Саба?ты? та?ырыбы: Holidays
Саба?ты? ма?саты. А?Ш, ?лыбритания ж?не ?аза?станны? е? ма?ызды мерекелері туралы толы? ма?л?мат беру. М?тін о?у ар?ылы о?ушыларды? с?здік ?орын молайту. А?ылшын тілінде мерекелер жайлы еркін с?йлеуге ?йрету. ?з еліні? салт- д?ст?рін білуге ж?не бас?а елді? салт-д?ст?рін ??рметтеуге т?рбиелеу
Саба? ?дісі: Концерт
Саба? типі: Д?ст?рлі емес
К?рнекілігі: Слайдтар, видеорликтер, ?р т?рлі кейіпкерлер киімі, шарлар ж?не сыйлы?тар
П?н аралы? байланыс: Тарих, музыка
Саба? барысы:
I. ?йымдастыру кезе?і
Teacher: Good morning, dear guests and children!
Children!: Good morning, teacher!
Teacher: I’m glad to see you at our lesson of English and Kazakh holiday. Thank you! Sit down, please!
The аims of our lesson is to learn a lot of about the most important holidays of English and Kazakh and to develop vocabulary skills and be fluent in English. Every country has its own traditions. Our lesson will be in the form of concert. At the lesson, students will sing and dance.
II. Шатты? ше?бер
Teacher: Children, what day is it 14th of February?
Children!: St.Valentine’s day!
Teacher: Yes, you are right! OK. Let’s stand around and wish each-other nice wishes. (о?ушылар бір-біріне ашы?хат беріп, ?з тілектерін айтады.
Teacher: Now, on this holiday we will write the wishes and put them in the balls and give them to our guests. And let’s watch the video about this holiday while preparing balls.
Teacher: OK, give them to guests.
- Мерекелер жайлы слайдтар.
Teacher: What holidays in Great Britain do you know? (Мерекелер атауларын айтады о?ушылар)
Children! There are: the New Year, Thanksgiving day, Christmas day, Halloween, etc..
Teacher: Now children will present about the New Year, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas day, and Halloween. Many festivals and holidays in Britain are very old. Every town, village in Britain has its own traditions.
Teacher: Now, we will discuss each of the feasts and tell more about them. OK. I’ll show you presentation to introduce New Year.(Жа?а жыл жайлы слайд)
Сhildren: The New Year marks the beginning of a new calendar year. The New Year of the Gregorian calendar, today in worldwide use, falls on 1 January.
All over Britain there are parties, fireworks, singing and dancing, to ring out the old year and ring in the new. As the clock - Big Ben - strikes midnight, people link arms and sing a song.
New Year in United Kingdom is celebrated on January 1. The New Year in England is celebrated with great enthusiasm. The New Year is celebrated either by having a party at home with family and friends. (О?ушылар о?ып береді).
Teacher: Thank you. As everyone knows on this holiday we sing a song “Jingle bells”. Let’s sing this song. All together.. Jingle Bells
Teacher: Thank you. Now, let’s to present another English tradition - Thanksgiving Day.(Ал?ыс білдіру к?ні жайлы слайд)
Сhildren: Thanksgiving Day is a traditional North American holiday celebrated at the conclusion of the harvest season...
Thanksgiving began as a religious observance to thank God.
Before the meal, many people say grace, which is a short prayer to thank God.
On this day, families and friends have a reunion, and enjoy a festive meal.
Thanksgiving meals are traditional events...
Turkey is served in most Thanksgiving feasts.
Symbols of Thanksgiving Day Turkey Corn Cranberry Cornucopia Pumpkin.
Teacher: Thank you for your presentation. On this holiday we want to thank you for coming to our lesson and to give you small gifts from our children.
Teacher: OK. Now, let’s to present about Christmas day. Please. (Рождество к?ні жайлы слайд)
Сhildren: Christmas is celebrated on the 25th December. It is the time when Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus. Most people are on holiday in the UK and stay at home with their family on Christmas day. Christmas Day is the favourite day for children. They wake up very early in the morning to find their stockings have been filled by Father Christmas
Christmas is the most widely celebrated festival in the whole world today. Christmas is a time for families, fun, and festivals.
A typical Christmas celebration in America mix Irish, Austrian, Polish and Belgian traditions into something that is its own. As in England Christmas in the USA is celebrated on 25th of December.
