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Ecology around us

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Кроме красочных рисунков c изображением национальных парков и заповедников Казахстана, а также английского текстового материала, в презентацию включены лексические упражнения.

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«Ecology around us »

“ Ecology  around us ”

“ Ecology around us ”

What science studies nature? Ecology

What science studies nature?


What are the main ecological problems  of today? Fires Air pollution Water and land pollution Trees are cut down

What are the main ecological problems of today?


Air pollution

Water and land pollution

Trees are cut down

Add one word to make proper word combination

Add one word to make proper word combination

  • a national …
  • the grand …
  • a nature …
  • to protect the…
  • a unique…
  • air …
  • tourist places
  • to damage …
throw plants sea water protect wildlife  There are a lot of factories and __________ in my city. They ________ a lot of chemicals  into the air and into the _________. They poison water into the ________. Fish can’t live in it. ____________ is destroyed. We must ___________ nature as we can.







There are a lot of factories and __________

in my city. They ________ a lot of chemicals

into the air and into the _________. They

poison water into the ________. Fish can’t

live in it. ____________ is destroyed. We

must ___________ nature as we can.

Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

  • Environment
  • Hunters
  • The earth
  • A Nature reserve
  • A tree
  • Litter
  • It’s the place where animals, birds and plants are protected.
  • The material which pollutes rivers, lakes and forests.
  • Everything that is around us.
  • People who kill animals for their meat and fur.
  • A planet where we live.
  • Plants which give us fruits .
Do you know about national parks and nature reserves in Kazakhstan? Now there are 12 national parks ( Altyn-Emel , Bayanaul, Burabay , Buyratau, Charyn, Ile-Alatau, Karkaraly, Katon-Karagay, Kokshetau, Kolsay Lakes, Sayram-Ugam, Zhongar-Alatau ) and 5 nature reserves ( Aksu-Zhabagly , Barsa-Kelmes , Karatau , Korgalzhyn ,  Naurzum ) in Kazakhstan .

Do you know about national parks and nature reserves in Kazakhstan?

Now there are 12 national parks ( Altyn-Emel , Bayanaul, Burabay , Buyratau, Charyn, Ile-Alatau, Karkaraly, Katon-Karagay, Kokshetau, Kolsay Lakes, Sayram-Ugam, Zhongar-Alatau ) and 5 nature reserves ( Aksu-Zhabagly , Barsa-Kelmes , Karatau , Korgalzhyn , Naurzum ) in Kazakhstan .

The Aksu-Zhabagly Nature Reserve

The Aksu-Zhabagly Nature Reserve

  • The Aksu-Zhabagly Nature Reserve offers over 850 sq. km of wonderful archa (juniper) forests, alpine meadows, streams, rivers and rocky mountains. It was the first nature reserve created in Central Asia and Kazakhstan and is  the only UNESCO biosphere reserve in the region .
  • It hosts 1,279 recorded species of flora, 57 of them registered in the Red Book of Kazakhstan including the Greig's Tulip (the symbol of the reserve).
  • There are also 238 species of birds and 42 species of mammals; including many endangered ones (Egyptian vulture, berkut, black stork, blue bird, brown bear, arkhar, paradise flycatcher, snow leopard, Central Asian lynx and others ).
Barsa-Kelmes Nature Reserve

Barsa-Kelmes Nature Reserve

  • The reserve is situated on an island of the same name in the Aral sea. Its territory is as large as 30, 000 ha. Some 250 species of plants constitute its flora. Its fauna that numbers 56 species of animals includes – among others – Asiatic wild ass, Persian gazelle, corsac fox and wolf. 203 is the number of bird species.
Naurzum Nature Reserve    The largest portion of the latter tract is covered by Naurzum Coniferous Forests.  It is possible to consider the pine forests of the reserve native, as they have been preserved practically unchanged since the tertiary epoch.  And while the birches of Naurzum may be less slender and graceful than those of Russia, nevertheless, they are beautiful, even those which grow near saline lakes. These are of a special kind, the Kyrgyz Birch, endemic of Northern Kazakhstan. They grow in a comparatively small area here, and nowhere else in the world.  The emblem of Naurzum Reserve is the hissing swan. However, the grave eagle could equally be considered as a symbol of the region, for here its population reaches around 30 couples.  The most graceful animals of the reserve, the beauty of the Naurzum Coniferous Forest, are the roe deer.

Naurzum Nature Reserve

The largest portion of the latter tract is covered by Naurzum Coniferous Forests.

It is possible to consider the pine forests of the reserve native, as they have been preserved practically unchanged since the tertiary epoch.

