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Внекласный посвещается 25 летию со дня независимости Казакстана.Цель урока развивать устный речь,обогощать словарный запас.Участники посвятили свои песни,стихи родной стране на трех языках.Пели,танцевали,поставили сценку.Урок состоит из двух частей.Первая часть состялся из стишков,песен.Во втором часте дети исценировали ролевые игры.

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«Viva, Independent Kazakhstan!»

Grade level: 6-10

Type of the action: ICT

Material needed: interactive board, computers

Aim: to practise topic about Kazakhstan, Independence Day

Objectives:1. to cause the wish to speak English, Kazakh;                    

2. to search  and learn necessary materials on the themе on their own way;                     

3.to develop cooperation’s skills;                      

4.to master students to respect and to keep traditions. 

Звучат фанфары. Входят ведущие.

Ведущий 1: Good morning, dear guests, teachers, students! We are glad to see you on our holiday.

Ведущий 2: Қайырлы күн , құрметті ұстаздар мен  оқушылар!

Ведущий 3:Добрый день, уважаемые гости, учителя, ученики. Мы рады приветствовать вас на нашем празднике. ( на экране появляется изображение солнца возле каждого луча Буква- KAZAKHSTAN ).

Teacher: Look at the board. Describe your mood before the lesson. Make up sentences using these letters ( I’m active, happy, adequate, affecting, nice-looking, surprising,    temperamental, kind, kind-heartedness, zooty.)

Where can we see the sun?Pupil :    The sun- its sign is life, great circulation of the nature.Pupil :   We can see the sun on the flag- symbol of our country. 32 beams of the sun of the flag of Kazakhstan have the form of grain   bases  of well-being.(на экране флаг страны -25 years of Independence. Звучит музыка).« Viva, Independent Kazakhstan!».« Қазақстанның тәуелсіз күні жасасын!»« Да здравствует независимый Казахстан!»( слайды о Казахстане).

Ведущий1 : It’s beauty’s nature- my Motherland

                  It means loves ocean happiness and                        

                  Its symbol of wealth, its freedom brand                       

                  My Kazakhstan is my native land.

Ведущий 2:  Елімнің атын айтсам –Қазақстан                       

                   Жерімнің атын айтсам-Қазақстан                        

                   Қойнауы қазынана толған мекен                        

                   Байлығым атын айтсам –Қазақстан

Ведущий 3:    Я стою на горе, Казахстан предо мной                       

                     Я смотрю, напрягая вниманье и зренье,                        

                     И не в силах я скрыть своего изумленья   

                     Перед этой прекрасной, могучей страной.

Ведущий 1:  As you  know we are  going to celebrate the Independence Day of Kazakhstan . On the 16-th of December 1991  a Declaration  about the Independence of Kazakhstan  was adopted. 25 years have passed since that memorable date. Our President N. Nazarbaev announced this year as the year of the 25-th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Ведущий 3: Казахский народ подобен могучему дереву, чьи корни глубоко проникли в толщину земли. Это древний народ, перенёсший немало свирепых бурь и стойко выдержавший все испытания. Путь независимости Казахстана был тернистым и долгим.

Ведущий 2: Иә, букіл әлемді дүр сілкінген 1986 жылғы Алматыдағы желтоқсан оқиғасы. Қазақ топырағына ұлттық санасы, намысы жетелеген жаңа әрі қайсар буынның келгенін әйгілі. 1986 жылы 17-желтоқсанда Алматы қаласында мыңдаған қазақ жастары наразылық білдіріп, «Тәуелсіздік керек, қазақ халқының өз көсемі сайлансын» деген ұранмен  шықты.

Ведущая 1: Everyone knows well what events happened in December 1986 in Almaty. Kazakh youth went out to the central square to show their protest against the administrative system. The weather was cold that day. It was snowing. But the authority was against them. Policemen, fireman, soldiers used their power. Some people were killed. (видеоролик о декабрьских событиях).

