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History of the Olympic games.

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Данная презентация представлена в разделе английский язык.Название презентации - "История Олимпийских игр".В представленной презентации подобран разнообразный материал по истории олимпийского движения, начиная с древних времен и заканчивая современностью.Также в данной презентации приволятся факты последней олимпиады в Сочи. С презентацией могут работать ученики начальной и соедней школы.

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«History of the Olympic games.»

History of the Olympic Games

History of the Olympic Games

The Olympic Games are an international sports festival that began in ancient Greece. The original Greek games took place every fourth year for several hundred years. The Olympic Games were renewed in 1896, and since then they have been staged every fourth year, expect during World War I and World War II. The earliest record of the Olympic Games goes back to 776 BC. Only one athletic event was held in the ancient Olympics – footrace.
  • The Olympic Games are an international sports festival that began in ancient Greece. The original Greek games took place every fourth year for several hundred years. The Olympic Games were renewed in 1896, and since then they have been staged every fourth year, expect during World War I and World War II. The earliest record of the Olympic Games goes back to 776 BC. Only one athletic event was held in the ancient Olympics – footrace.
In 394 AD the Games were officially ended by the Roman emperor Theodosius, who felt that they had pagan meaning. Pierre de Coubertin, a young French nobleman, had an idea to bring the Olympic Games back to life.
  • In 394 AD the Games were officially ended by the Roman emperor Theodosius, who felt that they had pagan meaning. Pierre de Coubertin, a young French nobleman, had an idea to bring the Olympic Games back to life.
The representatives from the nine countries that supported his idea decided that Greece was the right place to host the first Olympic Games. The nine countries were Belgium, Great Britain, France, Greece, Italy, Russia, Spain, Sweden and the USA.

The representatives from the nine countries that supported his idea decided that Greece was the right place to host the first Olympic Games. The nine countries were Belgium, Great Britain, France, Greece, Italy, Russia, Spain, Sweden and the USA.

Beginning in 1924 Winter Olympics were included. They were held in the same year as the Summer Games, but starting in 1994, the Winter Games are held two years after the Summer Games. The Olympics are governed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) situated in Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Beginning in 1924 Winter Olympics were included. They were held in the same year as the Summer Games, but starting in 1994, the Winter Games are held two years after the Summer Games. The Olympics are governed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) situated in Lausanne, Switzerland.
In 2014 the Olympic Games took place in Russia, in Sochi. We won 33 medals. We are the first!
  • In 2014 the Olympic Games took place in Russia, in Sochi.
  • We won 33 medals. We are the first!

Thank you for your attention!
  • Thank you for your attention!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

History of the Olympic games.

Автор: Костюкова Ольга Владимировна

Дата: 21.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 280592

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