The plan of lesson
Класс/Class/Сынып: 8
Предмет/Subject/Сабақ: English language
Тема/Theme/Сабақтың тақырыбы: Animals in Kazakhstan.
- to train lexical and grammatical skills;
- to generalize and systematize to learn information on the theme: “Animals”.
to develop memory, attention;
to develop communicative skills and develop reading skills.
- to form interest in studying foreign language.
Resources/Оборудование /Көрнекті құралдар: picture with animals, Presentation Power Point, cards, poster.
Checking of the home task.
Phonetic exercise.
Introduction of new material.
Fixing of knowledge.
State of activity
Organization moment.
Good morning, children!
Sit down please!
Ok. Who is on duty today? I’m on duty today
What date is it today? Today is The ....
Who is absent? All present.
Today the theme of our lesson: “Animals in Kazakhstan”. Today we will to introduce the new theme, new words on the theme “Animals” and today lesson-game. Write down the date today and our theme. Now, begin our lesson.
Checking of knowledge.
Continue our lesson. What was your homework?
Read and translate text
Are you ready?
Ok! Let’s start!
Phonetic exercise.
First of all let's revise sounds: So, listen to me and repeat:
Look at the screen in the presentation, please.
[æ] — natural, catch, habit, hamster;
[e1] — cage, save, nature, endangered;
[ə:] — world, burn, world, work;
[d] — watch, project, watchdog;
[ai] — fight, kind, wild, life ,rhino;
[ŋ] — wing, swinging, jumping, joining;
[aiə] — Society, scientist, giant;
New theme
Let’s continuo the theme: Animals in Kazakhstan. And now to devoted into two groups: First group – lion, second group – tiger.
At the beginning looks at the presentation, in the presentation about animals of our planet.

And now let’s start do exercise.
First exercise: Look at the blackboard in the words. You must find the transcription of words.
An elephant, a rabbit, a mouse, a tiger.
A giraffe, a zebra, a camel, a bear.
Ok! Well-done, children!
The second exercise:
There are 10 sentences. Some of them are true, some of them are false. Read the sentence and circle Yes/No. If the sentence is wrong, give the right variant.
Hello, my friends. How are you? I am from Russia. My name is Nina. I am six. And you? I like pets. I’ve got a rabbit. His name is Bunny. It is very little. Bunny is grey. He likes to run and to jump. He doesn’t like to sit under the table. He likes to sit in the box. I like to play with Bunny and feed my pet. Bunny likes to play with me too. He is a very funny rabbit. I love my pet very much.
Nina has got a dog. Yes/No.
The rabbit’s name is Bingo. Yes/No.
Her rabbit is white. Yes/No.
Her rabbit can play football. Yes/No.
Bunny likes to run. Yes/No.
He doesn't like to sit under the table. Yes/No.
Bunny likes to sit in the box. Yes/No.
Nina likes to feed Bunny. Yes/No.
Bunny is not very funny. Yes/No.
He likes to play with Nina. Yes/No.
Fixing of knowledge.
The next exercise third: Work with the video. Look at the video very carefully. After the text will be the task. True/false.

True or False.
The monkey is jumping in the house.
The tiger is beating its chest.
The crocodile is clapping its legs.
The snake is winding itself around the tree.
The parrot is a colorful bird.
The elephant can splash itself with water.
The giraffe has a very short neck.
The lion is the king of the jungle.
The zebra has black and blue strips.
The tortoise has a shell.
Fourth exercise: what animals do you know? Solve the crossword.

Ok! That’s all!
Open your diaries and write down your home task.

Your marks for today … .
So, what did we do today?
What interesting words?
What new grammar have you learnt?
The lesson is over. You may be free! Good-bye!