Ведущий 3: Этим событиям и участи молодых людей посвятила стихотворение  Канжигалиева.

                   Мы те, которых вы не знали,  

                   Которые пытались лишь сказать,             

                   Остановить от необдуманных решений                     

                   И навсегда свободу удержать!                     

                   Ты поклонись же до земли тем,                     

                   Кому ты должен быть обязан,                     

                   За день, что вырван кровью был в борьбе,                    

                   Чтобы сейчас ты независимость обрёл                    

                   И чувствовал себя всегда свободным. 

Teacher: Each person has its own little corner. From these corners consist of our   great Motherland –Kazakhstan. What do you feel when you pronounce or hear the word  Motherland ?

P2: Yes, what does it mean the word “Motherland”? Who tells me? (audience activity)
1. P1: Motherland is my country, my land.
2. P2: M is my village
3. P3: M is my family
4. P4: M is republic
5. P5: M is my street
6. P6: M is my home (Slide 3)

Ведущий 1: My Motherland is of source of light                       

                  Which helped to live in those hard times.                   

                  I’m getting warms of its sun’s heat                      

                  Because it warms all world indeed. 

Ведущий 2:  Отан- сенін ата- анан,                       

   Отан- досың бауырың,                       


                   Отан-аудан, ауылын.

Ведущий 3 : Моя Родина-это красота природы,     

                   Это счастья, любви большой океан.    

                   Это символ богатства, символ свободы,     

                   Моя Родина- мой независимый Казахстан!

  1. P2: The poem which was written by one of the greatest Kazakh poets K. Amanzholov:
    Қазақстан дейтін менің бар елім
    Жатыр алып жарты дүние әлемін.
    Бұл даланы анам жаспен суарған,
    Бұл далада атам қолға ту алған.
    Бұл далаға жылап келіп қуанған,
    Бұл даланы көріп алғаш қуанғам.
    Бұл далада өскен жанда жоқ арман.

    P1: Kazakhstan has vast steppes, deep forests, large and small rivers and lakes like Syrdariya, Amudariya, Esil, Zhaiyk, Edil, Balkash and etc.

    P1: Slide 5: Kazakhstan has a presidential form of government. N. Nazarbaev became the first president and soon begun a gradual movement toward privatization of the economy. Feedback on the lecture "Kazakhstan on its way to the knowledge society " delivered by President Nursultan Nazarbayev at Nazarbayev University. “The new economy and life of the 21st century are based on knowledge and on science, these are the means to preserve and develop the pace of economic growth.”, said the President.
    P2: In Kazakhstan are developing such types of travel services: educational and entertainment tours, ethnic and eco - tourism, health, kids, sports, hunting, horse riding, adventure tourism! For tourists are offered over 700 travel routes around the territory of Kazakhstan.
    P1: The main attraction of the Kyzylorda region is the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Baikonur is a centre of space exploration.
    1991 In 1991 our country has declared our Independence. The first Kazakh cosmonaut Tokhtar Aubakirov flew in to space.

1994 The second Kazakh cosmonaut Talgat Musabaev flew into space for six hours

1992 In 1992 our President N.A. Nazarbaev signed the law about national symbols.

1993 Kazakh national money tenge is appeared on the 15th of November

Pupil 1: National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a picture of a shanyrak ( the cupola of a yurta) on a blue background, from which uyks (body bracket) like sun rays are being radiated in framing of wings of mythical horses. At the bottom of the emblem there is an inscription Kazakhstan. In colour picture the National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan are of two colours: golden and blue - and - sky - blue. The shanyrak symbolizes well - being of family, peace and calmness. The authors of the emblem are Jandarbek Malibekov and Shota Valihanov.
Pupil 2: The national flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a piece of right angled cloth of a sky blue colour with a picture of a golden sun with 32 rays in the center, sitting above a soaring steppe eagle. The flagstaff has a vertical line of a national ornamentation. The picture of the sun, its rays, eagle and ornament are gold in colour. The author of the flag is an artist Shaken Niyazbekov.
Pupil 3: National anthems of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Authors of words: Nursultan Nazarbayev, Zhumeken Nazhimedinov. The author of music: Shamshi Kaldayakov. It was sung 7 times in London Olympiad in 2012.
1995 On the 30th of august our new constitution was adopted

