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At the Doctor`s Office

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«At the Doctor`s Office»

an accident to save a life to dial 03 bleeding a wound to follow the doctor's instructions to get better \ worse medical establishments the chemist's pain to diagnose to stick out tongue to catch a cold to check to have a clogged nose to sneeze to feel pulse to lay on the examination to palpate abdomen to provide qualified medical help to call for a doctor  to heal to take deep breaths to listen to heart beat

an accident

to save a life

to dial 03


a wound

to follow the doctor's instructions

to get better \ worse

medical establishments

the chemist's


to diagnose

to stick out tongue

to catch a cold

to check

to have a clogged nose

to sneeze

to feel pulse

to lay on the examination

to palpate abdomen

to provide qualified medical help

to call for a doctor to heal

to take deep breaths

to listen to heart beat

D: Come in. Hello! What brings you here today? P: Well, I’ve got a problem with my eye. It’s been itchy and swollen since last night. D: I see. Is it painful? P: Yes. It’s very sore, it hurts when I blink. D: Let me have a look at it. Your eyelid is indeed swollen. Have you put any drops in it?

D: Come in. Hello! What brings you here today?

P: Well, I’ve got a problem with my eye. It’s been itchy and swollen since last night.

D: I see. Is it painful?

P: Yes. It’s very sore, it hurts when I blink.

D: Let me have a look at it. Your eyelid is indeed swollen. Have you put any drops in it?

P: Yes, I’ve got some eye drops from the chemist’s, but they didn’t do anything D:  This looks like an eye infection. I think you need antibiotics. Are you allergic to them? P: No, I’m not D: OK. I’m going to prescribe some eye drops as well. If it doesn’t get better, come back and see me again.   P: OK. Thanks, doctor.  

P: Yes, I’ve got some eye drops from the chemist’s, but they didn’t do anything

D:  This looks like an eye infection. I think you need antibiotics. Are you allergic to them?

P: No, I’m not

D: OK. I’m going to prescribe some eye drops as well. If it doesn’t get better, come back and see me again.  

P: OK. Thanks, doctor.  

Doctor : Good afternoon.  How can I help you today? Patient: I don’t feel very well. Doctor : What’s the matter? Patient : I’ve got an earache and a fever. Doctor : Sit on the table please, so I can look in your ear. Hmmm… You have an ear infection. Patient : What do I need to do? Doctor: You need to put drops in his ear twice a day.  Here is your prescription

Doctor : Good afternoon.  How can I help you today?

Patient: I don’t feel very well.

Doctor : What’s the matter?

Patient : I’ve got an earache and a fever.

Doctor : Sit on the table please, so I can look in your ear. Hmmm… You have an ear infection.

Patient : What do I need to do?

Doctor: You need to put drops in his ear twice a day.  Here is your prescription

-  Next, please. Come in… Take a seat. -  Hello, doctor. Last time I came to see you a year ago. You gave me a complete medical check-up then. -   OK. And what is the matter with you at the moment? Any complaints? -   I don’t feel very well. I’ve had an awful headache for 2 days already. Besides I’ve got a sore throat. -   Have you got a high temperature? -   I took my temperature this morning. It was 37.9. -   Not so much. Are you coughing much? -   A little bit. I don’t have any fits of coughing but I feel pain when I talk and swallow.

-  Next, please. Come in… Take a seat.

-  Hello, doctor. Last time I came to see you a year ago. You gave me a complete medical check-up then.

-   OK. And what is the matter with you at the moment? Any complaints?

-   I don’t feel very well. I’ve had an awful headache for 2 days already. Besides I’ve got a sore throat.

-   Have you got a high temperature?

-   I took my temperature this morning. It was 37.9.

-   Not so much. Are you coughing much?

-   A little bit. I don’t have any fits of coughing but I feel pain when I talk and swallow.

-   I see. I have to examine your throat and sound your lungs now… Please, strip to the waist. Now take a deep breath. OK. You can breathe out. And now I want you to cough. Good… Well, don’t worry, it’s just a throat infection. There’s nothing wrong with your lungs. I’ll prescribe some pills which you should take twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, after your meals. You should also take cough syrup, 3 teaspoonfuls a day will be enough. And it goes without saying that you must not drink any cold liquids. -   All right. Is that all doctor? -  Oh, yes, I shall not prescribe any antibiotics for you, as you haven’t got bronchitis fortunately. If you follow my directions, you’ll avoid any complications and feel much better in a couple of days. However if the symptoms do not disappear by Thursday you should come and consult me again. So, get well. Here is your prescription. By the way, shall I write out a sick-list?
  • -   I see. I have to examine your throat and sound your lungs now… Please, strip to the waist. Now take a deep breath. OK. You can breathe out. And now I want you to cough. Good… Well, don’t worry, it’s just a throat infection. There’s nothing wrong with your lungs. I’ll prescribe some pills which you should take twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, after your meals. You should also take cough syrup, 3 teaspoonfuls a day will be enough. And it goes without saying that you must not drink any cold liquids.
  • -   All right. Is that all doctor?
  • -  Oh, yes, I shall not prescribe any antibiotics for you, as you haven’t got bronchitis fortunately. If you follow my directions, you’ll avoid any complications and feel much better in a couple of days. However if the symptoms do not disappear by Thursday you should come and consult me again. So, get well. Here is your prescription. By the way, shall I write out a sick-list?

-    No, it’s all right. I’m on vacation now. Thank you, doctor. Bye

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

At the Doctor`s Office

Автор: Ястребкова Ксения Владимировна

Дата: 28.11.2018

Номер свидетельства: 488110

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