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Pollution is bad for health

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The theme of the lesson

The aim of the lesson

Ways of thinking

Ways of working

The visual aids

The results


Pollution is bad for health!

To introduce with new theme and learn new words, to improve reading and speaking abilities, improve their remembering habits

To think critically, collaborative and cooperative work, group work

Interactive board,

a sheet of paper,

to make posters

pencils, flashcards

They get information about pollution, they know how to protect our nature, can make their own sentences using new words.

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«Pollution is bad for health»

The date: 10.02.2017 The grade: 6 «А» The teacher of English: Iliyas Sandugash

The theme of the lesson

The aim of the lesson

Ways of thinking

Ways of working

The visual aids

The results

Assessment process

Pollution is bad for health!

To introduce with new theme and learn new words, to improve reading and speaking abilities, improve their remembering habits

To think critically, collaborative and cooperative work, group work

Interactive board,

a sheet of paper,

to make posters

pencils, flashcards

They get information about pollution, they know how to protect our nature, can make their own sentences using new words.



Teacher’s action

Pupil’s action

Organizational moment

Good morning my dear pupils!

Good morning, teacher.


Warm up

To watch the video

They watch the video about new lesson

Presentation of the new theme

I want divide you for three groups.  Dividing with the 3 groups.

Giving the new words. Let’s work with the new words of the lesson. I’ll read you’ll listen to me.

litterbug{`litəbʌg} қоқыс тастаушы

fine{fain} айыппұл

view {vju:}көрініс

spoil{spoil} бұзу,бүлдіру

litter {`litə } қоқыс

rubbish {rʌbiʃ} қоқыс

litter bin{`litə bin} қоқыс салатын ыдыс

Ex 1. Listening the text about new lesson.

Ex 2. Hotchair game. True or false.

1 People always put their litter in the litter bin. F

2 Some people want to control litter. T

3 They do not usually pay a fine. F

4  . Don’t  punish people who throw litter on the streets F

5 Litter is not a health problem F

6 They never throw litter themselves. T

Ex 3. Match the words with their meanings. I use the national game “Kokpar”


Make posters. Are you a green person?

Causes of pollution – effects of pollution.

They listen, read these new words. Children read and pronounce the meanings of these words

They do Ex1. They listen the text and read one by one with translation into native language.

Ex 2. Hotchair game. True or false.

If the sentences is true pupil sit on the chair, and if the sentence is false the pupil is stand.

In ex3. They match the words with their meanings.

Each group makes their posters and does a gallery walk.


We know that the Earth is common home, a big green home. And all its inhabitants – people, animals and birds need to live in peace and harmony. We must take care of the Earth for ourselves and for next generation. We must keep our environment clean! 
"A child’s wish”. 
I want to live and not to die! 
I want to laugh and not to cry! 
I want to feel the summer sun! 
I want to sing when life is fun. 
I want to fly into the blue sky. 
I want to swim as fishes do. 
I want to live and not to die! 
I want to laugh and not to cry!


Ex4. Make posters. Are you a green person?

Causes of pollution – effects of pollution.

Children read this poem and translate the main words into 3 languages.

Live-жить-өмір сүру


Feel-чувствовать- сезіну

Sing-петь-ән айту



Each group makes their posters and does a gallery walk.


Assessment for learning.

Will take their suitable marks.

Home task

Ex 9. Animals in danger. And new words.

Each group makes a poster about animals in danger.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Pollution is bad for health

Автор: Атрек Аидана Бердімуратқызы

Дата: 14.02.2018

Номер свидетельства: 457503

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