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Разработка урока на тему "Ecology"

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 закрепление умений и навыков применения информационных и коммуникационных технологий в работе обучающихся по теме “Экология” на английском языке
 Повторить и обобщить лексический материал по теме «Экология»;
 Совершенствовать чтение обучающихся, произносительные навыки, умение монологического высказывания;
 Развивать умение работать в группе;
 Повышать интерес к английскому языку;
 Расширять кругозор обучающихся;
Прививать школьникам любовь и уважительное отношение к природе, нести ответственность перед будущим.

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«разработка урока на тему "Ecology"»

Урок по английскому языку по теме: «Ecology»

Цель урока:

- закрепление умений и навыков применения информационных и коммуникационных технологий в работе обучающихся по теме “Экология” на английском языке;

Задачи урока:


- Повторить и обобщить лексический материал по теме «Экология»;

- Совершенствовать чтение обучающихся, произносительные навыки, умение монологического высказывания;


- Развивать умение работать в группе;

- Повышать интерес к английскому языку;

- Расширять кругозор обучающихся;


- Прививать школьникам любовь и уважительное отношение к природе, нести ответственность перед будущим.

^ Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий.

Методы обучения: проблемное изложение, исследовательский, коммуникативный, дифференцированный и интегрированный.

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, проектор, песочные часы, карточки с заданиями, УМК О.В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева Английский язык «Новый курс английского языка для российских школ» 4-й год обучения.

План урока.

  1. Организационный момент.

  2. Отработка лексических единиц в речи обучающихся.

  3. Выступления экспертов.

  4. Аудирование.

  5. Итог урока.

  6. Домашнее задание.

  7. Просмотр видеоклипа на песню Майкла Джексона «Earth Song».

Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент.

- Good morning my friends! Sit down, please! I am glad to see you! Today we have many guests and we are glad to see them too. Let’s begin our lesson.

- Who is on duty today?

-… , answer our questions, please. 

- Who is absent today? 

- What day is it today? 

- What is the day today? 

- What weather is it today?

- Is it cold?

- Is it windy?

- …, say me please, what theme is it today? (Our theme is “Ecology”)

- That’s right. Thank you. Dear children! Today we are going to discussthe problem of environmental protection.

  1. ^ Отработка лексических единиц урока в речи учащихся.

- So children today during all the period of our lesson you should get bonuses as many as possible. According to amount of you bonuses at the end of the lesson you will get the marks. Before the discussion let’s recollect our topical vocabulary. Three of you will work individually all the rest in chorus. It is the task of the three bonuses. It is the task of the two bonuses and it is the task of the one bonuses. Do you agree with me?

1. Complete the words.

1) dol_ _in;

2) nat_ _ _l;

3) dino _ _ _ _;

4) co _ _ _ _ t;

5) end _ _ _ _ _ _d;

6) po_ _ _ ted;

7) influ _ _ _ _;

8) now _ _ _ _s;

9) re _ _ _ le;

10) d _ _ troy.

2. Spell the words

1) [plɑ:nt] ___________

2) [hʌnt] ____________

3) [dʌmp]____________

4) [seiv] _____________

5) [weil]_____________

6) [ˈgʌvǝmǝnt]____________

7) [sǝˈvaiv] _______________

3. Write these in English.

1) Люди не должны загрязнять окружающую среду ______________________


2) Фабрики часто сливают ядовитые отходы в реки и моря_______________


3) Воздух во многих городах загрязнен_________________________________


4) В XXI веке население планеты создает много отходов _________________


- Children, look at the blackboard, listen to me and repeat after me in chorus.

To influence ecology – влиять на экологию;

To pollute rivers – загрязнять реки;

To destroy forests – наносить урон лесам;

To destroy animals habitats – разрушать места обитания животных;

To hunt wild animals – охотиться на диких животных;

To make laws – создавать законы.

- And now let’s work in chain. 

-Well you performed the exercise and I give you bonuses.

- The intensive development of science, industry and chemistry has made the pollution of the environment a global problem of our century. You know that people all over the world are worried about it. 

