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Достопримечательности Лондона Big Ben

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Данная презентация предназначена для учащихся 6 классов при изучении темы город Лондон по УМК И.Н.Верещагиной  English IV.  В ней содержатся интересные факты про Биг Бен. История возникновения, откуда появилось название, высота башни,  вес колокола, его высота и диаметр, диаметр часов,  размеры часовой и минутной стрелок. Также показаны самые разные копии Биг Бена - шоколадный, из баночек из под кока колы. В конце представлен стих про Биг Бен.

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«Достопримечательности Лондона Big Ben»

Big Ben

Big Ben

This is Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament.

This is Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament.

Big Ben is the name of the clock tower.

Big Ben is the name of the clock tower.

Big Ben was named after sir.Benjamin (Ben for short) Hall who was a big man and controlled the building of the tower.

Big Ben was named after sir.Benjamin (Ben for short) Hall who was a big man and controlled the building of the tower.

Tower was built in 1858 and the clock began working on the 21 of May in 1859. The height of the tower is 61 metres and the clock is 55 metres high.

Tower was built in 1858 and the clock began working on the 21 of May in 1859.

The height of the tower is 61 metres and the clock is 55 metres high.

The diameter of the clock is 7 metres . The minute clock hand is 4,2 meters and an hour hand is 2,7 metres. The every number is 61 centimeters high.

The diameter of the clock is 7 metres .

The minute clock hand is 4,2 meters and an hour hand is 2,7 metres.

The every number is 61 centimeters high.

Big Ben is not a name of the tower. It is a name  of the bell.

Big Ben is

not a name

of the tower.

It is a name

of the bell.

The weight of the bell is 16 tones.  The height is more than  2 metres and the diameter is about 3 metres

The weight

of the bell is

16 tones.

The height is more than

2 metres

and the diameter is

about 3 metres

The clock is on every side of the tower. And the Latin phrase “ Laus Deo” is written there.

The clock is on every side of the tower. And the Latin phrase

“ Laus Deo” is written there.

Big Ben is known all over the world.

Big Ben is known all over the world.

In England there are many little “Big Ben”s.

In England there are many little “Big Ben”s.

This Big Ben is made of ice.


Big Ben is made of ice.

This 6 metre high copy of Big Ben was made of Coca Cola cans.

This 6 metre high copy of Big Ben was made of Coca Cola cans.

This chocolate Big Ben was made in Italy.

This chocolate Big Ben was made in Italy.

“ Tick-tock, tick-tock”,  This is Big Ben.  Big Ben is a clock  Day and night  with all its might  Big Ben the clock  says: “Tick-tock”.

Tick-tock, tick-tock”, This is Big Ben. Big Ben is a clock Day and night with all its might Big Ben the clock says: “Tick-tock”.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Достопримечательности Лондона Big Ben

Автор: Мальцева Юлия Олеговна

Дата: 13.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 252723

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