1 | Moment of organization | Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you, sit down, please! Answer my questions! What date is it today? What day is it today? What month is it now? What weather do you like today? | 1. Good morning, good morning! Good morning to you! Good morning dear teacher, We are glad to see you! Pupils sit on the places Today is……… Today is…… It is……. now It is sunny and warm today | 2 |
2 | Engage | It is right. Today is very beautiful day. And I’ll you propose to visit ZOO. When we’ll acquaint with animals, birds. You want to visit ZOO? Remember our song and go in the ZOO I can go to the Zoo I can see a kangaroo I can see a hare I can see a bear | Pupils listen to teacher attentively Yes, We want Pupils sing song I can go to the Zoo I can see a kangaroo I can see a hare I can see a bear | 3 |
3 | Study (game) | In the classroom hang pictures with animals. Group of pupils come up to each animal and one person (pupil) present your animal the entire group. Teacher observes work of pupils. (Pupils acquaint with last animals, read for carts) It’s very fine, children. But it’s time to lose our ZOO, say good-bye! | (In the house each pupil prepared story about one animal) 1 Pupil: Good morning, my name is Regina. This is a brown bear. It lives in the forest. It likes to eat berries and honey. In winter it sleeping. 2. Pupil: Good morning, my name is Nikolai. This is lion. It is very dangerous. It lives in safari and it likes to eat meat. 3. Pupil: Good morning, I’m Lena. This is a fox. It is an orange. It lives in the forest. It likes to eat eggs and chicken. Fox is very cunning. 4 pupils: This is a wolf. It is a grey. Wolf likes to eat rabbit and a lot of meat. It lives in the forest. Wolf is beast of prey 5. Pupil: Good morning, I’m Sergey. This is an elephant. It grey and big. It afraid mouse and eat plants. It lives in Sahara. It weight can be about 3000 kl. 6. Pupils: Good morning, I’m Tania. This is a giraffe. It lives in Sahara and eats plans. It is multicolor especially yellow in brown sport. It has a long neck. 7. Pupils: Good morning! I’m Tanat. This is a camel. It lives in the desert. It names of “sheep’s desert” because it traveling and it has two big humped. It drink a lot of water about 50 liters. It eats plans. It orange and brown. 8. Pupils: Good morning, my name is Dima. This is a zebra. It lives in Sahara and eats plants. It multicolor black and white stripes. It is very fast 9. Pupil: Good morning, I’m Gulmira. This is a horse. It is a domestic animal. It likes to eat plants and drinks water. It can be a lot of colours. For example: brown, black, white and etc. It lives everywhere and it help to people in the house. 10. Good morning. My name is Nastia. This is a monkey. They live in the forest and eat berries. It can be grey and black. They are very funny. All pupils: Good-bye! | 20 |
4 | Minute of sport | I fly like a bird, I swim like a fish, I leap like a kangaroo. I trot like a horse, I run like a hare, I climb like a snake, I skip like a girl, I hop like a frog and then I clap my hands high, I clap my hands low And begin it all over again. | Pupils repeat for the teacher I fly like a bird, I swim like a fish, I leap like a kangaroo. I trot like a horse, I run like a hare, I climb like a snake, I skip like a girl, I hop like a frog and then I clap my hands high, I clap my hands low And begin it all over again. | 3 |
5 | Speech of pupil | Today you visit ZOO tell me you opinion. Are you like ZOO? What you like? Do you want visit ZOO else? | Pupil: I’m feeling very nice. I see a lot of animal domestic and wild. Some animals were dangerous for example lion and wolf. I want to visit ZOO in future week. 2. Pupils: It is picturesque. I see monkey. It was very amusing and I take a few knowledge about animal Etc. | 7 |
6 | Work of dictation | You are good boys and girls. But I want how you know animal in the ZOO. I’ll read description of animal you should write in your copybook what is it? It lives in the desert. It names of “sheep’s desert” They are very funny. It multicolor black and white stripes It is multicolor especially yellow in brown sport. It is an orange It lives in the forest. It likes to eat berries and honey. It lives everywhere and it help to people in the house Change copybook with your partner and check answers, listen attentively and etc. Answers: 1) Camel; 2) monkey; 3) zebra; 4) giraffe; 5) fox; 6) bear; 7) horse. If you answer on all of the question put five, if you do two mistakes put four, more put three. | Pupils listen teacher Pupils write answers in copybooks Camel; 2) monkey; 3) zebra; 4) giraffe; 5)fox; 6) bear; 7)horse Pupils check answers of your partner | 7 |