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Guests from Great Britain

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Ма?саты: Ел президентіні? жолдауында к?рсеткендей ?азіргі ш?кірттерімізді ерте?гі к?н ?лем ке?істігіне еркін ену ?шін білім беру ж?йесі халы?аралы? де?гейге к?теру.

1.?здеріні? ?абілеттеріне, м?дделеріне орай тілін ?йреніп ж?рген ел ?кілдерімен 

 байланыс орнатып, оны т?рлі ?арым-?атнас жа?дайларында ары ?арай д?рыс жауап беруге ?йрету.

2.О?ушыларды? танымды? белсенділіктерін арттыру,оларды ?мір бойы  дербес   о?у?а, ?з бетімен ізденіп білім алу?а дайындап, білімнен  ?зіне ?ажеттерін ала   білуге да?дыландыру;

3.О?ушыны? ?зі тілін ?йреніп жат?ан ел мен оны? м?дениетіне,  біліміне, ?неріне деген ?з к?з?арастарын ?алыптастыру, сол тілге деген ?ызы?ушылы?ын арттыру.

Сыныптaн тыс іс-шараны? т?рі: Дебат

К?рнекіліктер: Мектеп, саба?тар  туралы видио роликтер, а?ылшын тілінде жазыл?ан на?ыл с?здер, т.б.

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«Guests from Great Britain »

«Үшқоңыр ауылындағы орта мектеп мектепке дейінгі шағын орталықпен» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі

Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі

Исаева Замира Алиқызы

(Сыныптaн тыс іс-шара)

10/11 сынып

Сыныптaн тыс іс-шара

Тақырыбы: Guests from Great Britain (Ұлы Британиядан қонақтар)

Мақсаты: Ел президентінің жолдауында көрсеткендей қазіргі шәкірттерімізді ертеңгі күн әлем кеңістігіне еркін ену үшін білім беру жүйесі халықаралық деңгейге көтеру.

1.Өздерінің қабілеттеріне, мүдделеріне орай тілін үйреніп жүрген ел өкілдерімен

байланыс орнатып, оны түрлі қарым-қатнас жағдайларында ары қарай дұрыс жауап беруге үйрету.

2.Оқушылардың танымдық белсенділіктерін арттыру,оларды өмір бойы дербес оқуға, өз бетімен ізденіп білім алуға дайындап, білімнен өзіне қажеттерін ала білуге дағдыландыру;

3.Оқушының өзі тілін үйреніп жатқан ел мен оның мәдениетіне, біліміне, өнеріне деген өз көзқарастарын қалыптастыру, сол тілге деген қызығушылығын арттыру.

Сыныптaн тыс іс-шараның түрі: Дебат

Көрнекіліктер: Мектеп, сабақтар туралы видио роликтер, ағылшын тілінде жазылған нақыл сөздер, т.б.

Іс-шараның барысы:

1.Мұғалімнің кіріспе сөзі

2.Оқушылардың дебаты


Teacher: Hello, dear guests, teachers and students! I’m glad to see you. As you now English is becoming an universal language on our planet. That’s why, dear students, go on learning English as hard as possible. Now we are going to have a role-play lesson. The students from the 10th-11th want to show their knowledge of English language.

Enjoy the lesson. Let’s start.

Voice of the announcer:

Attention, please! The group of students from Great Britain is awaited at the Baggage Department. Thank you.(a young man with a poster “The group of students from Great


Alice (Аlua)Excuse me, I think you are meeting us.

Guide :(Аmina)Good afternoon. I am pleased to welcome you in Almaty. I am Amina, your guide.

Alice (Аluа)I am Alice Adams. This is Michael Morris, Edward Corn, Leonard Lee, Olivia Osborne, Gloria Grand.

Guide (Аmina)Glad to meet you. When you receive your luggage and pass the passport control, we shall meet the families with whom you will stay. Look! Some people have come to meet you. It’s Nurbol and his friends and their teacher. Good afternoon, Mereurt Erbolovna. Hello Nurbol! Mereurt Erbolovna may I introduce to you our English guests?

Meruert: Glad to meet you. I hope journey was pleasant!

Alice (Аluа)Very nice, thank you

Guide (Аminа)Nurbol is my fellow-student. He speaks English very well and he is very enthusiastic about English music.

Olivia (Аidа)Here is our luggage

Guide (Аminа)Take your luggage, everybody. Let’s go and get taxis

Visiting school

Azamat: Dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you in our school. I’m Azamat Laubayev, a 11th form student. I’m also the President of the international Friendship club at our school.

Michael:(Darhan) Nice to meet you, Azamat. When did you become the Club President?

Azamat: oh, it happened this year, in September.

Michael:(Darhan) Oh, it’s really good!

Azamat: Yes of course.

Alice: (Аluа)What have you done in your Club since you were elected?

Azamat: A lot of things

Alice: (Аluа)Have you learned any language?

Azamat: Of course, we have. Some of our members are very good at learning languages. For example, Shahniza has learned three languages: English, French, and German.

