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How many stamps have you got? конспект урока

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Aims of the lesson: Educational: To enrich pupils’ speech using verbs have got, has got,
Developing: To develop their reading, writing, speaking skills, grammar and lexical habits.
Bringing - up: To bring - up love and interest to the subject, to bring - up pupils to be attentive to
write correctly.

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«How many stamps have you got? конспект урока »

How many stamps have you got?

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Form 5
Theme of the lesson: How many stamps have you got?
Aims of the lesson: Educational: To enrich pupils’ speech using verbs have got, has got,
Developing: To develop their reading, writing, speaking skills, grammar and lexical habits.
Bringing - up: To bring - up love and interest to the subject, to bring - up pupils to be attentive to
write correctly.
Materials for the lesson: pictures, an interactive board.
I. Organization moment.
А) Greetings.
II. Checking the homework: Exercise10
III. Warm - up:
I have got a dog
You have got a frog
They have got a fox
We have got a box
IV. Vocabulary:
Coin [kɔɪn] - монета
Stamp [stæmp] - марка
Badge [bædʒ] - эмблема, значок
have [hæv]- иметь
shell [ʃɛl] - скорлупа
has [hæz] – иметь
postcard [ˈpəustkɑːd] - открытка
model [ˈmɔdl] - модель; макет
car [kɑːr] - автомобиль, машина
star [stɑːr] - звезда
foreign [ˈfɔrɪn] - иностранный, зарубежный
drum [drʌm]- барабан
V. Our theme in our lesson is “ How many stamps have you got?”
Verbs: have got, has got.
I have a stamp.
I have stamps.
I have got a badge.
I have badges.
She has got a book.
Negative sentences:
I have not got a badge.
You have not got a badge.
He has not got a badge.
She has not got a badge.
We have not got badges.
You have not got a badge.
They have not got badges.
Interrogative sentences: (?)
- How many pens have you got?
- About 70.
- How many pencils she got?
- 40.
Множественное число 
Единственное число
+ s. book books
+es bus buses
- s, ss dress dresses
- sh, ch, x box boxes
- f, fe knife knives
- y city cities
VI. Practice work:
Exercise 2 Listen and point.
Omar has got 11coins, 84 stamps, 70 postcards, 5 model cars.
Omar hasn’t got pop star photos and shells.
My friend has got 10 coins, 90 stamps, 20 postcards, 16 model cars.
My friend hasn’t got badges.
Exercise 4 Read the dialogue.
Omar: How many postcards have you got?
Colin: About seventy.
Omar: My sister has got nearly a hundred.
Colin: Has she got any foreign stamps?
Omar: Yes, she has some.
Colin: How many has she got?
Omar: About thirty.
Colin: Has she got any shells?
Exercise 5 Listen and repeat
one apple - four apples
one bike - two bikes
one pen - five pens
one watch - three watches
Exercise 6 Listen and repeat.
Omar: How many postcards have you got? Colin: About seventy.
Exercise 7. Talk to your friend about your things and fill in the chart. How many pens have you got?
My friend has got three pens.
I have got five pens.
My friend has got two badges.
I have got seven badges. 
Exercise 8. Listen and repeat.
Colin: Has your sister got any foreign stamps?
Omar: Yes, she has some.
Exercise 9. Look at the chart and talk to your friend about Colin and Omar's collections.
— Has Colin got any badges?
— Yes, he has some / No, he hasn't any.
Exercise 12 Talk to your friend. Fill in the chart.
Example: You: Have you got any foreign coins? Your friend: Yes, I have / No, I haven't. You:
How many foreign coins have you got? Your friend: Eight.
VII. Make up sentences with pictures:
Look at the pictures and write sentences with have got or has got. Then write negative and
interrogative sentences, as in the example.
(boy / bike)
The boy has got a bike.
The boy hasn’t got a bike.
Has the boy got a bike?
(Rabbits / big ears)
VIII. Homework: Exercise 13, 14
IX. Conclusion: Giving marks. The lesson is over! Good bye!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

How many stamps have you got? конспект урока

Автор: Демеуова Алмагул Хамитовна

Дата: 15.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 187071

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