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Help Keep The Earth Clean and Green!

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Help Keep The Earth Clean and Green! 2017 IS ECOLOGY’S YEAR

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«Help Keep The Earth Clean and Green!»


Help Keep The Earth Clean and Green!!!

Nature    природа Environment   окружающая среда  To worry    беспокоиться To reduce    уменьшать To reuse    использовать еще раз To recycle    перерабатывать Not to hurt    не причинять вред Not to damage   не разрушать Not to cut down   не вырубать Vocabulary
  • Nature природа
  • Environment окружающая среда
  • To worry беспокоиться
  • To reduce уменьшать
  • To reuse использовать еще раз
  • To recycle перерабатывать
  • Not to hurt не причинять вред
  • Not to damage не разрушать
  • Not to cut down не вырубать
  • Vocabulary
What we must reduce?  We must reduce
  • What we must reduce? We must reduce



running water

Glass bottles and tins Metal tins

Glass bottles and tins

Metal tins

  • What we can reuse? We can reuse
All kinds of paper All kinds of plastic All kinds of metal

All kinds of paper

All kinds of plastic

All kinds of metal

  • What we can recycle? We can recycle
Reduce Recycle Reuse




  • Remember these 3 R’s!
Turn off the lights when you leave your room; Turn off the monitor when you’re not using computer; Always think about how much energy you use. Be  GREEN at home!
  • Turn off the lights when you leave your room;
  • Turn off the monitor when you’re not using computer;
  • Always think about how much energy you use.
  • Be GREEN at home!
Don’t hurt animals and birds; Don’t damage birds’ nests; Feed animals and birds in winter; Don’t cut down baby trees; Don’t throw rubbish into the rivers; Don’t leave litter after your picnics; Never forget that you are the admirer not the aggressor. Be GREEN in the countryside!
  • Don’t hurt animals and birds;
  • Don’t damage birds’ nests;
  • Feed animals and birds in winter;
  • Don’t cut down baby trees;
  • Don’t throw rubbish into the rivers;
  • Don’t leave litter after your picnics;
  • Never forget that you are the admirer not the aggressor.
  • Be GREEN in the countryside!
Ride your bicycle to school, a lot of cars pollute the air;  Use both parts of the paper for writing or drawing something; Turn off the lights and computers when you leave school; Organize the ecological school groups. Be GREEN at school!
  • Ride your bicycle to school, a lot of cars pollute the air;
  • Use both parts of the paper for writing or drawing something;
  • Turn off the lights and computers when you leave school;
  • Organize the ecological school groups.
  • Be GREEN at school!
Type  Non – governmental organization Founded 1971 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Location Amsterdam, Netherlands Area served Worldwide Focus Environmentalism, peace Method Direct action, lobbying, research, innovation Members 2.86 million (2008)

Type Non – governmental organization

Founded 1971 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Location Amsterdam, Netherlands

Area served Worldwide

Focus Environmentalism, peace

Method Direct action, lobbying, research, innovation

Members 2.86 million (2008)

  • The International Environmental Organization

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Help Keep The Earth Clean and Green!

Автор: Лазарева Татьяна Викторовна

Дата: 19.04.2017

Номер свидетельства: 410206

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