And while the birches of Naurzum may be less slender and graceful than those of Russia, nevertheless, they are beautiful, even those which grow near saline lakes. These are of a special kind, the Kyrgyz Birch, endemic of Northern Kazakhstan. They grow in a comparatively small area here, and nowhere else in the world.

The emblem of Naurzum Reserve is the hissing swan. However, the grave eagle could equally be considered as a symbol of the region, for here its population reaches around 30 couples.

The most graceful animals of the reserve, the beauty of the Naurzum Coniferous Forest, are the roe deer.

Karatau nature reserve

Karatau nature reserve

  • Karatau Nature Reserve is a wildlife refuge in the mid part of the Karatau Mountains, near Kyzylkum, Betpak-Dala and Moiynkum deserts in the South Kazakhstan Province of Kazakhstan, in Central Asia. It was founded in 2004. Its territory is around 34 300 hа. Some 700 species of plants constitute its flora, 62 species are endemic. Its fauna includes, among others, the Kara Tau argali, Indian Crested Porcupine and Beech Marten. There are 118 bird species in the area. The re-introduction of brown bear, koulan and snow leopard, all of which used to inhabit this area, is planned.
Korgalzhyn State Nature Reserve

Korgalzhyn State Nature Reserve

  • Korgalzhyn National Park is the largest preserve zone in Kazakhstan, occupying an area of about 258.9 million hectares, including 198,000 hectares of wetlands.
  • The preserve's flora counts about 350 kinds of plants, 90% of which are grasses. The fauna includes some 82 types of birds, 33 of which are included in the "Red Book"; they are the black lark, great bustard, crane, gyrfalcon and steppe wind hover.  There are no large trees, as this is the domain of low grasses and bushes typical for the steppe area. The Kurgaljinski lakes are rich in fish, including edible species. They are golden and argentine crucian, ide, pike, tench, perch, and roach.
Borovoe national park

Borovoe national park

  • Borovoye (Burabay) Lake is situated in the territory of the Shuchinsky district of Kokshetau oblast in the eastern foothills of Kokshe Mountain. Its territory is 10.5 sq. km, length is 4.5 km, width is 3.9 km; average depth is 4.5 m, and maximum depth is 7 m. The shore line is 13.6 km and water area is 164 sq. km.
  • There are 14 lakes on the territory of the park, each of which has an area of more than 1 km, and there are a great many smaller lakes. The largest lakes are  Bolshoye Chebachye  and  Maloye Chebachye , Shchuchye   and  Borovoye .
  • The bowl of the lake is almost round, and its bottom level; the southern shores are rocky, and the eastern shores are sandy. The water in the lake is soft and still, and one can see to the deepest bottom of the lake. Borovoye Lake is separated by mountain ranges from the closest lakes (Big and Small Chebiache, Shuche, Kotyrkol, Zhukei, etc.).
  • The combination of mountains, pine forests and lakes creates special climate conditions in the natural boundary. Plant life on park territory is represented by forest, steppe, meadow, marsh and salt marsh species. The flora comprises about 800 species. There are 305 vertebrate animal species.
Bayanaul National Park   The park is located within the  Kazakh Uplands . The highest point of Bayanaul is Akbet mountain (1027 m). According to legend, the mountain is named in honor of Akbet, a girl who threw herself from its peak when she was given to mjavascript:;arry someone she didn't love. There are four relatively large fresh water lakes on the territory of the park   Sabyndykol ,  Jasybay ,  Toraygir  and  Byrzhankol . Four kinds of vegetation can be found in the park-  forest ,  forest-steppe ,  steppe  and  meadow . The floristic diversity of the park consists of around 460 species, including the Bayanaul pine and the  black alder .  Around 50 species of bird and 40 species of mammals inhabit Bayanaul National Park, including different types of forest game, as well as the  argali ,  roe deer ,  European badger and  squirrel . javascript:;

Bayanaul National Park

  • The park is located within the  Kazakh Uplands . The highest point of Bayanaul is Akbet mountain (1027 m). According to legend, the mountain is named in honor of Akbet, a girl who threw herself from its peak when she was given to mjavascript:;arry someone she didn't love.
  • There are four relatively large fresh water lakes on the territory of the park   Sabyndykol , 
  • Jasybay ,  Toraygir  and  Byrzhankol .
  • Four kinds of vegetation can be found in the park-  forest ,  forest-steppe ,  steppe  and  meadow .
  • The floristic diversity of the park consists of around 460 species, including the Bayanaul pine and the  black alder .
  • Around 50 species of bird and 40 species of mammals inhabit Bayanaul National Park, including different types of forest game, as well as the  argali ,  roe deer ,  European badger and  squirrel .


