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Holidays, traditions and customs in England. English Meals.

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«Holidays, traditions and customs in England. English Meals.»

Сабақ жоспары №__16__

Object: english language



Сабақтың типі/Types of lesson: Practical

Сабақтың тақырыбы/The theme of the lesson: Holidays, traditions and customs in England. English Meals. English tenses.

Сабақтың мақсаттары/Lesson aim; to advance students’ knowledge about Kazakh and England traditions and customs, to activate the students' speaking abilities about customs and traditions of countries, to teach students to search and learn necessary materials themselves.

Білімділік/Educational: to develop pupils’ pronunciation in English. To develop communicative skills and abilities through different communicative activities, to widen pupil’s knowledge about holidays, to speak about holidays

Tәрбиелік/Educational: to develop pupils' monologue speech, oral speech, logical thinking.

Дамытушылық/Developmental: o bring up students to love, respect and keep traditions and customs of Kazakhstan and England and to great an interest in studying in English language

Пәнаралық байланыс/The relationship with other subjects: Kazakh language, Russian language

Оқытудың әдістері және ынталандыру/Teaching methods: Oral speech, visual and practical method, illustrative - demonstrative.

Сабақтың әдістемелік қамтамасыз етілуі/Methodical support of the lesson:

Әдебиеттер/Literature: Агабекян И.П « Английский язык для ССУЗ-ов» М 2007

Аяпова Т., Тутбаева Ж., Укбаев Д. «Английский язык » Алматы «Мектеп »2006

Антипова А.Ф. Английский для студентов технических вузов. Альянс, 2011

Сабақтың құрылымы мен мазмұны/The content of the lesson


Кезеңдері/moments of the lesson

Сабақтың кезеңдерінің мазмұны мен сұрақтары/Questions and the content of the lesson



I.Ұйымдастыру кезеңі, сәлемдесу, түгелдеу, студенттердің зейнін сабаққа аудару/Greeting with students.Ask them about the day,date.Mark the absent students

Good morning, my dear students. How are you? I am fine too. Thank you.

Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What day is it today?Is anybody absent?


II.Сабақтың мақсатын және жұмыс жоспарын хабарлау /content of the walk plan and objectives of the lesson

  1. Holidays, traditions and customs in England

  2. English Meals. English tenses.

  3. Exercises


III.Студенттердің білімін бақылау. Үй тапсырмасын тексеру/Homework,check control

T:Let's check up your home task. What was the home task for today?

S:Our task was to learn new words on the theme “Education in England”.

T: Please, answer to the following questions:

1. When does compulsory school begin?

2. How long does a child stay in compulsory school?

3. What subjects do children learn in Primary School?

4. What kind of exam do students have to take when they are 16?

5. Do students have to leave school at the age of 16 or to continue their studies?

6.How do private schools differ from the regular ones?

7.How many universities are there in England?

T: Thank you for your answers.


IY.Білімді,іскерлікті және дағдыны игеруін тексеру/Control of students knowledge;

T: What do you know about customs and traditions in England?

S:1. In Great Britain people attach greater importance to traditions and customs than in other European countries. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. The best examples are their queen, money system.

S:2. British people think that the Grand National horse race is the most exciting horse race in the world.

S:3 A popular Scottish event is the Edinburgh Festival of music and drama, which takes place every year. 

S:4. The English always give people's weight in pounds and stones.

T:What holidays are in England?


Y. Рефераттарды баяндамаларды қорғау/Protection of abstract reports.

Answer the questions.

You know that people like to celebrate holidays all over the world.

 Nowadays different people celebrate different holidays.

 - What about your families?

- What holidays do your families prefer to celebrate ?

 - What is your favourite holiday?

 - When is it celebrated ?

 - What do you usually do?

 - What do you eat?


YI.Студенттердің өзіндік жұмысы/Independent work of students


Chimney-дымоход, труба





Trick- трюк,фокус


Turkey- индейка,индюк




Party- вечеринка



Play tricks- разыгрывать трюк

Pudding- пудинг


Sweets- сладости

a pumpkin pie- тыквенный пирог

money- деньги

gather together- собрать вместе

gifts- подарки, дарить


ghosts- призраки

traditional dinner- традиционный ужин

fireworks - фейерверк

bonfire- костер

candle- свеча

national- национальный

tradition- традиция

guy- парень




YII. Арнайы тапсырмалар/Special task

Do exercises.  Read what a boy is saying. Write in am, is or are.

1.A) I'm in the park. I can see some children. They ____ playing volleyball. There's my friend Greg! He ____ reading a book. The girl ____ eating a sandwich. The boy and the dog ____ playing with a ball. They can't see me because I ____ sitting in a tree. What ___ you doing? ____ you listening to me?


