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Открытый урок ''How many boys are there in your class?''

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Это разработка открытого урока пятого класса на тему "How many boys are there in your class?" Theme of the lesson: How many boys are there in your class?
Aims of the lesson:
Educational: To enrich pupils’ speech using vocabulary, knowledge, listening activities, memory.
Developing: To develop their reading, writing, speaking skills and grammar, lexical habits.
Bringing - up: To bring - up interest to the subject, to bring - up pupils to be attentive to write neatly.
Visual aids: pictures, an interactive board, cards, sweets, table

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«Открытый урок ''How many boys are there in your class?''»

Бекітемін:____________ Grade: 5th ''a''

Date: 9. 12. 2015

Theme of the lesson: How many boys are there in your class?
Aims of the lesson:
Educational: To enrich pupils’ speech using vocabulary, knowledge, listening activities, memory.
Developing: To develop their reading, writing, speaking skills and grammar, lexical habits.
Bringing - up: To bring - up interest to the subject, to bring - up pupils to be attentive to write neatly.
Visual aids: pictures, an interactive board, cards, sweets, table
Outline of the lesson:
I. Organization moment
- Greeting

Good afternoon, boys and girls. I'm glad to see you today! How are you?

Hi, teacher! We are glad to see you too. We are fine, thank you!

-Conversation with duty

Who is on duty today? Who is absent?

I'm on duty today. All are present.

What date and day is it today?

Today is the ninth of December, Wednesday

Thank you, sit down, please.

II. Checking the hometask:

I"ve prepared for you these sweets. You can take it.

Look at your sweets! What colour is it? Who choose this kind of sweets will be first group and another one will be the second. I'll check your hometask. -What was your hometask? Your hometask was to learn by heart new words. I will hand out these cards, you must make up from this cards a puzzle.

Which group is ready?

III. New theme

So, pupils, today we will read, write and speak about «How many boys in there in your class» First of all listen to me then repeat after me then write down new words.

Let me see-қазір ойланайын

long - ұзын

short - қысқа

only - тек

Open your books at page 98 and 1st group read the dialogue then 2nd group translate it into Kazakh.

 Some, any есімдіктері – бірнеше, қандай да бір, кішкене адамдардың не заттардың белгісіз санын меңзейді, some болымды сөйлемдерде, ал any сұраулы және болымсыз сөйлемдерде қолданылады.

There are some apples

There are not any apples

Are there any books?

IV. Doing exercises. Open your copybooks and write down the exercises

1st group must write about the classroom objects. (Ex4)

And 2nd group, you must write about the things in your bag.(Ex5) Are you finished?

And now each group have to count and write about the boys and girls in the class using this words

with black hair

with blond hair

with blue eyes

with long hair

with short hair

Who wants to read the exercise?

V. Warm-up

Are you tired, let's have a rest!

VI. Conclusion

Тақтадағы берілген мақал-мәтелдерді – оқып шығу және дәптерге жазу

Мынау мақалдарда «There is / There are » құрылымдарын бар

I . Look at the board and repeat after me

There is no place like home .

Өз үйім , кең сарайдай , боз үйім

There are spots even on the sun.

Төрт аяқты мал да сүрінеді

There is no smoke without fire .

Жел болмаса , шөптің басы қозғалмайды

Write the proverbs on your copybook

What do you understand from this lesson?

VII. Giving hometask

Open your diary and write the home task. EX 10 and 11

Your marks for today………..

Thank you very much for your attention. Stand up. The lesson is over. Good bye!

Additional tasks

Карточка № 1 Нүктелердің орнына «There is / There are » құрылымдарын қой

1.… ….a book on the table .

2. … … a swimming pool in your school ?

3 . …. … no children in our house .

4. … … a computer room ?

5. … …. any books in your bag ?

Карточка № 2 Нүктелердің орнына «There is / There are » құрылымдарын қой

1.… ….a copy – books on the table .

2. … … a swimming pool in your house ?

3 . …. … children in our house .

4. … … five computer rooms in my school .

5. … …. any books in your bag ?

Карточка № 3 Нүктелердің орнына «There is / There are » құрылымдарын қой

1.… ….a pen on the table .

2. … … a swimming pool in your school ?

3 . …. … two tables in our house .

4. … … a computer room ?

5. … …. any books in your bag ?

Карточка № 4

«There is / There are » құрылымдарын пайдаланып өз мектебің туралы

жазып бер (5-6 сөлем)

Карточка №5. Сұрақтарға жауап бер

1. Is there a pen in your bag ?

2. Are there many boys in school ?

3. Are there any trees in the forest ?

Карточка №6

4. Is there a river in Аtyrau ?

5. Are there a flowers on the table ?

6. Is there a blackboard in the classroom ?

Карточка № 7 .

1. Диалог құрастыру«There is / There are » құрылымдарын пайдаланып (5-6 сөлем)

Карточка №8 . Мәтінді оқып шығу және аударып беру

There are many flowers at school . There are many trees .

There is a library in school . There are Kazakh , Russian ,History ,Geography ,Biology classrooms . There is a computer room on the second floor. There is a canteen in my school .I love my school .

Карточка №9. Cұрақа жауап бер

Is there a camp in Kokshetau ?

Are there houses in Astana ?

Карточка №10 Мәтінге сұрақ қой

There are many flowers at school . There are many trees .

There is a library in school . There are Kazakh , Russian ,History ,Geography ,Biology classrooms . There is a computer room on the second floor. There is a canteen in my school

Secondary school №32

O p e n l e s s o n

Form 5th ''a''

Teacher of English Kabieva Zh. B

2015-2016 s.y

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Открытый урок ''How many boys are there in your class?''

Автор: Кабиева Жулдыз Болысовна

Дата: 31.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 285560

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