- By the way, what the word “ecology” means? (The relationship of animals and plants)

- What is ecology? (Ecology is a science)

- What does it study? (It studies environment)

- What is environment? (Environment is air, water, animals, plants)

- The protection of environment is an important problem, isn’t it? (Yes, it is)

- Are there any ecological problems? (Yes, they are)

- What are they? (Air pollution, water pollution, the disappearance of animals, the disappearance of plants)

- Our environment has a lot of problem nowadays. That’s why we are having an ecological lesson today connected with our environment and its problems. And now I’d like to introduce the participants of our lesson: experts on native environment; an expert on air pollution; an expert on water pollution; an expert on “Green Peace”.

- Today our experts speak about the ecology of the Earth and others answer the question: “What should we do to save our environment”

3. Выступленияэкспертов

^ Now to save the environment?

In Russia almost every family has a car. Our factories, cars, trains and planes make the air dirty, so the atmosphere is polluted.

I believe that one day somebody will invent energy that hasn’t fumes. Or people will use renewable energy, for example solar energy, wind energy or hydro-electric dams. I know that these energies aren’t so powerful, but we can use it sometimes, for example for cookers.

I think that right now we need new energy, because oil and coal are disappearing. 

Our world is warmer than it was one hundred years ago. Hot countries may become drier and the people who live there won’t be able to grow enough food. Ice in cold areas is changing to water because of higher temperatures. When this happens, the sea levels become bigger. Some towns near the sea may have a problem soon.

We can help if we stop making the air dirty but we must do something fast!

  • We should invent a new energy! Go to the blackboard and write this sentence.

^ We should care about our environment.

Until recently the planet was a large world in which human activities and the nature were in balance. The people lived in harmony with nature and didn`t pollute it.
But nowadays, environmental problems are the most burning. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the ground where we grow our food, and even the increasing noise we hear every day, that`s all contribute to health problems and a lower quality of life. People cut down trees, destroy the habitats of thousands of animals and contaminate water in rivers and seas. Also, you know, that many rare animals and plants are disappearing, so I think it`s our duty to care and save animals. The problems are so serious nowadays, that they should be solved without delay.

  • We must take care of and protect animals and plants.Go to the blackboard and write this sentence.

^ People are part of nature.

People are the part of nature. As our civilization develops, people become stronger than nature.
But it`s not so simple. People learned to influence our environment. They create different household items, medicines, food… So, they pollute the atmosphere. There are even ozone holes. People are not careful. They burn forests, pollute rivers. But nature doesn`t forgives it: a lot of incurable diseases appeared. There are also typhoons, tsunamis, acid rains.
But I think nature won`t destroy all of us. To my mind, people should think of the future because our planet is in our hands!

  • We must think about the future of our planet.Go to the blackboard and write this sentence.

^ Ecology problems.

Since ancient times Nature has served man, being the source of his life. People lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man’s interference in nature began to increase.

Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about million tons of dust and other things. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever. Many cities suffer from smog. 

The pollution of air and the world’s ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man’s careless interaction with nature. Environmental protection is of a universal concern. That is why serious measures to create a system of ecological security should be taken.

Some progress has been already made in this direction. Countries - members of the UNO - have set up environmental protection agencies. Numerous conferences have been held by these agencies to discuss problems facing ecologically poor regions including the Aral Sea, the Urals, Kuzbass, Donbass. An international environmental research center has been set up on Lake Baikal. The international organization Greenpeace is also doing much to preserve the environment.

But these are only the initial steps and they must be carried onward to protect nature.

- We should create groups and organizations for the protection of the environment. Go to the blackboard and write this sentence.
-In order to save life on the planet for the future generations people united in the groups. You must remember them. For example: WWF, WNO, Green Peace, Green cross and others.

- Now children you must match the symbol with the names of ecology groups. So children, I propose you to divide our class into two commands. The command of “Defenders” and the command of “Volunteers”. … I ask you to come up to the blackboard and do this task individually. I think one minute will be enough for you.

WWF, Greenpeace, Green cross, Russian oxygen, WNO, UICN.

