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A Day in London

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«A Day in London»

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя школа № 102 Дзержинского района Волгограда» Презентация на тему: День в Лондоне Выполнил:  Ученик 10 «А» класса Абдул Аттал Манан Наставник: Учитель английского языка Макарова Юлия Александровна

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя школа № 102 Дзержинского района Волгограда»

Презентация на тему:

День в Лондоне


Ученик 10 «А» класса

Абдул Аттал Манан


Учитель английского языка Макарова Юлия Александровна

I’ve heard the phrase “London is the capital of the United Kingdom” since I began to study English. I’d like to visit one of the oldest cities in the world very much as the English proverb says “Seeing is believing”. London is distinctive. It has many faces. On one hand it is an ancient city with more than two thousand history. On the other hand it is a city of a new millennium with modern buildings and a lot of transportation. Fortunately, my dream has come true. I’m standing in Trafalgar Square. I expected my trip to be exciting and unforgettable . But reality exceeded all my expectations.

I’ve heard the phrase “London is the capital of the United Kingdom” since I began to study English. I’d like to visit one of the oldest cities in the world very much as the English proverb says “Seeing is believing”.

London is distinctive. It has many faces. On one hand it is an ancient city with more than two thousand history. On the other hand it is a city of a new millennium with modern buildings and a lot of transportation.

Fortunately, my dream has come true. I’m standing in Trafalgar Square. I expected my trip to be exciting and unforgettable . But reality exceeded all my expectations.

London is a 24-hour city with cafes, restaurants and night clubs stay open up to 5a.m. There is a lot of illumination in London and it looks like a magic land. You can see many people walking round the city. The majority of them are tourists from all over the world. Visiting the London Eye is a wonderful opportunity to observe the city from bird’s flight! The city lying beneath is a breathtaking view!

London is a 24-hour city with cafes, restaurants and night clubs stay open up to 5a.m. There is a lot of illumination in London and it looks like a magic land. You can see many people walking round the city. The majority of them are tourists from all over the world.

Visiting the London Eye is a wonderful opportunity to observe the city from bird’s flight! The city lying beneath is a breathtaking view!

London is rich in history. I’m wandering along its streets and thinking about Roman soldiers marching here centuries ago, William the Conquer, Sir Winston Churchill and other famous people who contributed to the development of our civilization.

London is rich in history. I’m wandering along its streets and thinking about Roman soldiers marching here centuries ago, William the Conquer, Sir Winston Churchill and other famous people who contributed to the development of our civilization.

I’m full of emotions. I am standing on the bridge across the Thames admiring a spectacular view of the city. The magnificent Tower is just in front of me. Stories from its gloomy past come to my mind. The Thames is floating quietly to the sea.

I’m full of emotions. I am standing on the bridge across the Thames admiring a spectacular view of the city. The magnificent Tower is just in front of me. Stories from its gloomy past come to my mind. The Thames is floating quietly to the sea.

There are a lot of tourist attractions in London and all of them are worth visiting. I try not to miss my chance and see as much as possible.

There are a lot of tourist attractions in London and all of them are worth visiting. I try not to miss my chance and see as much as possible.

Madam Tussaud’s museum attracts tourists. It’s a rare opportunity to meet famous politicians, actors and sportsmen face to face. You even can take photos with them! What a romantic meeting in London’s café! Could I ever dream of it!

Madam Tussaud’s museum attracts tourists. It’s a rare opportunity to meet famous politicians, actors and sportsmen face to face. You even can take photos with them!

What a romantic meeting in London’s café! Could I ever dream of it!

Speaking about London I can’t help admiring its parks and gardens! The city is full of trees and flowers. I could hardly believe that I am in the city with a population more than ten million. You can enjoy a quiet place of wild nature, feed ducks, swans and breathe fresh air.

Speaking about London I can’t help admiring its parks and gardens! The city is full of trees and flowers. I could hardly believe that I am in the city with a population more than ten million.

You can enjoy a quiet place of wild nature, feed ducks, swans and breathe fresh air.

I’d like to say some words about Londoners. The English are thought to be reserved and unfriendly to strangers. As for me I can’t agree with this statement. Londoners are friendly, hospitable and helpful. Even famous Bobbies don’t refuse to be taken photos with tourists from the world-known Stalingrad!

I’d like to say some words about Londoners. The English are thought to be reserved and unfriendly to strangers. As for me I can’t agree with this statement. Londoners are friendly, hospitable and helpful. Even famous Bobbies don’t refuse to be taken photos with tourists from the world-known Stalingrad!

Unfortunately it’s impossible to tell about everything I’ve learned in London. But I’ll always remember my visit and the sense of belonging to great British culture and history. Indeed our countries have much in common.

Unfortunately it’s impossible to tell about everything I’ve learned in London. But I’ll always remember my visit and the sense of belonging to great British culture and history. Indeed our countries have much in common.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

A Day in London

Автор: Макарова Юлия Александровна

Дата: 21.08.2019

Номер свидетельства: 518061

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