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«Поурочное планирование по английскому языку»
Data :
Theme of the lesson: Wildlife
The aim of the lesson: Жануарлар әлемі тақырыбы бойынша
оқушылардың білімін тексеру
Табиғатты сүюге тәрбиелеу
Есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту
Methods і: Сұрақ-жауап
Type: білімді тексеру
Plan of the lesson:
Good morning girl’s and boy’s!How are you?I’m glad to see you!Who is on duty today?
What month is it now?What season is it now?What date is it today?Who is absent?Thank you!Sit down please!
Today we are going to learn new theme, to learn new words, to do some exercise, to checking up your home work, answer the question, read and translate, work in groups.
Phonetic drill
[r] right – That`s right
Wrong- That`s wrong
Is it right? Is it wrong?
It is right. It is wrong
Who is right? Who is wrong?
Pete is right. Pete is wrong.
To checking up home work:
What was your home work?Are you ready?.
Do you understand me?Well, let’s begin!
II. Presentation new theme:
Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson
Our theme in our lesson is “Wildlife”.
III. Білімдітексеру
1.Өткен лексикалық сөздерге диктант жазу
2. сұрақ-жауап жұмысы
Do you have a dog?
Do you have a cat?
Do you feed it?
Do people in Kazakhstan hunt foxes?
Do people in Kazakhstan have “dog fighting” sport?
1. If I were a bird, I fly home
to the UK for vacation.
2. If I had got enough money I
could go
may go
could have gone
get better grades.
3. If I were good at languages I
a) might
c) can
her / him.
4. If I had heard of my friend's problem, I.----------
I might help
I might have helped
I may help
5. Asel says: "I don't remember where I've left my key to my flat. 1 think I it on my desk at school, I'm sure".