- And now look here please. On this blackboard you can see the correct variant. … You get one bonus, and you don't get nothing.

4. Аудирование.

-Nowadays people understand how important it is to solve environmental problems. One of them is pollution in its many forms: water pollution, air pollution, nuclear pollution. Listen to the text “Pollution” and decide which of these statements are true, false or not mentioned in the text. 


When you pollute something, you make it dirty or dangerous. It is dangerous to drink polluted water or breathe polluted air, and if you pollute the ground, nothing will grow in it. Pollution can start in a small way – like using a river for waste. But then, pollution grows and grows, until everybody is in danger…

In 1769 some people built a small town in a beautiful place between the mountains and the sea, and called it Los Angeles. They built houses and farms. They found gold and oil nearby. More people came and built towns and factories. The factories worked twenty-four hours a day making useful things; and the people drove to too. There was more and more smoke and gas from the cars, factories and planes. Then the fog came. Ordinary fog soon goes away; but this fog stayed for a long time. The sun “cooked” the smoke and gases from the factories and cars and made smog – smoky fog. People had problems with breathing. Everybody felt tired and ill; and some people died. Smog was born in Los Angeles. But today, most factories have their own smog – and the problem is growing.

  1. Polluted environment is safe.

  2. Pollution usually takes some time to become dangerous.

  3. In the 18th century Los Angeles had the population of 200 thousand people.

  4. The factories in Los Angeles worked non-stop.

  5. Smog appeared in Los Angeles before its airport was built.

  6. The people who lived in Los Angeles began to have health problems in 1769.

  7. Los Angeles is one of the most badly polluted areas in the world.

Саша, Женя, Юра decide which of these statements are not mentioned in the text.

Саша, Миша и Настя decide which of these statements are true and false in the text.

Ира, Кристина, Сережа, Лена, Ира decide which of these statements are true, false or not mentioned in the text.

Exchange your sheets of paper and check them. Give the marks.



Not mentioned

in the text















  1. Итог урока.

  • And now children, today we are talking a lot about the environment, about the problems of environmental pollution and what do people do and what must they do to protect nature from further pollution, to keep the earth clean, to keep people healthy.

To save our environment we should:

  • Not pollute the planet;

  • Care about animals;

  • Feed birds in winter;

  • Recycle paper, newspaper and metal;

  • Invent new energy;

  • Organize ecology lessons: bird day, animal’s day.

6. Домашнее задание.

- Dear friends, you are future engineers, scientist, railway workers, teachers and ecologist. You will continue addressing the environmental problems which concern everyone. The positive results depend on serious attention of the people of the whole world to this problem. At home you need to make new projects, new slogans to attract attention to the protection of the environment.

- And finish our lesson I would like to viewing the video clip for the song of МайклаДжексона «Earth Song”. МайклДжексон calls on to stop the military conflicts on the planet,not to destroy the rare species of animals and to refuse from deforestation

7. Просмотр видеоклипа.

- So, pupils, all of you have worked very well today. I hope you’ll try to do your best to help the environment in future. You get five and you get four. Good bye! 

