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Open lesson plan "Cinema"

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Open lesson plan about  "Cinema". Cinema of the world. Type of the films  Cinema plays an important role in the life of any society. The cinema has become part of the modern way of life. There is no denying the fact that the cinema is an excellent vehicle of culture. Its possibilities are unlimited. In the earliest years of the cinema its power to show contemporary events was recognized and appreciated. More than anything else this unique quality secured popularity for the film as a new form of instruction and entertainment. That’s why the cinema is considered to be one of the best ways of spending their leisure time.  We can see films either in the cinema or on the TV. As I am often short of time, I have practically no time for going to the cinema. For this reason I see films on television more frequently. But sometimes I manage to go to the cinema. I prefer feature films and amusing comedies. It’s a pity the life is so difficult nowadays and I want to relax a little, sometimes even to laugh. But at the same time I am fond of true-to-life films describing the life of the ordinary people, their feelings and problems. Such films move me deeply, they arouse the feelings of sympathy or hatred for the heroes. As a rule such films leave a deep and lasting impression upon me.

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«Open lesson plan "Cinema"»

Open lesson plan

Date: 18.04.2014 Time: 13.20-14.10

Grade: Teacher: Beibitzhan Akerke.


Type of the lesson: demonstrative lesson

Practical aim: to develop the formation of ICC

linguistic competence(grammar habits )

Speech competence (to develop watching, speaking, writing skills)

Educative aim :

-educational aspect - foster a sense of belonging to the world's history , monuments of art, a greater awareness of their culture ;

Educational aim :

- the formation of lexical skills of reading and speaking ;

Developing aim:

the development of the ability to analyze , synthesize , classification and systematization to guess , the ability to exercise reproductive speech acts , the ability to perform speech acts productive development of the imagination; Objectives: check up homework,

do some ex-s,

Means of teaching:

Text book




Individual cards

Expected results:

Students should be able to use the new words in their speech

To discuss with each other in English more confident.

To pronounce correctly and read with proper pronounciation

To recognize the words


Procedure of the lesson


1.Beginning of the lesson

Warmin-up activity


How are you my dear students? I continue Arai’s lesson. We speak about cinema. I hope we’ll have a good work today.

-Ok, now look at the blackboard. This is tongue twisters. Repeat after me, then one by one.

If two witches watch two watches, which witch will watch which watch?

Checking up the homework

2 min.

II.Main stage

Presentation of the new material


I'll show you an fragment of the film last lesson.

Discuss what to talk about film?. Tell me your opinion. Retelling.

This film about a world where time has become the single most hard currency, where people are genetically programmed so that in 25 years no longer age. However, subsequent years are worth the money. And the rich are getting virtually immortal, and the poor, as always, are doomed to fight for life.

he, a rebel from the ghetto, falsely accused of murder with intent to rob and forced time, taking hostage, go on the run. So, constantly risking their lives, these two become a formidable weapon in the fight against the system.

Этот фильм о мире, где время стало единственной наиболее твердая валюта, где люди генетически запрограммированы так, что в 25 лет уже не по возрасту. Тем не менее, последующие годы стоят денег. И богатые становятся практически бессмертными, а бедные, как всегда, обречены сражаться за жизнь.

он, бунтарь из гетто, несправедливо обвинен в убийстве с целью грабежа и вынужден время, принимая в заложники, пуститься в бега. Так, постоянно рискуя жизнью, эти двое становятся грозным оружием в борьбе с системой.

Now continue with the lesson Arai. Cinema

what do you learned the first lesson.


  1. What is the genre of this film?









a film with lots of music and dance.

a film in which unnatural and frightening things happen, such as dead people coming to life, people turning into animals, etc.

an action – film about cowboys, horses and gunfights.

a film about space travel or life in an imaginary future.

a film made by funny pictures.

an action film full of violence and crime.

a touching film with a happy ending.

  1. What people do shoot the films?

An operator

An actor

A costume designer

A make-up

A sound operator

A director

A producer

A script writer

is a person who

… is the boss and tells everybody what to do.

…operates the camera.

… operates the microphones during the filming.

… acts in a film.

… prepares costumes: dresses, suits for films.

… can make a new face for an actor.

… has general control of the money for a film.

… writes scripts for films.


I show presentation actor’s pictures. Who is this?

Match the pictures?

  1. 1. Who is ? What can you say about picture? Which films he starred? Which country belongs to this actor ?

Nikulin uri vladimerovich. Brilliantovaya ruka. Stariki razboiniki. Operacia “I” Russian actor.

  1. 2. Who is ? What can you say about picture? Which films he starred? Which country belongs to this actor ? What parts of film? How many parts?

  2. Garry Potter. 7 parts.

 Философский камень

 Тайная комната

 Узник Азкабана

 Кубок огня

 Орден Феникса


Дары Смерти

  1. 4. Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin, (16 April 1889 – 25 December 1977) was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame in the silent era

  2. 5. James Cameron. Avatar. American actor.

  3. 6. Macaulay Culkin




III. Conclusion


-our lesson is finished.

-Today you all were active. Thank you very much!

H/t: Presentation “My favourite film or actor”

Thank you for attention!

3 min

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Open lesson plan "Cinema"

Автор: Бейбітжан Акерке

Дата: 14.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 293405

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