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The theme: Types of schools.

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The theme: Types of schools.

The aims:

1 to  acquaint pupils with the new words.

2 to develop students’ auding and speaking skills.

3 to involve pupils into communication in groups, in pairs.

4 to revise of the grammar material.

5 to develope pupils’ thinking and auding skills.

6  to educate the culture of speaking.

New language: talking about school and types of schools, school subjects.

Preparation: pictures, numbers, word cards, presentation.


I  Warm up.

2 Checking up the h/t.

3 Introduction.

a) Speaking

b) Reading

c) Writing

4 Song

5 Revision of the grammar.

6 Work with the active board.

7 Evaluation and h/t.

Procedure of the lesson.

1 Warm up.

Good afternoon children !sit down please !I’m glad to see you!The theme of our lesson is “Types of schools” and the aim of our lesson is to know much information about types of schools in Britain.

Let’s speak a little.

1 What date is it today?

2 What day is it today ?

3 What season is it today?

4 What’s the weather  like today?

5 Do you like autumn?

6 Do you like winter?(play snowballs, go to the forest, gather leaves, mushrooms).

Ok,very good I like winter, because my birthday in winter.

2 Checking up the h/t.

Let’s check up your h/t. and speak about your school day, your school, about your lessons.

And who can tell me about school ?

Who can tell me about your school day?

What is your classteacher’s name?

Is your classroom on the first floor?

Or on the second floor?

Where is the library? (etc.)

3 Introduction.

The theme of our lesson is ”Types of schools”. Look at the active board. You can see British system of School Education there. It is divided in Primary schools Secondary Schools. But Primary schools consist of Infant schools (for children their age from 5 to 7) and Junior schools(their age from 7 to 11 years old.)

Secondary schools consist of Modern schools (after finishing that school you can’t go to the university but you can get the first skills of some professions.)

Grammar schools (these schools are given the education which level is very high.)

Comprehensive schools (these schools for children of all abilities and social classes)

How do you think about our school is Grammar, Comprehensive or Modern.( it is comprehensive school)

And now open your copybooks and copy this information.The difference between our school and school in Britain is the school and year. They have three terms after the name of each seasons. Autumn term. Spring term. Summer term. The end of school year is in June. In our country, we have four terms and our school year finishes in May. Listen to my reading please and then you will read it by chain. Ok. well done.

Look at the schoolchildren ‘s uniform.Do you know that : Schools in Britain have names, no numbers. What can you say about our school ? Is our school have name or number?(It has number.)

4 Song.

Let’s have a rest. Look at the white board and do with me.

5 Let’s the revise the theme of previous lesson. It was Numerals.

Let’s count all together and clap.

Let’s speak about the numbers.

How many boys are there?

How many girls are there?

How many boards are there?

How many days in the week?

How many seasons are there in the year?

And the next work is Match Cardinal and Ordinal numbers. Who wants to go to the blackboard?

6 Work with the active board.

Let’s speak about your favorite subjects in unusual form. You don’t speak you must draw.

Let’s make your own timetable on the active board.(дети рисуют свои любимые предметы и говорят I like English. I Don’t like Maths.)then stick it on the blackboard and tell I Like …

The next task is to revise the Indefinite pronouns Some/Any.Come to the active board and fill in gaps.

7 H/t and evaluation.

Children now open your diaries and write down your h/t. it will be retelling the Topic ”Types of schools”. I want to talk about your mark. Masha you are good today. Aldiar I like your reading. Sasha your answers were very excellent. Anzhella you had many mistakes.

What is the theme of our lesson?

What do you know about British schools?

How many types of school education are there?

The lesson is over! Good Bye!

Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 9

Открытый урок

Types of schools

Учитель английского языка

Сарьян О.А.

Уральск 2014-2015

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«The theme: Types of schools. »

The theme: Types of schools.

The aims:

1 to acquaint pupils with the new words.

2 to develop students’ auding and speaking skills.

3 to involve pupils into communication in groups, in pairs.

4 to revise of the grammar material.

5 to develope pupils’ thinking and auding skills.

6 to educate the culture of speaking.

New language: talking about school and types of schools, school subjects.

Preparation: pictures, numbers, word cards, presentation.


I Warm up.

2 Checking up the h/t.

3 Introduction.

a) Speaking

b) Reading

c) Writing

4 Song

5 Revision of the grammar.

6 Work with the active board.

7 Evaluation and h/t.

Procedure of the lesson.

1 Warm up.

Good afternoon children !sit down please !I’m glad to see you!The theme of our lesson is “Types of schools” and the aim of our lesson is to know much information about types of schools in Britain.

Let’s speak a little.

1 What date is it today?

2 What day is it today ?

3 What season is it today?

4 What’s the weather like today?

5 Do you like autumn?

6 Do you like winter?(play snowballs, go to the forest, gather leaves, mushrooms).

Ok,very good I like winter, because my birthday in winter.

2 Checking up the h/t.

Let’s check up your h/t. and speak about your school day, your school, about your lessons.

And who can tell me about school ?

Who can tell me about your school day?

What is your classteacher’s name?

Is your classroom on the first floor?

Or on the second floor?

Where is the library? (etc.)

3 Introduction.

The theme of our lesson is ”Types of schools”. Look at the active board. You can see British system of School Education there. It is divided in Primary schools Secondary Schools. But Primary schools consist of Infant schools (for children their age from 5 to 7) and Junior schools(their age from 7 to 11 years old.)

Secondary schools consist of Modern schools (after finishing that school you can’t go to the university but you can get the first skills of some professions.)

Grammar schools (these schools are given the education which level is very high.)

Comprehensive schools (these schools for children of all abilities and social classes)

How do you think about our school is Grammar, Comprehensive or Modern.( it is comprehensive school)

And now open your copybooks and copy this information.The difference between our school and school in Britain is the school and year. They have three terms after the name of each seasons. Autumn term. Spring term. Summer term. The end of school year is in June. In our country , we have four terms and our school year finishes in May. Listen to my reading please and then you will read it by chain. Ok. well done.

Look at the schoolchildren ‘s uniform .Do you know that : Schools in Britain have names, no numbers. What can you say about our school ? Is our school have name or number?(It has number.)

4 Song.

Let’s have a rest. Look at the white board and do with me.

5 Let’s the revise the theme of previous lesson. It was Numerals.

Let’s count all together and clap .

Let’s speak about the numbers.

How many boys are there?

How many girls are there?

How many boards are there?

How many days in the week?

How many seasons are there in the year?

And the next work is Match Cardinal and Ordinal numbers. Who wants to go to the blackboard?

6 Work with the active board.

Let’s speak about your favorite subjects in unusual form. You don’t speak you must draw.

Let’s make your own timetable on the active board.(дети рисуют свои любимые предметы и говорят I like English. I Don’t like Maths.)then stick it on the blackboard and tell I Like …

The next task is to revise the Indefinite pronouns Some/Any.Come to the active board and fill in gaps.

7 H/t and evaluation.

Children now open your diaries and write down your h/t. it will be retelling the Topic ”Types of schools”. I want to talk about your mark. Masha you are good today. Aldiar I like your reading. Sasha your answers were very excellent. Anzhella you had many mistakes.

What is the theme of our lesson?

What do you know about British schools?

How many types of school education are there?

The lesson is over! Good Bye!

Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 9

Открытый урок

Types of schools

Учитель английского языка

Сарьян О.А.

Уральск 2014-2015

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

The theme: Types of schools.

Автор: Сарьян Ольга Александровна

Дата: 25.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 214941

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