Christmas is Britain's most popular holiday and is characterized by traditions which date back hundreds of years.
Teacher: Thank you for your presentation. For this holiday we sing a song “We wish you are merry Christmas”. Some children will prepare for the next holiday and others will sing a song “We wish you are merry Christmas” (Хелоуин мерекесіні? кейіпкерлері осы ?нді айт?анда киінуге кетеді. ?ал?ан о?ушылар ?нді айтады). WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year.
Good tidings we bring
To you and your kin;
We wish you are merry Christmas
And a happy New Year!
Teacher: Thank you children. (хелоуинге байланысты ?уен ойналып т?рады). Now let’s give the floor to the next students. They are going to present Halloween.
Witch: I am witch. Today is my day. I have the strongest power and I can do everything. I teach children to be bad.
Ghost: I am a ghost, spirit of dead people. I come by night to scare people. Boo-boo!!!
Vampire: I am vampire. I live in tombs, walking at night, sleeping by day. My favourite drink is blood. My best friends are spiders and bats.
A black cat: I am a cat. I am a witch’s favourite animal. I always help her. I don’t like children. (?ара мысы?, вампир, скелет, дух, ведьма, тыш?ан ?здерін таныстырады).
Teacher: Oh, my God! I’m afraid! Do you? The characters will make a riddle and you will guess of the riddles. If we don’t guess the riddles they don’t leave us. (Слайдпен ж?мба? жасырады)
In a dark, dark wood
there is a dark, dark ... house.
And in the dark, dark house
there is a dark, dark ... room.
And in the dark, dark room
there is a dark, dark ... cupboard.
And in the dark, dark cupboard
there is a dark, dark… box.
And in the dark, dark box
there is a ... ghost
“Thriller” музыкасына о?ушылары билейді.
Teacher: OK, Thank you, children! We talked about the most important festivals of the British. Kazakhstan has many different customs and traditions. The most important Kazakh holiday of the year is Nauryz – the Kazakh New Year. No, let’s to present about the Kazakh New Year.
Сhildren: ?аза?станда ресми т?рде Наурыз 1988 жылдан бері тойланып келеді. Б?л мерекені Шы?ыс елдері ?збекстан, ?ыр?ызстан, Ау?анстан, Т?жікстан, П?кстан ерте кезден ?ткізеді. Б?л мереке таби?ат пен адамны? ?ндестігін к?рсетеді. Наурыз к?н мен т?нні? те?елген к?ні. К?ктемгі к?н то?ысы наурыз айыны? 21-нен 22-не ауыс?ан т?ні болды. Осы уа?ыттан бастап к?н ?зарып, т?н ?ыс?арады.Наурыз - жыл басы. Парсы тілінде "нау" - "жа?а", "руз" - "к?н" деген ??ымдарды білдіреді. Халы? наурыз мерекесіне алдын - ала дайындалады. Д?ст?р бойынша ?йге ?ос шыра? жа?ылады, ыдыстар ернеуіне дейін айранмен, с?тпен немесе б?ла? суымен толтырылады. Б?л - то?шылы?ты? белгісі. Таби?атпен байланыс к?н Ана?а деген та?зымнан к?рінеді. Наурыз - досты?, е?бек, бейбітшілік мерекесі. ?лысты? ?лы к?ні адамдар бір-біріне деген ренішін ?мытып ?зіне де, ?згеге де жа?сылы? тілеген. Дастар?анны? басты асы наурызк?же бол?ан. Наурызк?же жеті т?рлі та?амнан жасал?ан. "Наурыз к?жені тойып ішу керек, сонда жыл бойы то?шылы? болады!" деген сенім бар. Дастар?ан басында жастар ?лкендерді? батасын ал?ан. Бата - ?лкендерді? ?зінен жасы кішілерге беретін ы?ыласты тілегі. А?са?алдар: "?лыс о? болсын! А? мол болсын, ?айда барса жол болсын!" - деп бата береді.
Teacher: Thank you for your presentation! For this holiday we sing a song “Nauryz”.(«Наурыз» ?ні айтылады)
IV. Ба?алау
Teacher: Let’s some the results of our lesson. Your work was very active. Your marks are very high. Stand up! Thank you. Our lesson is over. Good-bye, dear guests and children!
Pupils: Good-bye, teacher!