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Презентация урока по английскому языку "I can help"

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Plan of the lesson:

The theme of the lesson: I can help

The aims of the lesson: -to teach the meaning and use of can’t

                                        -to describe ability

                                        -to teach the names of some farm animals

I. Organizational moment: (2min)

 (оқушылармен амандасу, сабақ барысы мен мақсаты, міндеттімен таныстыру)

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

P: “Hello” song 

T: How are you! I am glad to see you! Take your places. Let’s begin our lesson. Today we'll study who lives on a farm. We’ll know what they can do. A dog has come to tell about a farm where it lives.

Phonetic Drill.               

Look at the blackboard and repeat after the computer.

Video about the domestic animals

II. Basic part of the lesson. (40)

  1. Look a the the presentation our new words.

Teacher shows flash cards, learners repeat after her.


Duck [D^k]  


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«Презентация урока по английскому языку "I can help"»

Plan of the lesson:

The theme of the lesson: I can help

The aims of the lesson: -to teach the meaning and use of can’t

-to describe ability

-to teach the names of some farm animals

I. Organizational moment: (2min)

 (оқушылармен амандасу, сабақ барысы мен мақсаты, міндеттімен таныстыру)

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

P: “Hello” song

T: How are you! I am glad to see you! Take your places. Let’s begin our lesson. Today we'll study who lives on a farm. We’ll know what they can do. A dog has come to tell about a farm where it lives.

Phonetic Drill.

Look at the blackboard and repeat after the computer.

Video about the domestic animals

II. Basic part of the lesson. (40)

  1. Look a the the presentation our new words.

Teacher shows flash cards, learners repeat after her .


Duck [D^k]


b.Ok. thank you, the next task is work on the farm

the 1st come here and take the paper out of the trunk (box), who took the orange house go to the orange farm…and put the animals and the words

c.The next task is listening. You must listen and write a number .What animal can you hear? Ex.3 p.59


Task: 1. Listen and put the number:

Answers: 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6-

d. Play the game. Do and say it without mistake” with verb. Actions learners do the command teacher

Physical training:

e. Presentation “Can” and “Can’t”

Let ‘s sing a song: I can…

All of you stand up our physical training

Now look at the picture and say “What is she doing?”

Formative assessment:

1.Name the the animals.

2. Write “can or can’t”

1. can 4. can’t

2.can’t 5. can’t

3. can 6. can

1.Horse________run fast. 2. Duck________jump high.

3.Dog______jump. 4. Cow ________fly.

5.Chick_________dance. 6. Cat ________climb.

Learners checks each other.

Reflection of the lesson.

Sing the song “Good – bye!”

Teachers comments. The lesson is over good-bye, children!

«№19 жалпы орта білім беретін мектеп» КММ

Сабақ тақырыбы: “ I can help”

Сынып: 1 «А»

Пән мұғалімі: Тлеубек Қ.Т.

2016-2017 оқу жылы

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 1 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация урока по английскому языку "I can help"

Автор: Тлеубек Қундыз Тлеубекқызы

Дата: 20.04.2017

Номер свидетельства: 410556

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