Altyn-Emel State National Park

Altyn-Emel State National Park

  • A vast territory on the southeast of Kazakhstan with unspoiled nature, abundance of wildlife and vegetation, known for its Singing Sands and Beshatyr Saka burial mounds.
  •    Singing Sands-two mysterious 100 metres high dunes, that under influence of west wind produces an astonishing sound reminding an organ.
  •    Burial mounds of Beshatyr Saka - is a unique historical site and the only place in world there such burial mounds can be met.
  •    These are the huge artificial hills, 17 metres high and 100 metres across dated to the Iron Age and served as a graves for members of Saka royal families. From the top of the hill, the one can get a fascinating view on Ili river. Red and white rocks of Altyn Emel turn the valley into very colourful scenary.
The State National park of Charyn

The State National park of Charyn

  • Sharyn River valley is a unique site, where prehistoric flora and fauna remnants have been found. Sharyn River is a mountain river and is the largest inflow of Ili River in Kazakhstan, with the length of 393 km.
  • The park is rich not only in unique natural objects and complexes, but also in historical and cultural heritage, such as burial grounds and barrows. Barrows are underground or above ground burial places, constructed in a shape of barrows
  • The park is attractive at any time of the year, in the spring - air is filled by aroma of blossoming medicinal herbs and bushes, in the summer you can shelter yourself from the sun under a shade of a relic ash-tree, in the autumn you can admire the bright indescribable colours of ripe barberries, in the winter you can observe calmly how ice floats on dark blue water as majestic snow tops of «the Valley of Castles».
Sairam-Ugamskiy State National Park

Sairam-Ugamskiy State National Park

  • The picturesque glacier lakes and high mountain valleys of the Ugamskiy range with beautiful Archa and birch forests, mountain river ,springs and good roads . The road ends at the entrance to Sayram-Su camp, located in a big field, near the river. There is a splendid view of mountain summits and Sayram Peak (4238m), the highest point in the Shymkent region.
  • Trekking through the high mountain valleys and canyons of the Western Tien-Shan along Southern part of the Aksu Zhabagly Nature Reserve, you will enjoy the rare nature and varied vegetation and wildlife of our region.
  • The area has something for everyone. Untouched nature rarely visited by people, but accessible by horse. The region's best summits: Kizil-bush (4200m), Druzhba (4100m), and Sayramskiy (4238m) for mountain climbers; for lovers of history, the ancient monuments and sites of the Great Silk Road and earlier burial mounds.
  • Historical sites in the region: mausoleums, burial mounds and churches. 
Kolsay Lakes National Park

Kolsay Lakes National Park

  • The lowest lake, at 1,818m, stretches for 1 km. It is accessible by road and there are comfortable guesthouses and campsites. The middle Kolsai Lake (2,252 m) the largest and the most beautiful, is 5 km from the first lake.
  • The highest of the Kolsais is 4 km further and 600 m higher up. After another 6 km you reach the Sary-Bulak Pass (3,278m) on the Kyrgyzstan border, with superb views over the blue Lake Issyk-Kul. The whole 25-km trek can be covered in a day on horseback or three days on foot.
  • The two lower lakes are surrounded by fir trees, alpine meadows and mountain pastures. The upper lake is situated among rocks. The shortest and least difficult path to Lake Issyk-Kul runs through the Kolsay lakes. The Kolsay Lakes are the goal of many visitors. The dark blue color of the water, and the silence and calmness of the area are the unique features of Kolsai. The trekking amateur will admire a fascinating panorama of lakes, surrounded by rocks, forests of broad-leaved trees, fir-trees and mountain alpine meadows.
Katon-Karagay National Park

Katon-Karagay National Park

  • Katon-Karagay National Park territory is included in the Kazakhstan part of Altai-Sayan ecological region. It is the largest national park in Kazakhstan.
  • Rich diversity of flora and fauna, as well as preserved species, included in the Kazakhstan Red Book, is concentrated here. According to preliminary information there are over 1000 species of vascular plants in the park. 30 species are listed as endangered: they are Rhodiola rosea, rapontikum carthamoides, Altaic rhubarb, Altaic anthrax, and others.
  • Forests of the National Park occupy 34% of the Park’s territory and consist mainly of coniferous species, which include fir, cedar, larch, birch and aspen, a large variety of shrubs and dwarf shrubs.
  • Faunal composition represented by 363 species of vertebrates: bony fishes (6), amphibians (2), reptiles (6), birds (284), mammals (65). Altai snowcock, black storks, gray cranes, belladonna, a burial ground, osprey, saker falcon, peregrine falcon, hawk-nosed scoter, snow leopards, stone martens, trout are included in the Red Book.
Kokshetau State National Nature Park

