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Communication and technology. ( 8 класс)

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Language objectives Learners can: be able to talk about the main problems of the topic, do grammer exercises, understand the meanings of topical vocabulary; Key words: mass media, television, radio, newspaper etc. Useful classroom language for dialogue/ writing: Discussion poins: What is the mass media? What is the internet? Have you got computer? Can you say why is it important to use new technology? Why is the internet useful for everyone? Writing prompts: pictures,
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«Communication and technology. ( 8 класс)»

Lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan: 8

School: № 12


Teachers name: Berdigalyieva Galiya.

Class: 7

Number present: 12

Absent: 0

Lesson title: Communication and technology.

Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

Understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on range general and curricular topics.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to .R1understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on general and curricular topic.

Most learners will be able to: W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at

text level with some support on a growing range of general and curricular topics.

Some learners will be able to S7: use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics, and some curricular topics.

Assessment criteria

Criteria- based assessment.

Language objectives

Learners can: be able to talk about the main problems of the topic, do grammer exercises, understand the meanings of topical vocabulary;

Key words: mass media, television, radio, newspaper etc.

Useful classroom language for dialogue/ writing:

Discussion poins: What is the mass media? What is the internet? Have you got computer?

Can you say why is it important to use new technology? Why is the internet useful for everyone?

Writing prompts: pictures , cards, objects.

Values links

Benefits of sport.

Cross-curricular links

IT, History, Kazakh, Physics.

Previous learning

Checking up home work “About sport” use the method “Ven diaram “

1 group describe indoor sport. 2 group describe outdoor sport.




Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



I. Organization moment.

- Teacher greets with the students and check their attendance.

II.Positive reinforcement “ The Wish Box”

- Student stand in a circle and write wishes on the stickers and read it for their neigbours, then put them in a box.

-III. Divided pupils into two groups by the pictures.

1st group computer.

2nd group newspaper.

IV.Explain new theme: To show them slide show.

Pupils watch slide the and say what are speaking?

-What about is this slide show?

-How do you think what are we going to talk today? About technology.

V.Active vocabulary to show them pictures of technology:

mass media





VI.Speaking:Use the method “ thin and thick questions”

What is WW W mean? World Wide Web.

Who is the the world’s most famous computer engineer? - Bill Gates .

By whom was IPhone invented? Steve jobs.

Have you got a computer? Yes I have.

Do you like watch TV? Yes .

Do you use the internet?

V. New grammar theme.


Active board


Slide pictures


I.Jigsaw reading and speak about advantages and disadvantages for the technology.


II.Speaking:Use the method “ thin and thick questions”

What is WW W mean? World Wide Web.

Who is the the world’s most famous computer engineer? - Bill Gates .

By whom was IPhone invented? Steve jobs.

Have you got a computer? Yes I have.

Do you like watch TV? Yes .

Do you use the internet?

III. Doing grammar exercise: Complete the sentence with the tense.






I.Evaluation: Playing game “kahoot “ Students will play game in a team.

II.Giving homework: To write an essay on the curricular topic.

III. Feedback: I gives the Blob tree paper the each group and they should evaluation themselves.


Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment-how are you planning to check learners learning?

Health and safety check

To give different interesting tasks, to teach the pupils to think logically using their fantasy and creativity.

Criteria – based assessment.

Name of the pupils



Bag vocabulary

Match the verbs with the pictures and make sentence.

“Jigsaw”answer the convergent questions of the text.

“5” Students were able to ask and answer the questions used vocabulary made sentences and for good reading and translating.

“4”The students made more errors in pronounciation , made some mistakes in two tasks.

3” The students made more errors in pronounciation, made more the 6-7 mistakes in each tasks.

“2”made more than 8 errors in each tasks.

25-21=5 16-10=3

20-17=4 9=2

-Friendly atmosphere in class. Health saving technologies use games and physical exercises.


Where the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did all the learners achieve the lesson objectives /learning objectives?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

1.The lesson objectives were realistic for the children 7th form.

2.All the learners achieve the lesson/learning objectives.

3.We did a lot of exercises. The lesson was very interesting because it was model lesson. I sticked to timings.

4.I change kahoot game because it was difficult for children but I stick to timings, and did this task.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the about the class or individuals that will inform in my next lesson?

1.Presentation new words with pictures .

2. Ven diaram

1.Speak about advantages and disadvantages of the technology.

2.Kahoot game.

1.Giving individual tasks according to the levels of students knowledge.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Communication and technology. ( 8 класс)

Автор: Бердигалыева Галия Дузелбаевна

Дата: 15.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 415415

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