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«At the doctors p.107»
Class:7 «v “
Theme :At the doctors p.107
The aim:to talking about Adverbs of frequency
1)Educational:to talk about health and medicine
2)Developing:to develop pupils skills in reading,speaking and writing
3)bringing up:to bring interesting to the English
Good afternoon children !How are you?
2.Phonetic Drill
Embassy,tutor,memory,Italy,Canada,France,Hastings,he, a flue,to prefer,to enjoy, a fever,to drink a mixsture,a sore throat,headache,insomnia, an earac
3.Ex.13p.105Checking the hometask
4.reading and translating 4 p.104
Have + Past Participle для выражения действия совершившиеся к настоящему моментуПри употреблений Present Perfect говорящий обращает внимание собеседника на результат вытекающий из совершенного действия а не время его совершения.Ever,never,yet,already.She has arrived in Almaty.I have never been to China.I haven’t finished it yet.
I have just come.
5.Ex.3 p 105
6.Talk to you partner106
7.Remember! You should,you must, you have to-давать советы