Тема урока: “Wild Animals”, “Ecology”
Цели урока: 
1. Вывести учащихся на творческий уровень владения темой (свободное владение лексическим и грамматическим материалом в рамках пройденной темы) с помощью проектной деятельности. 
2. Продолжить обучение учащихся в микрогруппах, выслушивая мнение соучастников проекта, проявляя интерес к выполняемой работе. 
Задачи урока: 
1. Повторить лексический материал по теме “Animals”. 
2. Повторить грамматический материал (Степени сравнения односложных и двусложных прилагательных) в рамках изученной темы. 
3. Развивать навыки самостоятельной работы. 
4. Организовать и провести работу по созданию проекта “The Red Book” в рамках темы “Animals”. 
5. Обеспечить необходимые условия для продуктивной работы учащихся. 
УМК «Английский язык» для 3 класса (Верещагина И.Н., Притыкина Т.А.) 
CD-диск Enterprise 1; Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley; Express Publishing 
DVD с фильмом о животных на английском языке-BBC, “All about animals” (part 2) 
DVD проигрыватель 
Классная доска 
Грамматическая таблица (степени сравнения прилагательных) 
Раздаточный материал 
Картинки с животными 
Мягкие игрушки 
Ход урока: 
1.Организационный момент 
T.: Good morning, boys and girls. 
P.: Good morning, teacher. 
T.: Today at a lesson we have guests. Greet them, please. 
P1, 2…: Good morning. We are glad to see you. 
T: What is the date today?  
2. Today let’s begin our lesson with watching a film. BE attentive. Then your task will be answering my questions: What is the film about? (Устно и на доске) What animals can you see in this film? 
Ученики смотрят фрагмент фильма на английском языке «Все о животных» и называют тех животных, которых они увидели в данном ролике. 
P.: This film is about lions. 
P1, 2…: I can see a buffalo, an elephant, a jackal, a hyena, a zebra, and a hippopotamus. 
На доску вывешиваются картинки с этими животными. 
T: What animal are they (wild or domestic)? 
P.: They are wild animals. 
T.: In your opinion what is our topic? (Какова тема урока по вашему мнению?) 
P.: I think our topic is wild animals. 
T.: O.K., very good. You know today almost all wild animals are endangered. We must save our ecology. 
What does it mean – ecology? Repeat after me all together – ecology. 
That’s why today we’ll remember wild animals, repeat grammar Degrees of Comparison – the Superlative Degree and the Comparative Degree and in groups try to make up the project – your own the Red Book. 
But at first, let’s remember and relive all words on our topic “Animals”. For this purpose we’ll make some exercises. 
3. T.: Take please Task 1. Listen to the animal noises and underline the animals you can hear. But before it read and translate the words from the list. 
Ученикам выдается задание №1. Учащиеся переводят слова из предложенного списка, слушают диск и отмечают животных, которых они услышали. 
T.: Now let’s check up this task. What animals can you hear? 
P.1, 2…: a hen, a lion … 
T.: Which of them are wild animals? 
P.1, 2…: a lion, a monkey… 
На доску вывешиваются картинки с этими животными. 
4. Фонетическая зарядка 
Now continuo to speak about the animals noises. As a drill let’s do phonetic exercises. 
Учитель показывает картинки со звуком, которые издают животные: 
A leopard - /r/, a woodpecker - /t/, an owl - /u/, a frog/w/, a python - /8/ 
Учащиеся вместе с учителем отрабатывают эти звуки хором и индивидуально. 
5. T.: Open your text-books p. 206 ex. 10. Read and translate the task of this exercise. 
The first column finds and read aloud the names of the parts of the body. 
The second…. 
Ученики выполняют задания по колонкам. 
T.: Look at the words you need to compare things and circle them. What Degree of Comparison is it – Comparative or Superlative? (Ученики повторяют степени сравнения прилагательных) 
P.: the Comparative Degree. 
T.: Look at the table and tell me please what do you know about the Comparative Degree? (Таблица «Степени сравнения прилагательных») 
P.: Сравнительная степень односложных и двухсложных прилагательных образуется с помощью суффикса –er. 
T.: Come to the blackboard and write down this suffix. 
6. T.: You can see two wild animals – the lion and the hare. (Игрушки) 
The line is bigger than the hare. 
The hare is smaller than the hare’s. 
The line’s tail is longer than the hare’s. 
The hare’s tail is shorter than the line’s. 
The line’s teeth are sharper than the hare’s. 
The hare’s ears are longer than the line’s. 
The line’s ears are shorter than the hare’s 
6. T.: Look at the pictures of the animals and make up the sentences using the circle words from ex.10. 
P.1: The elephant is bigger than the jackal. 
P.2: Слон больше, чем шакал. The elephant’s nose is longer than the tiger’s nose. 
P.3: ... 
7. T.: Now work in pairs. Full in the gaps. 
Ученикам раздаются задания №2, которые они выполняют в парах. Им необходимо заполнить пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами. 
The largest reptile is … 
The biggest bird is … It can’t fly. 
The smallest bird is … 
The fastest animal is … 
The biggest sea animal is … 
A crocodile, a whale, a cheetah, a humming bird, an ostrich. 
T.: Let’s check up this task. Read and translate the sentences. 
Проверяя предложения, учитель на доску вывешивает картинки животных. 
T.: What Degree of Comparison is it – Comparative or Supertlative? 
P.: the Superlative Degree. 
T.: Look at the table and tell me please what do you know about the Superlative Degree? (Таблица) 
P.: Превосходная степень односложных и двухсложных прилагательных образуется с помощью суффикса –est и определенного артикля the. 
T.: Come tо the blackboard and write down the suffix. 
8. T.: I see that you are tired. Now you have a rest and remember our poem about bear. (на доску вывешивается картинка медведя) 
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch your nose 
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch your toes; 
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground, 
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around. 
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around, 
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground, 
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, reach up high, 
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, wink one eye, 
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, slap your knees, 
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, sit down please. 
На доску прикрепляется картинка с медведем. 
9. T.: Look at to the pictures of wild animals and try to divide these words into 3 groups. 
P.1, 2…: Mammals, Birds, Reptiles. 
10. T.: Now let’s try to make up the project – the Red Books. Divide into 3 groups, discuss and write down appropriate wild animals. Then choose your favorite animal and draw and describe it. Where does it live? What does it eat? 
Класс делится на 3 группы. Каждая группа получает задание обсудить и записать названия животных, относящиеся к данной категории (“Mammals”, “Birds”, “Reptiles”). Затем учащимися самостоятельно выбирается одно животное, относящиеся к данной категории, рисуется и описывается. 
9. Защита проектов. 
T.: Let’s check up this task. Read the animals of your groups and describe your favorite animal. 
T.: Who wants to add? 
После этого проводиться обсуждение каждой подтемы и информация дополняется. 
Затем все три листа подшивают в папку с названием “The Red Book”. 
10. Подведение итогов. 
T.: Today we have started to do The Red Book. I think it is very important work, because nowadays, unfortunately, ecology is in danger. Your homework will be finishing The Red Book. You must make up pages of The Red Book – describe your favorite animal and draw or find some pictures with it. 
11. Рефлексия 
What have you done at this lesson? 
Do you like our lesson? 
Your work is excellent today and your marks are only five. 
The lesson is over, good-bye. 

