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Урок-путешествие на тему "Достопримечательности Лондона"

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Sights of London     (урок – путешествие по                                                                    достопримечательностям Лондона в 5 классе)

                                             Ход мероприятия

Teacher: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Elena Vladimirovna and I am your guide. Today we are going to visit some interesting places in London.

- Which sights of London do you know? (the Tower of London, the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Windsor Palace…)

But our tour is unusual. You, tourists, will take an active part in the tour. You can see these places; listen to the information about them. And can do some tasks. Sometimes you can also be guides! So now, please, think about the names of your teams. (Дети придумывают названия своим командам).

Teacher: Well, we begin our tour from the Tower of London. As you know it is one of the oldest places in London and is famous all over the world.

  • Your homework was to find some information about sights. Who wants to tell us about the Tower of London?          (один из учеников рассказывает материал).

Teacher: Now I want you to be guides. I’ll give you short pieces of information. But each text has some gaps. Fill in the gaps with the proper words and tell the class your information about the Tower of London.

(Учитель раздает каждой команде по небольшому тексту с пропусками. На выполнение задания дается 3-4 минуты).

Текст №1

It is situated on the bank of the T_ _ _ _s, so you can see it from the river and from the Tower B_ _ _ _e. It is very old and has a long h_ _ _ _ _y. It was built in the 11th century. In the past it was used as a fortress, a p_ _ _ _e and so on.

(Пропущенные слова: Thames, Bridge, palace, history)

Текст №2

It is not just one building. The tall building is the White T_ _ _ r, the oldest part of the Tower of L_ _ _ _n. The B_ _ _ _y Tower is near the river. You do not see blood today. But the Bloody Tower has a h_ _ _ _ _y of blood – the blood of men, women and even children.

(Пропущенные слова: Tower, London, Bloody, history).

По истечении времени каждая команда читает свой текст. Учитель подсчитывает количество баллов и записывает результаты команд на доску.

Teacher: Very nice. Let’s go on? All tourists always want to visit Westminster Abbey. But how we can get there?

Игра «Who is the first?» ( К доске выходят два ученика, с противоположной стороны класса висит картинка с изображением аббатства; делая шаг, каждый ученик называет одно из слов лексики по теме «Лондон», кто  

первый подойдет к аббатству, того команда и выиграет).

It is a palace where all British Kings and Queens are coronated and famous people are buried. It was founded by Edward the Confessor in 1050. For a long time it was used as monastery and was rebuilt by Henry III. One of the greatest treasures of the Abbey is the oaken Coronation Chair made in 1300.

 So, this is the history of Westminster Abbey. Now, please take the task.


Chose the word that doesn’t belong to the group.

Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, the Thames, the Tower of London.

Museum, flat, gallery, palace.

Regents Park, Kensington Gardens, Hyde Park, MOMI.

The Tate Gallery, the Tretyakov Gallery, the National Gallery.

Teacher: Put your answers at the blackboard (задание выполняется у доски).

Teacher: The next two places we are going to visit today are the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. The Houses of Parliament are situated on the north bank of the Thames. It is a great example of Gothic architecture. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

The famous clock Big Ben stands near the Houses of Parliament. Big Ben is really a bell which weights 13.720 kilograms. You can hear it every hour.

 Teacher: Now, answer my questions (каждый правильный ответ – балл для команды).


1. It is a famous bridge across the Thames. (Tower Bridge)

2. It’s a clock in the tower and it’s a big bell. You can hear it every hour. (Big Ben).

3. You can see it from the river Thames. It is very old and has a long history. It is not just one building. It has several towers, for example, the White Tower and the Bloody Tower. ( The Tower of London).

4. It is a palace where the Queen lives when she is in London (Buckingham Palace).

5. It is a place where the British Government sits. It is situated not far from Westminster Abbey. (The Houses of Parliament).

6. It is a symbol of England. The coronation of all British Kings and Queens took place there. Some famous people are also buried there. (Westminster Abbey).

7. It is the central square of London and it is famous all over the world. (Trafalgar Square).

Teacher: Very good. Now we can go. Please, look here. It’s Buckingham Palace. It’s the home of the Royal family. You can see the Changing of the Guard every day outside Buckingham Palace (показываю).

