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Future Simple Tense

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This presentation is aimed to teach Present Simple Tense for Elementary level students

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«Future Simple Tense»

Future simple S + Will/Shall + Verb + C. Will/Shall + S + Verb + C? S + Will/Shall not + Verb + C.

Future simple

S + Will/Shall + Verb + C.

Will/Shall + S + Verb + C?

S + Will/Shall not + Verb + C.

I / We + shall He/she/it/you/they + will

I / We + shall

He/she/it/you/they + will

U S E  For future actions which may or may not happen. We` ll visit Disney world one day.


For future actions which may or may not happen.

We` ll visit Disney world one day.

For promises I `ll help you with your homework

For promises

I `ll help you with your homework

For predictions about the future Life will be better fifty years from now. Life will be better fifty years from now. For threat or warnings

For predictions about the future

  • Life will be better fifty years from now.
  • Life will be better fifty years from now.

For threat or warnings

  • Stop or I` ll shoot.
  • Stop or I` ll shoot.
With the verbs Hope, think, believe, expect I think he will support me. I hope she will go to there .

With the verbs

Hope, think, believe, expect

I think he will support me. I hope she will go to there .

With the expressions I`m sure , I`m afraid I`m sure I will pass the exam . I`m afraid I will not go the party.

With the expressions

I`m sure , I`m afraid

I`m sure I will pass the exam .

I`m afraid I will not go the party.

With the adverbs Probably, perhaps He will  probably go to work. We shall  perhaps fail the exam.

With the adverbs

Probably, perhaps

He will probably go to work.

We shall perhaps fail the exam.

Time expressions Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week/month/year Tonight, soon, in a week,/month/year

Time expressions

Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week/month/year

Tonight, soon, in a week,/month/year

Robots … most of the works in the 21 st century. Note: In the 21 st century is the tie expression which is called as a signal word a. do c. will do b. Shall do d. are doing a. do c. will do b. Shall do d. are doing Answer: c Robots will do most of the works in the 21 st century.

Robots … most of the works in the 21 st century.


In the 21 st century is the tie expression which is called as a signal word

  • a. do c. will do b. Shall do d. are doing
  • a. do c. will do
  • b. Shall do d. are doing

Answer: c

Robots will do most of the works in the 21 st century.

Request offer suggestion




The garden is very untidy. … … … the grass? a. Will I cut b. Shall I cut c. Can I cut a. Will I cut b. Shall I cut c. Can I cut  Answer: b Because it is offered to do something. The garden is very untidy. Shall I cut the grass?

The garden is very untidy.

… … … the grass?

  • a. Will I cut b. Shall I cut c. Can I cut
  • a. Will I cut
  • b. Shall I cut
  • c. Can I cut

Answer: b Because it is offered to do something.

The garden is very untidy.

Shall I cut the grass?

As soon as before until while After when If

As soon as







I … you before I … for Paris. a. call/leave b. will call/ will leave c. will call/ leave

I … you before I … for Paris.

a. call/leave

b. will call/ will leave

c. will call/ leave

They … to school when they …five years old. C. shall go/are B. go/will be A. Will go/are

They … to school when they …five years old.

C. shall go/are

B. go/will be

A. Will go/are

Thanks a lot for your attention. If you have any questions, you can ask it using by this link @Anora_170190

Thanks a lot for your attention.

If you have any questions, you can ask it using by this link @Anora_170190

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Future Simple Tense

Автор: Онарбоева Муслима Абдуганиевна

Дата: 21.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 547557

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