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Конспект урока "Лондонский зоопарк"

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Цели урока:

  1. учебные:  научиться рассказывать о животных Лондонского зоопарка, его истории, необходимости существования зоопарков; подготовиться к проекту.
  2. развивающие: развивать умение критически осмысливать содержание текста и информации, формировать умение делать проекты, привлечь внимание к окружающей действительности, в частности к зоопаркам, способствовать развитию познавательного интереса, расширять страноведческие знания, креативность мышления;
  3. воспитательные: формировать культуру поведения в зоопарке, внимательность и осторожность при нахождении в зоопарке, навыки работы в парах.

Оборудование: учебник английского языка «Enjoy English» для 5-6 класса (М.З. Биболетова, Н.М. Трубанева), аудиоприложение к учебнику, MP3-проигрыватель, компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, слайды. 

                                               Ход урока.


Good morning, boys and girls! Sit down.

I am glad to see you.

How are you?

Целеполагание, мотивация

             Look at the blackboard!(На доске написана фраза: Be careful what you say or do when you visit animals in the zoo)

              Will you translate it into Russian!

               Repeat it after me [w]!

               Why should people be careful?

  • Some animals are dangerous.
  • Some animals are wild and aggressive.

    Could you tell me what we are going to speak about today?

  • About a zoo.

     You are night. You ll get  ready  for the project about London zoo and also decide it people need zoos.

      What words come to mind     when you pronouns        the word “zoo”?   (Рисую bubble – в центре слово zoo. По мере того, как  учащиеся называют слова по теме, заполняю      «bubbles»

   Осмысление содержания

             Подготовка к проекту “London Zoo”

  1. Look at the scheme!

What would you tell a stranger about London  Zoo now? (рассказ по цепочке)

Well done, children!

You are ready with the main part of you project, aren’t you?

 And what should you begin your project with?

  • Of course, with the history of London Zoo!
  1. Open your books on page 106, ex.10.

Read  the text and answer the following question (чтение текста с извлечением нужной информации)

When did exotic animals appear in Great Britain for the first time?

  1. Now look at the screen! (Проверка понимания текста) На слайде изображены животные: леопард, слон, жираф, полярный медведь, зебра, бизон, гиппопотам, коала)

Which animals  appeared first?

When was it?

Which animals appeared after?

What about zebra?

When did the first giraffes appear?

And what about bison, hippopotamus and koala?

  1. Look at the screen and read  the information.

 P1  1850 – In this year the Tsar of Russia presented  two bison to the Zoo.

 P2  1874 – In this year the first baby hippopotamus was reared.

 P3   1880 – In this year the first koala bear arrived to live outside Australia.

  1. Fill in the scheme with the information  about the history of London Zoo!

Very good, children!

I see that you really know the history of the Zoo and this page will be the first in your project.

6.   Ролевая игра

And now I think it`s time to speak about the animals you take care of.

Imagine  you work at London Zoo. Tell the viewers of the programme «Save the Natural World» what animals you are taking care of. Give some information about them. Work in pairs!

(для контроля вызываются две пары)

You can include the information about the animals you like best in your project.


Thank you very much children! Your information is really interesting and useful. You have worked well and I think we should have a small rest. Let`s play a game.

You will be my animals and I will be your trainer. Remember that you are clever, intelligent, obedient and strongly disciplined animals. You should do everything I tell you to do. Are you ready? We start.

«Игра в дрессировщика,»

Please stand up. Please run. Please jump. Please fly. Please swim. Please sing a song (дети поют песню на мотив “В траве сидел кузнечик»)

A dog, a cat, a rabbit(3 раза)

Can run and jump and skip

A cat and a rabbit, a cat and a rabbit

               Сan run and jump and skip.(2 раза)

        Осмысление нужности существования зоопарков.

             I`m happy to have such animals. It was a pleasure.

   We were speaking about animals in Regents`s Park.

I`m sure there are many other exotic animals there.

As you know thousands of visitors come to the Zoo every week.

Now I want you to answer my questions.

Why do people need Zoos? What is good about them?

P1. People can see different animals there.

P2. People can feed exotic animals and watch the young babies grow up.

P3. People learn new things about nature.

P4. Zoo lovers can study animals in their cages.

P5. It is very enjoyable. People can find new friends.

P6. We can study the effects human activates have on the natural world.


It`s time to sum up

What can you speak about now?

Let`s create a poem!(cоздание синквейна)

                        A zoo

                      funny, enjoyable

                      walk, stretch, jump

                       It`s full of fun

                       an animal park

Good of you, children!

How did you like the lesson?

If you liked it, take the happy sun.

If you didn`t like it, take the sad one.      

Итог урока, домашнее задание.

You were active and great. I give you only good and excellent marks. Thank you for cooperation.

Your home work is: Prepare a project «London Zoo»

The lesson is over. Good-bye.








