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                                   The lesson plan

Grade: 5                                                                                                  Date: __________


Саба?ты? та?ырыбы:   London  

Саба?ты? ма?саты

Білімділік: А?ылшын еліні? ма?танышы – Лондон ?аласы туралы м?лімет беру, о?ушыларды? с?йлеу шеберліктерін, аудару ?абілеттерін, логикалы? т?р?ыдан с?йлем ??растырып, ?з ойларын аны? айту ?абілеттерін ?алыптастыру;

Дамытушылы?:о?ушыларды а?ылшын тілін ?аза? тілімен салыстыра отырып о?у?а ?йрету;

Т?рбиелік: о?ушыларды? Отан?а деген с?йіспеншіліктерін, досты? сезімдерін дамыту

Саба? типі:        аралас

К?рнекілігі:        Та?ырыпты? суреттер

П?н аралы? байланыс:           ?аза? тілі

Саба? барысы:


 Teacher:     Good morning, pupils!

Pupils:        Good morning,  good morning

                   Good morning to you!

                   Good morning, dear teacher,

                   We are glad to see you!

Teacher:     How are you today?

Pupils:        We are fine! And you?

Teacher:     I’m great. Thank you! Take your sits.


  II. ?й ж?мысын тексеру

  To review all material.


  III.Жа?а саба?

  1. С?здік ж?мыс

capital – астана

central – орталы?

population – халы?

famous – ата?ты

Circus – цирк

traffic – к?ліктер ?оз?алысы

noisy – шулы

crowded – лы? толы

cultural – м?дени

tourism – туризм

business – бизнес

Exercise 1. Read the text and translate


   London is the capital of England. It lies on the river Thames. It has a population of over 8 million people. It’s an old city. London is famous for its historic buildings St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Houses of Parliament, where you can see and hear the famous clock, Big Ben. It’s also famous for its parks. There are five in the city centre. There are a lot of green squares too. Children’s favourite place is Hamleys, which is the biggest toyshop in the world.

    London has problems with traffic and pollution. Over one million people a day use the London underground, but there are still too many cars on the streets.

    London is a centre for tourism and for business. There are a lot of cinemas, theatres and museums. People from all over the world visit London very year. It has about ten thousand streets. Most of them are not very wide. Oxford Street is London’s important shopping centre.


Exercise 2. Answer the questions

  1. What are the popular buildings?
  2. What is the name of its river?
  3. What is it famous for?
  4. What problems does it have?
  5. How many people live there?
  6. Is it a centre for tourism?


Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the words from the texts.

  1. There is no underground in Astana. The main transport is buses.
  2. I don’t want to live in the centre because it’s noisy and crowded.
  3. Some years ago Almaty was famous for its apples.
  4. There aren’t many historic buildings in Almaty.
  5. My parents moved from the town to the village because of traffic and pollution.
  6. The streets in Almaty aren’t very wide.
  7. Paris is a centre for tourism.
  8. Madrid is the capital of Spain.
  9. Big Ben is a famous clock.
  10. Out town has a population of over eight thousand people.


  VI. ?йге тапсырма

Read the text London and retell the text.



   London is the capital of England. It lies on the river Thames. It has a population of over 8 million people. It’s an old city. London is famous for its historic buildings St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Houses of Parliament, where you can see and hear the famous clock, Big Ben. It’s also famous for its parks. There are five in the city centre. There are a lot of green squares too. Children’s favourite place is Hamleys, which is the biggest toyshop in the world.

    London has problems with traffic and pollution. Over one million people a day use the London underground, but there are still too many cars on the streets.

    London is a centre for tourism and for business. There are a lot of cinemas, theatres and museums. People from all over the world visit London very year. It has about ten thousand streets. Most of them are not very wide. Oxford Street is London’s important shopping centre.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions

  1. What are the popular buildings?
  2. What is the name of its river?
  3. What is it famous for?
  4. What problems does it have?
  5. How many people live there?
  6. Is it a centre for tourism?


   London is the capital of England. It lies on the river Thames. It has a population of over 8 million people. It’s an old city. London is famous for its historic buildings St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Houses of Parliament, where you can see and hear the famous clock, Big Ben. It’s also famous for its parks. There are five in the city centre. There are a lot of green squares too. Children’s favourite place is Hamleys, which is the biggest toyshop in the world.

    London has problems with traffic and pollution. Over one million people a day use the London underground, but there are still too many cars on the streets.

    London is a centre for tourism and for business. There are a lot of cinemas, theatres and museums. People from all over the world visit London very year. It has about ten thousand streets. Most of them are not very wide. Oxford Street is London’s important shopping centre.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions

  1. What are the popular buildings?
  2. What is the name of its river?
  3. What is it famous for?
  4. What problems does it have?
  5. How many people live there?
  6. Is it a centre for tourism?
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London — the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. The largest city on the British Isles.

London — the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. The largest city on the British Isles.

Historical and administrative center of London is Westminster.

Historical and administrative center of London is Westminster.

The business center— City.

The business center— City.

Coat of arms of London

Coat of arms of London

Main river of London

Main river of London

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

Changing the Guard

Changing the Guard

The Houses of Parliament

The Houses of Parliament

Big Ben

Big Ben

The British Museum

The British Museum

Т hanks for attention

Т hanks for attention

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс


Автор: Оспанова Н?рг?л Ескендір?ызы

Дата: 07.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 198302

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