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Free time

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This work is abuy the fre time. We should to know how to plan our free time

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«Free time»



  • typical hobbies of different people;
  • your favourite activities;
  • famous people and their hobbies.
PROBLEM: Do people need a hobby? Why?


Do people need a hobby?


HOBBY ? (an activity people like doing during their free time)


(an activity people like doing during their free time)



  • going in for sport
  • playing musical instruments
  • reading books
  • playing computer games
  • dancing
  • going for a walk
  • singing
  • collecting
  • listening to music
  • watching TV
  • meeting friends


  • travelling
  • doing crosswords
  • gardening
  • knitting
  • fishing
  • keeping pets
  • going to the museum, theatres


  • shopping
  • reading books
  • gardening
  • knitting
  • cooking
  • dancing
  • singing


  • watching TV
  • reading newspapers
  • fishing
  • taking pictures
  • going in for sport
  • watching sport matches
Name Occupation Hobby




was born in 1989 in London performed on the stage at school played the role of Harry Porter loves music prefers listening to punk-rock
  • was born in 1989 in London
  • performed on the stage at school
  • played the role of Harry Porter
  • loves music
  • prefers listening to punk-rock

Daniel Radcliffe

Name Occupation Daniel Radcliffe  Hobby an actor listening to music/ writing poems



Daniel Radcliffe


an actor

listening to music/

writing poems

was born in 1835 in Florida, Missouri, the USA was a famous American writer worked in a small newspaper wrote “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” was fond of collecting things nobody had
  • was born in 1835 in Florida, Missouri, the USA
  • was a famous American writer
  • worked in a small newspaper
  • wrote “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”
  • was fond of collecting things nobody had

Mark Twain

Name Occupation Daniel Radcliffe Hobby an actor Mark Twain listening to music/writing poems a writer collecting things nobody had



Daniel Radcliffe


an actor

Mark Twain

listening to music/writing poems

a writer

collecting things nobody had

- was born in 1926 in London  - has been the Queen of Great Britain since 1952 has four children likes dogs very much has nine dogs is fond of going for a walk  Queen Elizabeth II,  (Elizabeth Alexandra  Mary Windsor)

- was born in 1926 in London

- has been the Queen of

Great Britain since 1952

  • has four children
  • likes dogs very much
  • has nine dogs
  • is fond of going for a walk

Queen Elizabeth II,

(Elizabeth Alexandra

Mary Windsor)

Name Occupation Daniel Radcliffe Hobby an actor Mark Twain listening to music/ writing poems a writer Elizabeth II collecting things nobody had the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland keeping pets, going for a walk



Daniel Radcliffe


an actor

Mark Twain

listening to music/

writing poems

a writer

Elizabeth II

collecting things nobody had

the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

keeping pets,

going for a walk

was born in 1934 in Russia liked learning read a lot of books became a pilot in 1955 flew into space in 1961
  • was born in 1934 in Russia
  • liked learning
  • read a lot of books
  • became a pilot in 1955
  • flew into space in 1961

Yuri Gagarin

Name Occupation Daniel Radcliffe Hobby an actor Mark Twain listening to music/ writing poems a writer Elizabeth II collecting things nobody had the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Yuri Gagarin keeping pets, going for a walk a pilot/cosmonaut reading books



Daniel Radcliffe


an actor

Mark Twain

listening to music/

writing poems

a writer

Elizabeth II

collecting things nobody had

the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Yuri Gagarin

keeping pets,

going for a walk

a pilot/cosmonaut

reading books

was born in 1981 in Leningrad, Russia was fond of playing football and draughts became the professional footballer in 1999 the captain of Russian Football team
  • was born in 1981 in Leningrad, Russia
  • was fond of playing football and draughts
  • became the professional footballer in 1999
  • the captain of Russian Football team

Andrey Arshavin

Name Occupation Daniel Radcliffe Hobby an actor Mark Twain listening to music/writing poems Elizabeth II a writer collecting things nobody had the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Yuri Gagarin keeping pets, going for a walk a cosmonaut Andrey Arshavin reading books  a sportsman playing draughts



Daniel Radcliffe


an actor

Mark Twain

listening to music/writing poems

Elizabeth II

a writer

collecting things nobody had

the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Yuri Gagarin

keeping pets,

going for a walk

a cosmonaut

Andrey Arshavin

reading books

a sportsman

playing draughts

was born in 1965 in Leningrad, Russia worked as a teacher at the university and a lawyer became the president of the Russian Federation
  • was born in 1965 in Leningrad, Russia
  • worked as a teacher at the university and a lawyer
  • became the president of the Russian Federation

in 2008

- is fond of taking pictures

Dmitry Medvedev

Name Occupation Daniel Radcliffe Hobby an actor Mark Twain listening to music/ writing poems a writer Elizabeth II Yuri Gagarin the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland collecting keeping pets a cosmonaut Andrey Arshavin reading books  a sportsman Dmitry Medvedev playing draughts the president of Russia taking pictures



Daniel Radcliffe


an actor

Mark Twain

listening to music/

writing poems

a writer

Elizabeth II

Yuri Gagarin

the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


keeping pets

a cosmonaut

Andrey Arshavin

reading books

a sportsman

Dmitry Medvedev

playing draughts

the president of Russia

taking pictures

PROBLEM: Do people need a hobby? Why?


Do people need a hobby?


I think…  I suppose…  I’m sure…  I believe…

I think… I suppose… I’m sure… I believe…

Hobby helps people…

Hobby helps people…

  • to learn much new information,
  • to have rest and relax,
  • to have good mood,
  • to have good time,
  • to meet interesting people
Thank you for your work!

Thank you for your work!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Free time

Автор: Кенжалиева Гульшырай

Дата: 09.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 398533

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