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Британская кухня

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Презентация Британской кухни и рецепт приготовления Ландондерри супа. Кухня Британии отличается от кухни мира. Здесь очень подробно описывается, как правильно его приготовить. И мои ученики готовили такой суп и он всем очень понравился. Каждый ученик приносил в школу небольшую порцию попробовать его. Мы делали конкурс, кто лучше приготовил такой суп. Такие работы мы делаем часто, а главное, что ученики учат новые слова и запоминают их. Приятного аппетита!
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«Британская кухня »



This soup is cooked of peas and smoked bacon. It has a pleasant specific flavour. The recipe is for 6 portions of this wonderful soup!

This soup is cooked of peas and smoked bacon. It has a pleasant specific flavour. The recipe is for 6 portions of this wonderful soup!

Method: This is a classical recipe of the soup Londonderry. First soak the peas for the whole night. Then follow the instruction. The soup Londonderry is served with crisp bacon and dried breads. Don’t forget to process the soup with a blender. Good luck!

Method: This is a classical recipe of the soup Londonderry. First soak the peas for the whole night. Then follow the instruction. The soup Londonderry is served with crisp bacon and dried breads. Don’t forget to process the soup with a blender. Good luck!

Purpos: For lunch  The main ingredient: Meat/Vegetables/Peas/Beans/Subproducts/Bacon  Dish: Soup  Cuisine: European countries/English

Purpos: For lunch The main ingredient: Meat/Vegetables/Peas/Beans/Subproducts/Bacon Dish: Soup Cuisine: European countries/English

Ingredients:  1. Broth – 2 litres (made of 200g of bacon)  2. Dried peas – 350g  3. Smoked bacon – 170g  4. 1 onion  5. 1 carrot  6. salt – to taste  7. pepper – to taste  8. white bread – 50g

Ingredients: 1. Broth – 2 litres (made of 200g of bacon) 2. Dried peas – 350g 3. Smoked bacon – 170g 4. 1 onion 5. 1 carrot 6. salt – to taste 7. pepper – to taste 8. white bread – 50g

How to cook “Londonderry Soup” Make some broth of bacon

How to cook “Londonderry Soup”

Make some broth of bacon

Put some peas into the bowl.

Put some peas into the bowl.

Pour some cold water and leave for a night.

Pour some cold water and leave for a night.

Chop the carrot and the onion.

Chop the carrot and the onion.

Chop half of the bacon and fry it in the frying pan

Chop half of the bacon and fry it in the frying pan

Add the vegetables and go on frying all together

Add the vegetables and go on frying all together

Fry the rest of the bacon on the dry trying pan untill it is crisp.

Fry the rest of the bacon on the dry trying pan untill it is crisp.

Add the bread and fry for 5 minutes more.

Add the bread and fry for 5 minutes more.

Beat the ready soup with a blender, pour into the plates, sprincle with fried bacon and dried breads on top.

Beat the ready soup with a blender, pour into the plates, sprincle with fried bacon and dried breads on top.



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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Британская кухня

Автор: Кассай Валентина Федоровна, г.Мариуполь, Украина

Дата: 12.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 143044

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