Задания к уроку: 
Task 1 
1. Listen to the animal noises and underline the animals you can hear. 
a hen a crocodile a horse a monkey 
a lion a tiger a parrot a kangaroo 
a cow a snake a sheep a penguin 
2. Which of them are wild animals? 
Task 2 
Fill in the gaps. 
1 The largest reptile is … 
2 The biggest bird is … It can’t fly. 
3 The smallest bird is … 
4 The fastest animal is … 
5 The biggest sea animal is … 
A crocodile, a whale, a cheetah, a humming bird, an ostrich.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

разработка урока на тему "Ecology"

Автор: Aida Shamsullina Menullaevna

Дата: 08.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 273831

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    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "uroki"
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object(ArrayObject)#874 (1) {
  ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(6) {
    ["title"] => string(270) "Разработка урока по английскому языку в 8 классе по теме "Стань другом планеты!" УМК: Биболетова М. З. Английский с удовольствием: Учебник для 8 класса"
    ["seo_title"] => string(132) "razrabotkaurokapoanghliiskomuiazykuv8klassiepotiemiestandrughomplanietyumkbibolietovamzanghliiskiisudovolstviiemuchiebnikdlia8klassa"
    ["file_id"] => string(6) "271149"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "uroki"
    ["date"] => string(10) "1451387087"
object(ArrayObject)#852 (1) {
  ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(6) {
    ["title"] => string(67) "Разработка  урока на тему: "Здоровье ""
    ["seo_title"] => string(30) "razrabotkaurokanatiemuzdorovie"
    ["file_id"] => string(6) "270922"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "uroki"
    ["date"] => string(10) "1451312998"

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