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«Open lesson Choosing profession»
School named after by Kurmangazy
The theme of the open lesson:
Profession. Choosing a profession
8th grade
The teacher of English: Kairgalieva Gulnara
The aims:
Educating: to enrich pupils’ knowledge about professions:
Developing: to develop pupils’ reading, speaking, thinking skills;
Bringing-up: to develop pupils’ views on choosing a profession.
The type of the lesson: introduction of new material
The methods of teaching: training, reflection, evocation, the game
Visual aids: the active board, proverbs, smiles, pictures, texts
The plan of the lesson
Organization moment
Hello, children.
How are today?
Sit down, please.
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent?
Checking up the home work
What was your home-task?
Write an essay about “Knowledge is power”. Let’s listen.(«Автор орындығы» оқушының өзі жазған шығармасы немесе эссе жазғанда отырғызып оқытуға болады.
Are you ready?
Let’s play a game “Fisher”. (бұл ойынды сабақ бастамас бұрын ойашар ретінде қолдандым. Аквариумдағы балықты аулап, ондағы жазылған сұрақтарға жауап береді. Ойын бірнеше оқушыға қайталанады)
Business (іс) –Business before pleasure. Бейнет түбі зейнет
Gain (кіріс) – No pain, no gain. Еңбексіз өнбек жоқ.
Glove (қолғап) – a cat in glove catches no mice. Еңбегіне қарай –өнбегі.
What did you want to be when you were a child?
What profession are you dreaming of?
IY. A new theme: before begin our lesson at first let’s guess the meaning of these pictures. You must take first letters each pictures.
Profession. Choosing a profession
Our lesson are divided into three strategies.
What we know? Strategy. Answer the questions.
What do we want to know? Strategy.
A work with the text book.
A work with vocabulary
Answer the questions
Work in groups. Read the short texts about “Ecologist”, “Doctors”, “Journalist”, “Geologists”
What have we learnt? Strategy.
What kind of professions do you study?
What do you know about these professions? Draw a table of this kind in a sheet of paper.
What are the most important factors in choosing jobs?
Payment working hours
Job description
Y. “Think and Find” (екі оқушыдан шығарып стикерді мандайына жапсырып сұрақ немесе жай түсіндіріп айтады, ал қарсы тұрған оқушы жауап беруге тырысады)
YI. Conclusion You have done a lot of works at the lesson. At first you must give marks for each other. Then write your own opinion about this lesson. YII. Reflection (стикерге бүгінгі сабақта алған әсерлері туралы өз тілектерін, пікірін жазып тақтадағы чемодан, еттартқыш және себетке жапсырады)
YIII. Giving home work: write about “My future profession”, job description about ecologists, geologists, doctors and journalist