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Future Simple Tense

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Hello my name is Gulbahor. Thank you for your site Kopilkaurokov.ru. I am sending my presentation about Future Simple tense. 

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«Future Simple Tense»

Future Simple Tense  Prepared by: Rajabova Gulbahor Ahrorkulovna Date:15.04.2020

Future Simple


Prepared by: Rajabova Gulbahor Ahrorkulovna


To talk about future we use WILL  There is no difference in the use of the verbs in any personal pronoun,  we say: I will I won’t You will Or You won’t He,She,It will He,She,It won’t We,They will We,They won’t

To talk about future we use WILL

There is no difference in the use of the verbs in any personal pronoun,

we say:

I will I won’t

You will Or You won’t

He,She,It will He,She,It won’t

We,They will We,They won’t

To make the affirmative we use: Subject+will+verb+complement   He will play tomorrow    They will study English in two years.    I will travel to Spain next Monday

To make the affirmative we use:


He will play tomorrow

They will study English in two years.

I will travel to Spain next Monday

To make the negative we just add not to the previous formula or replace will by won’t Subject+will+not+verb+complement Ex: They won’t fight tomorrow  I will not do your homework

To make the negative we just add not to the previous formula or replace will by won’t


Ex: They won’t fight tomorrow

I will not do your homework

In the interrogative form we use: Will+Subject+verb+Complement+?   Ex: Will you study with me? No, I won’t or Yes, I will

In the interrogative form we use:


Ex: Will you study with me?

No, I won’t or Yes, I will

Words and expressions referring to future In a year, next month, in the future, in a couple of years, next october, the day after tommorow, etc Assumptions: Probably, I think, may be, perhaps Ex: In a couple of years there won’t be transantiago anymore

Words and expressions referring to future

In a year, next month, in the future, in a couple of years, next october, the day after tommorow, etc

Assumptions: Probably, I think, may be, perhaps

Ex: In a couple of years there won’t be transantiago anymore

Other uses of Will  * A promise: I will help you with your homework.  *An action that can’t be influenced: It will rain tomorrow.  *Conditional clauses type I: If you study, you will pass English

Other uses of Will * A promise: I will help you with your homework. *An action that can’t be influenced: It will rain tomorrow. *Conditional clauses type I: If you study, you will pass English

Keep calm and Learn English Keep calm and Learn English Keep calm and Learn English

Keep calm and Learn English

Keep calm and Learn English

Keep calm and Learn English

Currently, My pupils are busy with English lessons

Currently, My pupils are busy with English lessons

Thank you for your attention!!!

Thank you for your attention!!!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Future Simple Tense

Автор: Rajabova Gulbahor Ahrorkulovna

Дата: 27.05.2020

Номер свидетельства: 551562

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