sites

  • http://www.elanguages.org/96373
  • http://www.lanceandeskimo.com/lance/2004/12/29/lance-and-eskimo-lose-the-refrigerator/
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Язык тела. Жесты

Автор: Ганзикова Валентина Дмитриевна

Дата: 05.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 197161

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