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Презентация для открытого урока по английскому языку

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Шаған жалпы орта білім беретін мектебі    Тақырыбы: Animals Сыныбы: 4 а,ә,б,к Дайындаған: Беркалиева П.А      2015-2016 оқу жылы

Шаған жалпы орта білім беретін мектебі

Тақырыбы: Animals

Сыныбы: 4 а,ә,б,к

Дайындаған: Беркалиева П.А

2015-2016 оқу жылы

Lesson Objectives: Educational: -Introduce a new vocabulary on the topic ‘Animals’; -To teach reading to extract key information; -To step up the use of previously studied vocabulary in students’ speech. Developmental: -To develop spelling skills; -Develop communication skills. Educational: -To educate the students interest in learning a foreign language means of communication,  - The desire to educate students to explore new knowledge. visibility: pictures, design boards,  textbook .

Lesson Objectives:

Educational: -Introduce a new vocabulary on the topic ‘Animals’;

-To teach reading to extract key information;

-To step up the use of previously studied vocabulary in students’ speech.

Developmental: -To develop spelling skills;

-Develop communication skills.

Educational: -To educate the students interest in learning a foreign language means of communication, - The desire to educate students to explore new knowledge.

visibility: pictures, design boards, textbook .

Name 5 colours

Name 5 colours

Name 5 days of the week

Name 5 days of the week

Name 5 school subjects

Name 5 school subjects

http://o-detstve.ru Портал

http://o-detstve.ru Портал "О детстве"

Name 5 professions

Внеурочная деятельность. Моя педагогическая инициатива.

Name 5 things we can eat

Name 5 things we can eat

Name 5 animals

Name 5 animals

Who is it? I think it is a (an)… Who is it? It is a HIPPO! It is a CHEETAH!

Who is it?

I think it is a (an)…

Who is it?

It is a HIPPO!

It is a CHEETAH!

I think it is a (an)... Who is it? Who is it? It is a MONKEY! It is a BEAR!

I think it is a (an)...

Who is it?

Who is it?

It is a MONKEY!

It is a BEAR!

Who is it?  Who is it? I think it is a (an)...   It is an ELEPHANT! It is a LION!

Who is it?

Who is it?

I think it is a (an)...

It is an ELEPHANT!

It is a LION!

Who is it?  Who is it? I think it is a (an)... It is a PENGUIN! It is a GIRAFFE!

Who is it?

Who is it?

I think it is a (an)...

It is a PENGUIN!

It is a GIRAFFE!

Riddle.  It is black and white . It is slim and fast . It isn’t lazy . It can run and jump . It can’t fly . It lives in the zoo . Who is it?  (zebra) Is it a (an)…?  Yes, it is.  No it isn’t.


It is black and white .

It is slim and fast .

It isn’t lazy .

It can run and jump .

It can’t fly .

It lives in the zoo .

Who is it?


Is it a (an)…? Yes, it is. No it isn’t.

I’m big. I’m grey.  My nose is long.  My tail is short  I’m an … .

I’m big. I’m grey. My nose is long. My tail is short I’m an … .

I’m little. I’m grey.  My nose is short.  My tail is long.  I’m a … .

I’m little. I’m grey. My nose is short. My tail is long. I’m a … .

I’m small. I’m white.  My nose is black.  My ears are long.  I like carrots.  I’m a … .

I’m small. I’m white. My nose is black. My ears are long. I like carrots. I’m a … .

I’m big. I’m red.  My tail is long.  I like cocks and hens.  I’m a … .

I’m big. I’m red. My tail is long. I like cocks and hens. I’m a … .

I’m big. I have a long tail and strong teeth. I live in Africa. I like to eat giraffes and goats.  I’m green.

I’m big. I have a long tail and strong teeth. I live in Africa. I like to eat giraffes and goats. I’m green.

I am your friend. I say “Bow-wow-wow!”

I am your friend. I say “Bow-wow-wow!”

Children like me, because I’m funny. I can do a lot of things like people.

Children like me, because I’m funny. I can do a lot of things like people.

I am very useful. I give you milk, cheese, cream, meat.

I am very useful. I give you milk, cheese, cream, meat.

Do you like cartoons? 1. Mickey  a) Duck 2. Robinson b) the-Pooh 3. Donald c) Pan 4. Winnie d) Mouse 5. Peter e) Crusoe

Do you like cartoons?

1. Mickey

a) Duck

2. Robinson

b) the-Pooh

3. Donald

c) Pan

4. Winnie

d) Mouse

5. Peter

e) Crusoe

Who wants to be a millionaire?

Who wants to be a millionaire?

http://o-detstve.ru Портал

http://o-detstve.ru Портал "О детстве"

The capital of

Great Britain is …







D .


Внеурочная деятельность. Моя педагогическая инициатива.

Внеурочная деятельность. Моя педагогическая инициатива.

http://o-detstve.ru Портал

http://o-detstve.ru Портал "О детстве"

Traditional English

houses usually have…

1 floor

2 floors



4 floors

3 floors

D .


Внеурочная деятельность. Моя педагогическая инициатива.

Внеурочная деятельность. Моя педагогическая инициатива.

http://o-detstve.ru Портал

http://o-detstve.ru Портал "О детстве"

Where do men

wear skirts?







D .


Внеурочная деятельность. Моя педагогическая инициатива.

Внеурочная деятельность. Моя педагогическая инициатива.

Ничего уютней нет,  Чем  моя квартира … Всё уютно и привычно, На стене картина … Чтобы время знать я мог, Есть часы большие …  flat, picture, clok haus, cartina, klock A: B: C: D .  Flet, pictur, klok Flat, picture, clock Внеурочная деятельность. Моя педагогическая инициатива.

Ничего уютней нет,

Чем моя квартира

Всё уютно и привычно,

На стене картина …

Чтобы время знать я мог,

Есть часы большие …

flat, picture, clok

haus, cartina, klock




D .

Flet, pictur, klok

Flat, picture, clock

Внеурочная деятельность. Моя педагогическая инициатива.

http://o-detstve.ru Портал

http://o-detstve.ru Портал "О детстве"

Where can you

see a kangaroo?







D .


Внеурочная деятельность. Моя педагогическая инициатива.

Внеурочная деятельность. Моя педагогическая инициатива.

Bunny is a symbol of … Birthday Halloween B: A: Christmas D .  C: Easter Внеурочная деятельность. Моя педагогическая инициатива.

Bunny is a symbol of …






D .



Внеурочная деятельность. Моя педагогическая инициатива.

http://o-detstve.ru Портал

http://o-detstve.ru Портал "О детстве"

Fill in the missing word.

There are a lot of … in








D .


Внеурочная деятельность. Моя педагогическая инициатива.

Внеурочная деятельность. Моя педагогическая инициатива.

Animals Wild animals Domestic animals


Wild animals

Domestic animals



Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс


Автор: Беркалиева Перизат Азамат?ызы

Дата: 20.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 328829

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