The next task for you is also connected with different places in London. Please, complete the sentences. (Учитель раздает учащимся карточки с заданиями). Write your answers on the back side of the blackboard (приносят для проверки).

Complete the sentences.

1) Big Ben is                                         3) The Bloody Tower is in

       - a palace                                                       ?- the Tower of London 

      ? - a bell                                                    - the Houses of Parliament

      - a square                                                  - Westminster Abbey

2) The Queen lives in                               4) The country’s leader speak in

      - the Tower of London                              ?- the Houses of Parliament

      ?- Buckingham Palace                               - Big Ben

      - Windsor Palace                                       - Buckingham Palace

 Teacher: London is also rich in museums. And the most famous are probably Madam Tussaud’s and the British Museum. Do you know something about them? (Учащиеся называют какие-либо известные им факты об этих музеях).

              Well, you’re right. Madam Tussaud’s contains the largest collection of wax models in the world. And the British Museum is the most important historical museum in Great Britain. It was built in 1852. It is famous all over the world by the national museum of archaeology and ethnography and the national library which has a lot of valuable books and manuscripts. There are also some halls devoted to maps, coins, medals, prints and drawings.

            So, we have visited today a lot of interesting places in London. Which of them do you like most? What would you like to visit? (Учащиеся отвечают на эти вопросы). But sometimes people read advertisements describing the places they want to visit. And it may help you to choose what place to visit first. I’ll give you some advertisements inviting to visit London. You should read them and make your own ones. I think it is the most interesting task. You may invite people to visit some particular place in London or just London itself.

Учитель раздает учащимся небольшие картинки с достопримечательностями Лондона, чтобы учащиеся могли их использовать в своих рекламных буклетах. Для изготовления буклетов раздается по листу бумаги, маркеры, карандаши, картинки с видами Лондона, ножницы и клей.

Примерные надписи на буклетах:

Whatever your interests – the capital of Britain has something for you! Every year hundreds of people come here. You are welcome!

Примерные надписи на буклетах:

Planning your visit to London is fun! There are so many places to visit: famous museums, beautiful buildings, well-known towers. Don’t miss your chance!

Teacher: Well, our lesson is over. I am very pleased with your work at the lesson. Thank you very much you’ll get good marks. But which team knows more about London? Who is the winner?

Учитель вместе с учениками подсчитывает результаты и объявляет победителя.


Но вот слеза вдруг по щеке,
И грустно нам вот так,
Смотрю на Лондон и уже,
Увы, в последний раз.
И вот гудит наш самолёт,
И вот мы в облаках,
В Россию мы летим – домой,
А щёки все в слезах.
О Лондон, ты любовь моя,
I like it very much.
We don’t say to you: “Прощай!”
But we tell you: “Good bye!”

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«Урок-путешествие на тему "Достопримечательности Лондона"»

Примерные надписи на буклетах:

Whatever your interests – the capital of Britain has something for you! Every year hundreds of people come here. You are welcome!

Примерные надписи на буклетах:

Planning your visit to London is fun! There are so many places to visit: famous museums, beautiful buildings, well-known towers. Don’t miss your chance!

Текст №1

It is situated on the bank of the T_ _ _ _s, so you can see it from the river and from the Tower B_ _ _ _e. It is very old and has a long h_ _ _ _ _y. It was built in the 11th century. In the past it was used as a fortress, a p_ _ _ _e and so on.

Текст №2

It is not just one building. The tall building is the White T_ _ _ r, the oldest part of the Tower of L_ _ _ _n. The B_ _ _ _y Tower is near the river. You do not see blood today. But the Bloody Tower has a h_ _ _ _ _y of blood – the blood of men, women and even children.

Complete the sentences.

1) Big Ben is 3) The Bloody Tower is in

- a palace - the Tower of London

- a bell - the Houses of Parliament

- a square - Westminster Abbey

2) The Queen lives in 4) The country’s leader speak in

- the Tower of London - the Houses of Parliament

- Buckingham Palace - Big Ben

- Windsor Palace - Buckingham Palace

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Урок-путешествие на тему "Достопримечательности Лондона"

Автор: Долгова Елена Владимировна

Дата: 06.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 315769

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