  1. Look! The children ____ jumping.

  2. The cat ____ sleeping now.

  3. My friend and I ____ not dancing now.

  4. Dave ___ reading now.

  5. Look! I ___ swimming.

C )Make up negative sentences in Present Progressive.

  • the sofa / Sam / is / on / not / sitting.

  • Are / playing / not / the cats.

  • cooking / Mother / not / my / is

  • Reading / friends / her / are / not


YIII.Жаңа тақырыпты бекіту/Synthesis of a new material;

Text: Holidays, traditions and customs in England.

It is not a secret that every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions.


On the 25th of December there is the greatest holiday of all in England – Christmas. People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys. Wealth is an ornament where people hang on the front door . Father Christmas put presents in the stockings. Children wake up early to find stockings full of small presents. Rudolph is the most famous Santa Clauses reindeer of all since he leads the sleigh and has a red nose.

St. Valentine’s day

On the 14th of February there is St. Valentine’s Day. People send Valentine’s cards to someone they love. Usually they don’t sing them – you must guess who sent cards to you. Аnonymous messages may be signed simply "from a secret admirer“ or Your Valentine.

Thanksgiving day

There is one day a year when all Americans stay home with their families and eat a big dinner. Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival. The pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in the fall of 1621. The traditional meal often includes a turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie.

Independence Day

The 4th of July is Independence Day. It is the biggest national holiday in the USA. The Declaration of Independence was proclaimed in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776. Americans have holiday from work. People have day-long picnics with favourite foods. In the evening people gather to watch firework displays.


On the 31st of October there is Halloween. The symbol of this holiday is "Jack o'lantern". People make it from a pumpkin. Children like Halloween parties, they put on witch’s and  ghost’s dresses and knocking at the door with saying “trick or treat” in order to give some sweets.


IX.сабақты қорытындылау /Summarizing the lesson;

Now let me return you to the beginning of our lesson. We started our lesson with saying. We can speak much, you work hard.The lesson is over! Good-bye!


X.Үйге тапсырма беру/Home work;

Your home task is to learn by heart the new words and write about what customs and holidays do you like.

So, our lesson is over, I think we have reached our aims. You are free. Good-bye!


Text: Holidays, traditions and customs in England.

It is not a secret that every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions.


On the 25th of December there is the greatest holiday of all in England – Christmas. People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys. Wealth is an ornament where people hang on the front door . Father Christmas put presents in the stockings. Children wake up early to find stockings full of small presents. Rudolph is the most famous Santa Clauses reindeer of all since he leads the sleigh and has a red nose.

St. Valentine’s day

On the 14th of February there is St. Valentine’s Day. People send Valentine’s cards to someone they love. Usually they don’t sing them – you must guess who sent cards to you. Аnonymous messages may be signed simply "from a secret admirer“ or Your Valentine.

Thanksgiving day

There is one day a year when all Americans stay home with their families and eat a big dinner. Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival. The pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in the fall of 1621. The traditional meal often includes a turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie.

Independence Day

The 4th of July is Independence Day. It is the biggest national holiday in the USA. The Declaration of Independence was proclaimed in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776. Americans have holiday from work. People have day-long picnics with favourite foods. In the evening people gather to watch firework displays.

Easter day

In April or at the end of March England people celebrate Easter Day. On Easter Sunday children get chocolate eggs and rabbits. You will see colorfully decorated eggs with many traditional "Easter trees" in the garden, especially in Germany. The rabbit is probably the most popular Easter icon. The week before Easter is called Holy week and it begins with Palm Sunday. 


On the 31st of October there is Halloween. The symbol of this holiday is "Jack o'lantern". People make it from a pumpkin. Children like Halloween parties, they put on witch’s and  ghost’s dresses and knocking at the door with saying “trick or treat” in order to give some sweets.

Guy Fawkes' or Bonfire night

In England, Bonfire Night is associated with the tradition of celebrating the failure of Guy Fawkes' actions on 5 thof November. In this day, people burn the dummy of Guy Fawkes, made of straw, on a bonfire.

St. Patrick’s day

St. Patrick's Day is a cultural and religious holiday celebrated on the 17th of March, and named in honor of the patron saint of Ireland. The celebrations are largely Irish culture and typically consist of wearing green, parades, and drinking. One traditional symbol of Saint Patrick's Day is the Shamrock. "Shamrock" is the common name for several different kinds of

three-leafed clovers native to Ireland. The first Saint Patrick's Festival was held on 17 March 1996.

