Org. moment 1 min Lead in 2 min | Greeting Teacher’s instructions T presents lesson objectives Living things | Monkey | Bear | Snake | gazelle | | Ss greet the teacher Ss find the another pieces of their puzzle to assembly and take their seats Ss are presented the lesson objective Ss play “Taboo” game to identify the theme. | Encourage Ss who can name object that is connected with new lesson. | PPP slide 1 PPP Slide 2 |
Text-based approach Pre-reading 2 min While – reading/ Reading and understanding 8 min Language analysis 14 min Controlled practice 3 min Freer practice Speaking task 8-10 min | Teacher shows pictures of animals. And asks to name and describe the pictures. And asks to guess what the text will be about . Read the text “At the zoo”. While reading the text ,write what happens at that time below: -
6:00 _________________ -
7:30__________________ -
8:45__________________ -
9:30__________________ Target language discovery. -T writes the sentence on the board, and asks Ss to find appropriate ones. They should find 6 sentences . Anar works at Semei zoo. -Teacher asks: Grammar explanation Present Simple tense How to form the simple present Positive I work You work He\she\it works Negative (do, does) I don’t work. You don’t work. He\She\ it doesn’t work. Question Do I work? Do you work? Does he\she\it work? Timeline Past now future She feeds her dog everyday. T asks CCQs -
Is she feeding her dog now? -
Is she going to feed her dog? -
Will she feed her dog? -
Does she feed her dog everyday T gives practice task to Ss. They should fill in the gaps with following verbs in Present simple tense: Not hunt, eat, live, live, drink, eat, live, eat, eat, not eat -
It ______ grass. -
They _______ in a group. -
They ________ animals. -
It ________ in a tree. -
It ________ water. -
Monkey _____ banana. -
____ They ____ in a forest? -
____ lion _____ leaves? -
____ lizard and snake ____ insects? -
Lion ______ banana. T suggests Ss to talk about their pets in pairs using subject-specific vocabulary. You should: Differentiation: Ss who has lack of vocabulary will be given key words and directed questions: favourite pet, feed, spend time, bushy, cute, for a walk etc. Directed questions: What is your favourite pet? How many time do you feed it per day? What is your pet` favourite food? Scaffolding “Give time to talk” T gives 2 min to process new ideas and information. | Ss name and describe the pictures, guess what the text will be about . Ss read the text and do the task Ss find the sentences from the text. Ss Answer CCQs Ss fill in the gaps. Ss talk about their pets in pairs using subject-specific vocabulary. | Verbal evaluation Descriptors: 1. reads the text 2. Writes what happens at the given times -
She wakes up. -
She feeds the snakes. -
She visits the monkeys. -
She visits the beautiful gazelles. Descriptor: -
finds 6 sentences in Simple Present from the text. Descriptor: CCQ Descriptor: Fills in the gaps: -
Eats grass -
Live -
Don’t hunt -
Lives -
Drinks -
Eats -
Do, live -
Does, eat -
Do, eat -
Doesn’t eat | PPP Slide 3 Picture from Handouts: Text “At the zoo” PPP Slide 4 PPP slide 5, 6 PPP slide 7 PPP slide 8 PPP slide 9 |
End of the lesson. Reflection 5 min | The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks SS to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder | Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can use colors to show how much do they remember. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. | Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like: Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! | Whiteboard Poster. |