Gloria: (Ajar)What a good girl! How clever of her!

Olivia: (Аidа)What made her to learn so many languages in such a short of time?

Azamat: Can you guess? Well, she wants to travel, that’s why!

Olivia: (Аidа) Good luck to you, Shahniza, and enjoy your travels!

Shahnisa: Thank you. Visiting different countries has been my dream for ages.

Gloria: (Ajar). Haven’t you studied the culture and literature of foreign countries at your Club?

Azamat: Yes, we have. I’ve just forgotten to mention it. We have also written to pen friends and have received guests.

Meruert: Could you tell us about school in Great Britain?

Edward: (Berik)We’ll try to. In Great Britain education is compulsory for the children from 5 to16.

Sahniza: So, you went to school at the age of 5, didn’t you?

Edward: (Berik) that’s right. At 5 I went to the primary school, and at the age of 11 to the secondary school.

Nurbol: I hear, there are different types of secondary school in Great Britain

Edward: (Berik) Sure, there are. There are comprehensive, grammar, independent school…

Nurbol: What type of secondary school did your parents choose for you, Cecily?

Edward: (Berik)They sent me to a grammar school. I am student of the Wilts Grammar School in London. It’s a school for girls. I like my school very much. There are good sports facilities in it, well equipped class rooms and a very cozy library.

Ainur: And what is an independent school?

Michael: (Darhan) I’m a student from an independent school. It is actually a privately owned institution. My parents have to pay for my education

Ainur: And comprehensive schools?

Leonard: (Nursultan 11a) I think it is the most typical school now. Comprehensive schools are run by the government. Education there is free of charge

Ainur: I say, Leonard, what was your favorite subject at school last year

Leonard: (Nursultan 11a)My favorite subject was history. In our history classes we often used computers

Nursultan: Computers-in history classes! How very interesting!

Leonard: (Nursultan 11a)Yes. Each student got an individual task

Nursultan:For example?

Leonard: (Nursultan 11a)For example, to make list of battles of King Henry VIII

Azamat: Did you use any special programmes?

Leonard: (Nursultan 11a)Yes, we did. And by the end of the period we gave our accounts to our teacher

Don’t you like to tell about your school?

Michael:( Darhan) Well, I’d like to know about education in Kazakhstan?

Shahniza: Education in Kazakhstan is compulsory for the children from 7 to 18. At 7 we go to the primary school. At the age of 10 to the secondary school

Olivia. (Аidа)Your school is new, isn’t it?

Meruert: Yes, you’re right. , Our school is one of the comprehensive school in Almaty region. Our school was built in 2008. It is modern 3 storied building. It has all the necessary facilities for studies. We can show you some slides about our school. Azamat, do you help me?

Azamat: This is our library. After schools the students spend their time at the library.

We often go there to borrow books. It has many interesting books. As you see it is very cozy. Look! There are flowers and fish there. I want to tell a typical day at our school. There is a mini centre for small children in school. Every day we have 6-7 lessons. Look our students at the lessons, chemistry, Physical training, physics lessons. It’s our meeting hall. Our teachers are intelligent and wise

Meruert: Oh, thank you, Azamat. We appreciate it.

Edward: (Berik)And what about your typical day at school?

Shahniza. School starts at 8 o’clock. Every day we have 6-7 classes. We learn different subjects: History, Algebra, Geometry, Biology, Computer Studies, Chemistry, Geography, Sport and others. English is studied from the 5th form. And if you guess my favorite school subject is English. I’m crazy about English.

Olivia. (Аidа)Have you got any subject clubs?

Ainur: In our school there are several subject clubs: Russian Drama Club, Kazakh Literature Club, Mathematics, Music and other clubs. As for me I am a member of the International Friendship Club

Meruert:Look here, everybody! The members of our International Friendship Club came here to show you the concert

6th class students will show play “Detective Story”

5th class will recite poems. There are the youngest members of our club

6th class will sing a song “Baby” by Justin Bieber

Michael (Darhan) How nice! That’s wonderful!

(Jadira will bring tea and cakes)

Jadira. I’m sorry to interrupt you. But I think it’s time to have tea… I have brought cakes for you. I have made myself. Help yourselves to some cakes!

Everybody. Thank you very much. It’s very kind of you

Olivia. (Аidа) The cake is delicious! I have had a lot

Azamat:May I tell you little secret? It’s Jadira’s birthday today. It’s her 16th birthday.

Everybody. Many happy returns of the day

Michael. (Darhan) I think we must sing a song especially for Jadira. What about this one?(begins singing)

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Jadira,

Happy birthday to you!


Teacher: Excellent!!! You are very wonderful students in our school. I think you’re able to show our country to real guests from foreign countries. Now, let’s accompany our guests to the airport. Good bye, Students. Thank you, for your coming in our country.

The role play is over thank you for your attention!!!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Guests from Great Britain

Автор: Исаева Замира Алиевна

Дата: 17.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 187678

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