1996 On the 16th of December the Independent monument in Almaty was opened.

1997 The capital of our country was moved to Akmola.

1998 In may 1998 Akmola was renamed Astana the Kazakh word for capital.

1999 Astana was awarded with the price «International world city» .We declared the 1999th the year of humidity
In 1997 the capital was moved from Almaty to Astana. Astana is a new modern city. Astana is a modern growing city, a political, financial, economic and an educational center of the state. Astana is famous for its modern buildings: the monument of Baiterek, Duman, Khan Shatyr, the Houses of Parliament, fine parks and hotels.

2011 the 10th anniversary of our Independence.

2002 the highest monument «Baiterek» was built and this year was the year of «Health»

  1. 2003 this year was devoted the year of «Country»

14.2004 the first museum of our president was opened in Astana.

2005 «Kazakhstan is on the stages of development » sending was appeared.

2006 New anthem «My Kazakhstan » by Sh.Kaldayakov and N. Nazarbaev was adopted in January.

2007 this year is « the year of Kazakhstan » in Ukraine.

On the left of Astana the monument «Kazakh ely» was opened and the main author of it was N.A. Nazarbaev.The height of the monument is 91m.

2009 «The year of Kazakhstan » in Germany.

2010 This year we held the most international leading association OSCE . and Astana declaration was adopted.

2011 the seventh winter Asian games were held in Kazakhstan

P1: I love you deeply, dear land
Your hills and rives, sand on strand.
Your songs and dances, lakes and seas.
Your beasts and fish, your birds in trees.
This year 2012 was a wonderful year for our country.
P2: This summer there was held the world sport competition summer Olympic Games in London.
P1: Kazakhstani sportsmen were brilliant in this Olympiad.
P2: Our sportsmen won 7 gold medals, 1 silver and 5 bronze medals.
P1: We want you to pay attention to the rhythmical dance of the 6th formers. (Group dancing of 6th formers)
P2: Kazakhstan today is one of the richest countries in the world in deposit of oil, gas, Uranus and they bring great harmful to humanity and to the environment.
P1: According to these important problems of energetics and ecology Kazakhstan will take part in International Exhibition “EXPO - 2017” of green economics.

P2: The theme of this exhibition is “Future of Energy”.
P1: The Expo theme aimed to help shed light on humankind’s knowledge and advancement of technology concerning the ocean and coast and identify ways to resolve challenges facing the ocean.
P2: Kazakhstan is hopeful that millions of new visitors will soon learn more about this dynamic and emerging nation.
Pupil 2    :      Пусть небо будет вечно чистым над тобой!

Pupil  3    :     Цвети, мой Казахстан, моя земля.                       

                    О, Родина моя, будь счастлива всегда! 

Ведущая 2 :   Құя берсін күн нұрын кең далаға,                         

                     Күн мен дінді сынаған елге жаңа.                         

                     Асқақтаған Алатау шыңдарындай                         

                      Қазақстан көрінсін айналаға!

Pupil 4       :      God Bless Kazakhstan, land that I love,    

                       Stand beside it, and guide it,                     

                       All day  and all night.

Pupil   5   :         From the mountains to the steppes,   

                        To the oceans , white with foam,        

                        God Bless Kazakhstan, my home, sweet home!

Pupil  6    :         The land of my fathers, the land of my choice,                                

                         The land in which poets and minstrels rejoice,     

                         I wish you  to flourish, be happy and bright. 

                            I  want you to live and never to die! 

"Viva, Independent Kazakhstan!”

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс


Автор: Кеулімжаева Базарк?л Елеу?ызы,С??ашева ?алия Ідіріс?ызы,Касенова Гулшара Кузембаевна

Дата: 02.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 314168

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