Kokshetau State National Nature Park

  • The forests and lakes of the region are protected as a part of Kokshetau National Park. The wildlife is very rich and varied. Forests are inhabited by  elk , deer,  wild boar , wolves and many other species of animals. Lakes are rich in fish species.
  • Kokshetau State National Nature Park was established in April, 1996 by Kazakhstan government decree. Its main area, 60 km southwest of Kokshetau, is more than 135,000 hectares and includes the mountainous forests and lakes of Zerenda, Shalkar and Imantau natural zones. The territory is under a special protection regime which mitigates damage to natural and cultural sites.
  • Wildlife in Kokshetau is a rare combination of species from different epochs and geographical regions. Ancient lichens and ferns grow underneath trees and bushes.
  • Typical  Siberian taiga  animals such as elk, lynx, forest marten, white hare, and ermine live close to the inhabitants of southern steppes and semi-desert, such as korsak fox, gopher, grey hare, and steppe polecat.  The varied wildlife  has always attracted people to this region.
  • National Park Entrance fee is  1.3  Euro (in 2006).
The Karkaraly national park

The Karkaraly national park

  • According to legend, the name of the Karkaraly Mountains originated from “karkara”, the name of the jewel in the women's head-dress which was probably lost by a beautiful girl in the steppe. Nowadays the Karkaraly mountain oasis is a real decoration of central Kazakhstan.  The territory includes the Karkaraly National Park. The slopes of the Karkaraly Mountains are indented by numerous ravines, with rivers and streams running through them. The mountains are formed mainly of granite and are covered with pine and birch forests and with shrubs.  There are also places where the cliffs are bare - not covered with anything. Numerous lakes, (such as the Shaitankol, Bassein, Pashennoye and Bolshoye), beautify the mountains and provide places of interest for a visit, or for bathing.

harmoniously combined together.

Unique relict spruce forests that survived the glaciation of the Quaternary period occupy significant part of the park. Shrenka spruce that grows here is 45 meters high and 2 meters in diameter. It is unique by the ability to grow on almost horizontal slopes. This tree could live until 600 years.

Fauna of the National Park is rich and various. It includes more than 1500 animal species. Snow leopard (ounce) and other animals that listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan dwell these places: Tian Shan Brownbear, Turkestan Lynx, Stone Marten, Porcupine. There are common species within the protected territory: Maral, Roe Deer, Wild Boar, Siberian Ibex (Tau-Teke), badgers and others. There are 8 vermigrade species, 4 amphibious species, 4 fish species, around 200 bird species, 11 of which are listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Ile-Alatau National Park

A significant portion of the park is occupied by unique relict spruce forests, which have survived the Quaternary ice ages. Here grows Schrenk’s spruce, which can reach a height of 45 meters and a diameter of up to two meters. This stately tree lives for up to 250-300 years, and at the upper treeline, for up to 600. Below the coniferous forest zone lie mixed forests, distinguished by their rich diversity of species. Here one encounters the common apricot, Mushketov’s atraphaxis, Turkestan shrub maple, Yanchevsky’s currant, Caucasian carcas, and, of course, Sivers’ apple. According to the latest research, this is the forefather of all of the world’s known apple varieties. In all, more than 1000 species of plants are known to exist in the park.

The animal world of the Trans-Ili Alatau is diverse as well, including some 300 species of mammals and birds. Here dwell the snow leopard (or  irbis ), Central Asian lynx, Tien-Shan brown bear, Central Asian rock marten, ibex (or  tau-teke ), ibisbill, bearded vulture, griffin vulture, golden eagle, and blue rock thrush.

WHAT ARE THE RESULTS OF OUR INFLUENCE ON THE ENVIRONMENT ? -We pollute the air. We change the climate. -When the air is polluted, climate is changed. - We leave a fire. – We destroy the forest. -We pollute the air. We change the climate. -When the air is polluted, climate is changed. - We leave a fire. – We destroy the forest. -We pollute the air. We change the climate. -When the air is polluted, climate is changed. - We leave a fire. – We destroy the forest. -When the fire is left, the forest is destroyed.  -- -We throw away plastic bottles. We damage nature. -When plastic bottles are thrown away,nature is damaged.      We leave litter in the forests.  We hurt animals We leave litter in the forests.  We hurt animals We leave litter in the forests. – We hurt animals


-We pollute the air. We change the climate. -When the air is polluted, climate is changed.

