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Holidays \power point\

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This work is about the holidays. We know that all people like holidays. That is why I decided to make up such kind of presentation of the lesson. We all like different types of holidays. holidays make our mood so beautiful. We will be princcessess of the party. I wish you to have very interesting parties.

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«Holidays \power point\»

The 12\th of February Class work Friday Holidays

The 12\th of February

Class work



Checking up the home task.  The home task was to divide into 2 groups yourselves, give them names and find-out some more additional materials about holidays .

Checking up the home task.

The home task was to divide into 2 groups yourselves, give them names and find-out some more additional materials about holidays .

Now before beginning checking up the home task let’s invite the honor of this year, TIGER. Because of she will mark you.

Now before beginning checking up the home task let’s invite the honor of this year, TIGER. Because of she will mark you.

New words:  guy – бала  bonfire – алау  fireworks – отшашу  stick – таяк  straw – сабан  to light – жагу  gloves – биялай  night - тун

New words:

guy – бала

bonfire – алау

fireworks – отшашу

stick – таяк

straw – сабан

to light – жагу

gloves – биялай

night - тун

Read and translate the text. Bonfire Night.  Bonfire Night is on the fifth of November. It is interesting night for English Children. On that evening the bonfires and have fireworks. Some days before Bonfire they make the guy. They make him of sticks and straw then put an old hat on his head and old gloves on the that are his hands. When the Bonfire is ready children or their parents put the guy on the bonfire and then light it.

Read and translate the text.

Bonfire Night.

Bonfire Night is on the fifth of November. It is

interesting night for English Children. On that evening

the bonfires and have fireworks. Some days before

Bonfire they make the guy. They make him of sticks

and straw then put an old hat on his head and old

gloves on the that are his hands. When the Bonfire is

ready children or their parents put the guy on the

bonfire and then light it.

Mark the sentences if they are True or False?

Mark the sentences if they are True or False?

  • Bonfire Night is on the fifth of November.- T
  • It is a boring night for English children.
  • Some days before Bonfire Night they make the guy.
  • They make him of sticks and straw.
  • They put an old hat on his head and a coat.
  • They put an old hat on his head and old gloves on the stick hands.
  • They put the guy on the bonfire and then light it.
Make up words from the mixed letters and give their translations. teareblec – celebrate  tesug –  ckirt-  ykertu-  epi-  stingock-  edcotare-  csoutme-

Make up words from the mixed letters and give their translations.

teareblec – celebrate

tesug –







Giving the home task.  Your home task will be to write a topic on theme “ My favourite holiday”

Giving the home task.

Your home task will be to write a topic on theme

My favourite holiday”

The lesson is over. Good-bye, pupils! See you! Have a nice day!

The lesson is over.

Good-bye, pupils!

See you!

Have a nice day!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Holidays \power point\

Автор: Кенжалиева Гульшырай Мукировна

Дата: 13.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 292703

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