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«конспект урока "Лондонский зоопарк" »

Цели урока:

  1. учебные: научиться рассказывать о животных Лондонского зоопарка, его истории, необходимости существования зоопарков; подготовиться к проекту.

  2. развивающие: развивать умение критически осмысливать содержание текста и информации, формировать умение делать проекты, привлечь внимание к окружающей действительности, в частности к зоопаркам, способствовать развитию познавательного интереса, расширять страноведческие знания, креативность мышления;

  3. воспитательные: формировать культуру поведения в зоопарке, внимательность и осторожность при нахождении в зоопарке, навыки работы в парах.

Оборудование: учебник английского языка «Enjoy English» для 5-6 класса (М.З. Биболетова, Н.М. Трубанева), аудиоприложение к учебнику, MP3-проигрыватель, компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, слайды.

Ход урока.


Good morning, boys and girls! Sit down.

I am glad to see you.

How are you?

Целеполагание, мотивация

Look at the blackboard!(На доске написана фраза: Be careful what you say or do when you visit animals in the zoo)

Will you translate it into Russian!

Repeat it after me [w]!

Why should people be careful?

  • Some animals are dangerous.

  • Some animals are wild and aggressive.

Could you tell me what we are going to speak about today?

  • About a zoo.

You are night. You ll get ready for the project about London zoo and also decide it people need zoos.

What words come to mind when you pronouns the word “zoo”? (Рисую bubble – в центре слово zoo. По мере того, как учащиеся называют слова по теме, заполняю «bubbles»

Осмысление содержания

Подготовка к проекту “London Zoo”

  1. Look at the scheme!

What would you tell a stranger about London Zoo now? (рассказ по цепочке)

Well done, children!

You are ready with the main part of you project, aren’t you?

And what should you begin your project with?

  • Of course, with the history of London Zoo!

  1. Open your books on page 106, ex.10.

Read the text and answer the following question (чтение текста с извлечением нужной информации)

When did exotic animals appear in Great Britain for the first time?

  1. Now look at the screen! (Проверка понимания текста) На слайде изображены животные: леопард, слон, жираф, полярный медведь, зебра, бизон, гиппопотам, коала)

Which animals appeared first?

When was it?

Which animals appeared after?

What about zebra?

When did the first giraffes appear?

And what about bison, hippopotamus and koala?

  1. Look at the screen and read the information.

P1 1850 – In this year the Tsar of Russia presented two bison to the Zoo.

P2 1874 – In this year the first baby hippopotamus was reared.

P3 1880 – In this year the first koala bear arrived to live outside Australia.

  1. Fill in the scheme with the information about the history of London Zoo!

Very good, children!

I see that you really know the history of the Zoo and this page will be the first in your project.

6. Ролевая игра

And now I think it`s time to speak about the animals you take care of.

Imagine you work at London Zoo. Tell the viewers of the programme «Save the Natural World» what animals you are taking care of. Give some information about them. Work in pairs!

(для контроля вызываются две пары)

You can include the information about the animals you like best in your project.


Thank you very much children! Your information is really interesting and useful. You have worked well and I think we should have a small rest. Let`s play a game.

You will be my animals and I will be your trainer. Remember that you are clever, intelligent, obedient and strongly disciplined animals. You should do everything I tell you to do. Are you ready? We start.

«Игра в дрессировщика,»

Please stand up. Please run. Please jump. Please fly. Please swim. Please sing a song (дети поют песню на мотив “В траве сидел кузнечик»)

A dog, a cat, a rabbit(3 раза)

Can run and jump and skip

A cat and a rabbit, a cat and a rabbit

Сan run and jump and skip.(2 раза)

Осмысление нужности существования зоопарков.

I`m happy to have such animals. It was a pleasure.

We were speaking about animals in Regents`s Park.

I`m sure there are many other exotic animals there.

As you know thousands of visitors come to the Zoo every week.

Now I want you to answer my questions.

Why do people need Zoos? What is good about them?

P1. People can see different animals there.

P2. People can feed exotic animals and watch the young babies grow up.

P3. People learn new things about nature.

P4. Zoo lovers can study animals in their cages.

P5. It is very enjoyable. People can find new friends.

P6. We can study the effects human activates have on the natural world.


It`s time to sum up

What can you speak about now?

Let`s create a poem!(cоздание синквейна)

A zoo

funny, enjoyable

walk, stretch, jump

It`s full of fun

an animal park

Good of you, children!

How did you like the lesson?

If you liked it, take the happy sun.

If you didn`t like it, take the sad one.

Итог урока, домашнее задание.

You were active and great. I give you only good and excellent marks. Thank you for cooperation.

Your home work is: Prepare a project «London Zoo»

The lesson is over. Good-bye.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

конспект урока "Лондонский зоопарк"

Автор: Кудинова Нина Васильевна

Дата: 17.06.2014

Номер свидетельства: 106492

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