- We leave a fire. – We destroy the forest.

  • -We pollute the air. We change the climate. -When the air is polluted, climate is changed. - We leave a fire. – We destroy the forest.
  • -We pollute the air. We change the climate. -When the air is polluted, climate is changed. - We leave a fire. – We destroy the forest.

-When the fire is left, the forest is destroyed. -- -We throw away plastic bottles. We damage nature.

-When plastic bottles are thrown away,nature is damaged.

We leave litter in the forests.

  • We hurt animals We leave litter in the forests.
  • We hurt animals We leave litter in the forests.

We hurt animals

WHAT ARE THE RESULTS OF OUR INFLUENCE ON THE ENVIRONMENT ? - We break trees. – We disturb birds. -When trees are broken,birds are disturbe. -We throw litter in the rivers and seas. – We cause water pollution. -When litter is thrown in the rivers and seas,  the water pollution is caused. -We leave litter in the forests . – We hurt animals. -When litter is left in the forests, animals are hurt.


- We break trees. – We disturb birds.

-When trees are broken,birds are disturbe.

-We throw litter in the rivers and seas.

We cause water pollution.

-When litter is thrown in the rivers and seas,

the water pollution is caused.

-We leave litter in the forests . – We hurt animals.

-When litter is left in the forests, animals are hurt.

Complete the sentences with model verbs: can, we, plant, trees We can plant trees.

Complete the sentences with model verbs:

  • can, we, plant, trees
  • We can plant trees.

  • not, they, disturb, must, animals, wild.
  • They must not disturb wild animals.
  • School, need, we, clear up, a, yard.
  • We need clear up a school yard.
Fill in active words:

Fill in active words:

  • Cars … air in big cities.
  • Fish dies in … , rivers and seas.
  • Animals are … .
  • Factories and plants put waste into the … .
  • Fires … forests.
Изображения использованы со след сайтов:     http://repetitor8.ru/alkogolizm/vodka-cpoili14.html  http://www.zaecomir.ru/z-kabard-foto.htm  http://www.photosight.ru/users/46057/photos/?pager=2  http://wallpapers.99px.ru/i/?pid=3911  http://www.gumilev-center.az/chernye-zemli-v-geoprostranstve-evrazii/  http://strana.ru/places/30915  http://www.contrasterra.ru/topic/detail/2520  http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/kostya-koshelev/view/603583/?page=7  http://www.sundancechannel.com/sunfiltered/2008/07/unesco-natural-world-heritage-sites-face-more-threats/  http://www.floridaadventuring.com/national-parks-in-florida.html  http://www.uadream.com/tourism/America/USA/element.php?ID=49424  http://www.attractions-gatlinburg.com/national_park.html  http://vksors.org.ua/category/dokumenty/page/4  http://www.artsides.ru/?ItemID=3004&SetID=56  http://chizhov-s-v.ru/newsreader/290  http://novos.mk.ru/article/2011/04/12/580191-chto-nam-zhdat-ot-sezona-ognya.html  http://www.megaservice.com.ru/statii.html

Изображения использованы со след сайтов:   http://repetitor8.ru/alkogolizm/vodka-cpoili14.html http://www.zaecomir.ru/z-kabard-foto.htm http://www.photosight.ru/users/46057/photos/?pager=2 http://wallpapers.99px.ru/i/?pid=3911 http://www.gumilev-center.az/chernye-zemli-v-geoprostranstve-evrazii/ http://strana.ru/places/30915 http://www.contrasterra.ru/topic/detail/2520 http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/kostya-koshelev/view/603583/?page=7 http://www.sundancechannel.com/sunfiltered/2008/07/unesco-natural-world-heritage-sites-face-more-threats/ http://www.floridaadventuring.com/national-parks-in-florida.html http://www.uadream.com/tourism/America/USA/element.php?ID=49424 http://www.attractions-gatlinburg.com/national_park.html http://vksors.org.ua/category/dokumenty/page/4 http://www.artsides.ru/?ItemID=3004&SetID=56 http://chizhov-s-v.ru/newsreader/290 http://novos.mk.ru/article/2011/04/12/580191-chto-nam-zhdat-ot-sezona-ognya.html http://www.megaservice.com.ru/statii.html

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Ecology around us

Автор: Ганиева Ирина Михайловна

Дата: 17.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 220241

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