(British traditions and customs)

Every nation becomes special by means of its own traditions and customs. There is no other nation that clings to the past with the tenacity of the British. They are really proud of their traditions, they cherish them. When we think of Britain we often think of people drinking white tea, eating fish and chips, sitting by the fireplace or wearing bowler hats, but there is much more in Britain than just those things. Some British traditions are royal, such as the Changing of the Guard which takes place every day at Buckingham Palace. The Trooping of the Colour happens on the Queen’s official birthday. It’s a big colouful parade with hundreds of soldiers and brass bands.

British holidays (Christmas, Easter, Guy Fawkes Night, Remembrance Day) are especially rich in old traditions and customs. A traditional Christmas dinner consists of roast turkey and potatoes, cranberry sauce, sweet mince pies and Christmas pudding. On Christmas Eve children hang up their stockings around the fireplace for Father Christmas to fill with presents. At Easter chocolate eggs are given as presents symbolizing new life. Guy Fawkes Night is also known as Bonfire Night because English people burn stuffed figures on bonfires. On Remembrance Day red poppies are traditionally worn in memory of servicemen who lost their lives in wars. National Morris Dancing can be seen throughout the month of May in most of English villages. Groups of men and women wear coloured costumes, carry white handkerchiefs and perform their lively folkdance.One of Englishmen’s traditions is their tender love for animals. Pets are members of English families and are protected by law. There are even special cemeteries for animals in Great Britain. Most English people love their gardens too. They enjoy gardening and decorating their houses with beautiful flowers and plants.Sports play an essential part in the life of Britain and it is a popular leisure activity. Rugby, golf, cricket, polo and horse-racing are British national sports and they are played on village greens and in towns on Sundays.Politeness and punctuality are typical features of all British people. They often say “Sorry”, “Please” and “Thank you” with a smiling face and they always try to arrive on time.The British are also traditional about their breakfast. They usually eat bacon and eggs, a toast with orange jam, a bowl of cereals or porridge in the morning. There are over 60 thousand pubs in the United Kingdom. Pubs are an important part of British life too. People talk, eat, drink, meet their friends and relax there.



Каждая нация становится особенной благодаря ее собственным традициям и обычаям. Нет другой такой нации, которая остается верной своему прошлому с упорством британцев. Они очень горды своими традициями и бережно их хранят. Когда мы думаем о Британии, мы часто представляем людей, пьющих чай с молоком, принимающих в пищу фиш-энд-чипс, сидящих у камина или со шляпой-котелком на голове, однако Британия – это нечто гораздо большее. Некоторые британские традиции являются королевскими, такие как Смена караула, которая происходит каждый день у Бакингемского дворца. Церемония выноса знамени проходит в официальный день рождения Королевы. Это большой красочный парад с сотнями солдат и духовыми оркестрами.

Британские праздники (Рождество, Пасха, Ночь Гай Фокса, День памяти) особенно богаты старинными традициями и обычаями. Традиционный рождественский ужин состоит из жареной индейки с картофелем, клюквенного соуса, сладких пирожков и рождественского пудинга. В канун Рождества дети подвешивают чулки возле камина для того, чтобы Санта наполнил их подарками. В Пасху в качестве подарков раздаются шоколадные яйца, как символ новой жизни. Ночь Гай Фокса известна также как Ночь Костров, так как англичане поджигают чучела на кострах. В День памяти традиционно носят красные маки для того, чтобы почтить память погибшим в войнах военным. Национальные Моррис танцы можно увидеть на протяжении всего мая в большинстве английских деревушек. Группы мужчин и женщин надевают красочные костюмы, держат в руках белые платки и выступают с зажигательными народными танцами.

Одной из традиций у англичан считается их нежная любовь к животным. Животные являются членами английских семей и находятся под защитой закона. Существуют даже специальные кладбища для животных в Великобритании. Большинство англичан также любят свои сады. Им нравится заниматься садоводством и украшать свои дома красивыми цветами и растениями.

Спорт играет существенную роль в жизни Британии и является популярным времяпрепровождением. Рэгби, гольф, крикет, поло и конные скачки – это национальные виды спорта, и в них играют на зеленых сельских лужайках и в городах по воскресеньям.

Вежливость и пунктуальность – типичные черты всех британцев. Они часто говорят «Простите», «Пожалуйста» и «Спасибо» с улыбкой на лице и всегда стараются приходить вовремя.

Британцы также традиционны за завтраком. Обычно они едят яичницу с беконом, тост с апельсиновым джемом, тарелку с хлопьями или кашу по утрам.

В Соединенном Королевстве более 60 тысяч пабов. Пабы – это также важная часть британской жизни. Там люди общаются, едят, пьют, встречаются с друзьями и отдыхают.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Holidays, traditions and customs in England. English Meals.


Дата: 01.06.2019

Номер свидетельства: 513031

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